Query and User Intent
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The intent is to find coffee shops near the specific user location, represented by the blue dot on the map. This result block has a very satisfying list of nearby, popular, and prominent options within a few miles of the specific location. This kind of block is especially helpful for users who want to visit the business in person. Note that these blocks are interactive4clicking on a coffee shop will give options to call the business, get directions, read reviews, etc. Note: A range is included because some users would be fully satisfied with these selections, while some users would want more information (e.g., hours, distance from location, longer list of options). This block contains a map with the queried address, link to get directions, and specifies the landmark at the well-known address on the map (<The White House=). It’s not unusual to search for an address (or business) that is far from the user location. Here, the user has explicitly asked for a specific address in a far away place, and this result is very satisfying. For a query this specific, the user location does not change the rating. Note: A range is included because some users would be fully satisfied with this result, while some users would want more information (e.g., photos, a brief description).
Query: [nearby coffee shops] User Location: Mountain View, California User Intent: Find coffee shops near the user location.
Query: [1600 pennsylvania ave washington dc] User Location: Bakersville, California User Intent: Find a map, directions, information about what is located at this address, etc.
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