13.3 Highly Meets (HM) A rating of Highly Meets is assigned to results that meet the needs of many or most users. Highly Meets results are highly satisfying and a good <fit= for the query. In addition, they often have some or all of the following characteristics: high quality, authoritative, entertaining, and/or recent (e.g., breaking news on a topic). In order to receive a Highly Meets rating, information pages such as encyclopedia articles and news articles must be accurate and highly credible. Highly Meets medical and scientific information pages must represent well-established scientific/medical consensus unless the user is clearly seeking an alternative viewpoint. For all information pages, you must check for accuracy and confirm that the information is supported by expert consensus where such consensus exists. A query can have many Highly Meets results. Have high standards for the Highly Meets rating. This is especially important for queries with many on-topic results.
13.3.1 Examples of Highly Meets (HM) Result Blocks
Query and User Intent Result
Highly Meets Explanation
This result shows a complete list of all three locations in the Charlotte area, with information that is especially helpful for users who want to visit the store. Note: This result block is not Fully Meets because users who want to go to the website to see coupons, promotions, etc. would have to see additional results. This is the official website for Trader Joe’s, which has highly authoritative information on the businesses’ stores, promotions, recipes, news, etc. Note: This result block is not Fully Meets because users who want information to visit the store have to do a bit of work to find that information4it is not immediately available. This is the museum’s official website and has very helpful information about exhibits, membership, the store, etc. Note: This result block is not Fully Meets because users who want information to visit the museum have to do a bit of work to find that information4it is not immediately available.
Query: [trader joes] User Location: Charlotte, North Carolina User Intent: There are two possible user intents: most users probably want to visit a nearby location or go to the website. Query: [trader joes] User Location: Charlotte, North Carolina User Intent: There are two possible user intents: most users probably want to visit a nearby location or go to the website. Query: [museum of modern art] User Location: Manhattan, New York User Intent: There are two possible user intents: most users probably want to visit the museum (note that the user is located in NYC where the museum is located) or go to the website.
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