Search quality rater guidelines - 2022

12.7.1 Know and Know Simple Queries The intent of a Know query is to find information on a topic. Users want to Know more about something. Know Simple queries are a special type of Know query. Know Simple queries seek a very specific answer, like a fact, diagram, etc. This answer has to be correct and complete, and can be displayed in a relatively small amount of space. As a general rule, if most people would agree on a correct answer, and it would fit in 1-2 sentences or a short list of items, the query can be called a Know Simple query. Know Simple queries may be questions such as [how tall is barack obama]. Frequently, Know Simple queries do not have question words. For example, [barack obama height] has the same user intent as [how tall is barack obama], but is not in a question format. Most queries are not Know Simple queries, such as: ● Broad, complex, and/or in-depth informational queries that do not have a short answer ● Ambiguous or unclear informational queries ● Informational queries on controversial topics ● Informational queries with no definitive <right answer= ● Queries where different users may want different types of information, or different sources of information Here are some examples where the Know Simple query asks for a simple fact, which can be answered correctly and completely in a small amount of space, and the Know query answer is more complex.

Know Simple Query

Know Query


The Know query is a broad information query and different users may be looking for different things (e.g., biography, books, social media posts, etc.). The Know query is a broad information query and different users may be looking for different things (e.g., tourist and trip planning information, facts, photographs, history). The Know query is a broad query for medical information and different users may have different needs. There is no single <answer= for this query. The Know query is a broad query for a particular service offered by a department store, and does not have a short answer. The Know query is a broad query and there is no short, complete answer. The Know query asks for an opinion and there is no definitive answer. Even though the Know query is theoretically a yes/no question, there is not a single answer that everyone would agree on. The query [weather] may seem like a broad information query, but most people likely have a fairly simple informational need: to find the current or upcoming temperature, and the chance of local weather events such as rain or snow. Therefore, consider queries like [weather], [weather today], [weather tomorrow], [weather this week] to be Know Simple queries. In contrast, the Know query is a broad information query and different users may be looking for different things.

[barack obama height] [how tall is obama]

[barack obama]

[new york city population 2013]

[new york city]

[who is graves disease named after]

[graves disease]

[macy’s store hours]

[macy’s gift wrap options]

[what is the symbol for the element nickel]

[what nickel is used for]

[who won the 2014 bcs national championship game]

[who is going to win the bcs national championship game]

[what is starbucks stock price]

[should i invest in starbucks stock]

[how do people predict the weather]


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