13.2 Fully Meets (FullyM) Fully Meets is a special rating category, which can be used in the following situations: ● The query and user need must be specific, clear, and unambiguous. ● All or almost all users would be completely satisfied by the result4users issuing that query would not need additional results to fully satisfy the user intent. In other words, the Fully Meets rating should be reserved for results that are the <complete and perfect response or answer= so that no other results are necessary for all or almost all users to be fully satisfied. You will need to use your judgment to decide whether a result block can Fully Meet the user need. Here are some scenarios when the Fully Meets rating is appropriate: ● The user is clearly looking for a specific webpage or website and the result block with the specific webpage or website Fully Meets the user’s need. ● The user is looking for a very specific fact or piece of information and the result block provides the information thoroughly, accurately, and clearly, and is from a high quality source. No other results would be needed. Before using the Fully Meets rating for queries seeking a very specific fact or piece of information, you must check for accuracy and confirm that the information is supported by expert consensus where such consensus exists. Fully Meets may apply in other situations as well. Ask yourself whether the result block alone is the perfect and complete result that would fully satisfy all or almost all users. Be conservative when using the Fully Meets rating. When in doubt, consider a lower rating. Note: If a result block is very close to being fully satisfying, but the block alone may not be sufficient in order to fully satisfy all or almost all users, a rating of Highly Meets+ may be appropriate. Sometimes you have to think about how specific the user need is and will need to make a judgment call on whether it is specific enough to possibly have a Fully Meets rating.
13.2.1 Examples of Fully Meets (FullyM) Result Blocks
Query and User Intent
Fully Meets Explanation
The query has clear intent to go to the amazon.com website. While there may be other interpretations for the query, the dominant one is by far the website.
Query: [amazon] User Intent: Go to the Amazon website.
Query : [target website] User Intent: Go to the Target website.
The query has clear intent to go to target.com.
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