Sometimes, the user location can change our understanding of the query. For users close to Austin, Texas, the query [verbena] could have two different interpretations: a popular restaurant named Verbena or the plant verbena.
<What is the address
K <I want to learn more about the plant verbena.= Ä Query: [verbena] Locale: English (US) User Location: Austin, TX
of Verbena?=
Query: [verbena] Locale: English (US) User Location: Austin,TX
In most other user locations, there is no restaurant (or anything else) named Verbena and there is just one interpretation of the query [verbena]: the plant. The Austin restaurant is not well-known outside of Austin, TX.
<I want to learn more about
the plant verbena.=
Query: [verbena] Locale: English (US) User Location: Flint, MI
Use your common sense when thinking about queries and whether they have possible visit-in-person intent.
12.7.5 Queries with Multiple User Intents Many queries have more than one likely user intent. Please use your judgment when trying to decide if one intent is more likely than another intent.
Likely User Intent
Depending on the user need and location, users may want to visit the official homepage ( Website ), get directions ( Visit-in-Person ), or learn more about the school ( Know ). Most users want to go to a nearby Walmart ( Visit-in-Person ) or view the homepage to shop online ( Website ). Some or few users may want to learn more information about the company ( Know ). Copyright 2022 83
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