adidas Catalog


To enhance the appearance and extend the life of your uniforms, adidas recommends that you follow these cleaning and storing procedures: • Do not dry clean

For pre-washing, here is what is recommended: • It is recommended that a new set of uniforms be laundered before wearing; in lukewarm (100 F) water using a mild detergent. • Please follow up with us on how stained jerseys are performing today. Here is more info for continued care and washing. This below info is sent with every order: • UNIFORMS: should be laundered immediately after they have been worn. Color transfer (bleeding) may occur when in perspiration-soaked garments are left in a pile or folded one on top of another for any period of time. Garments that cannot be laundered at once should be hung individually on rust-proof hangers (plastic or wooden). All items are not a part of the garment; i.e. belts, pads, etc., should be removed and laundered separately. As an extra precaution, wash one jersey/pant, inside out, if results are acceptable, proceed with the balance. • PRE-SOAKING: Garments made of Antron Nylon or Spandex that are unusually soiled or stained can be pre-soaked in lukewarm (100 F) water with a pre-soak agent for no longer than one hour. Cold or Hot water can cause color transfer. Gar- ments should be laundered immediately after pre soaking! Pre-soak agents such as Tide, Cheer, or Wisk are not endorsed by adidas, but appear to work best. • WASHING: Rinse washing machine before laundering garments. Most garments can be laundered and/or rinsed in lukewarm water (100 F). White and colored gar- ments cannot be washed together, was separately by color. Use mild detergent (PH under 10), when used following instruction, produces good results. • Water level in machine should be higher than garment level which will reduce PHFKDQLFDODFWLRQ5HPRYHJDUPHQWVLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHUZDVKF\FOHLVʖQLVKHGWR avoid color transfer. • Bleaching is NOT recommended. DO NOT USE CHLORINE BLEACH. As it will fade colors, weaken fabrics, and cause color transfer/bleeding. A light application of granular oxygen-base bleach is recommended on any white garment requiring bleach. DO NOT USE DE-STAINERS OR SOFTENERS as these added agents may DAMAGE the uniform. • DRYING: Garments should be air dried on rust-proof hangers (plastic or wooden). If machine drying is necessary, dryer should be at lowest temperature or “air-only” setting. Uncontrolled heat will result in uncontrolled shrinkage or damage to letter- ing of garments. Remove garments from dryer at completion of drying cycle. • DO NOT DRY CLEAN GARMENTS. Dry cleaning may discolor and ruin imprint names and numbers. • DO NOT IRON OR PRESS GARMENT. • Dry garments completely before storing. Storing garments in a cool, dry area SURWHFWHGIURPVXQOLJKWDQGʗXRUHVFHQWOLJKWZLOOSUHYHQWPLOGHZRU\HOORZLQJ

• Do not wash in hot water • Do not use chlorine bleach • Do not use fabric softener

• Do not wash whites and colors together • Do not overload the washing machine • Do not machine dry on high heat • Do not leave wet or damp garments in your travel bag, in a pile with other clothing or in washing machine ɒ%HIRUHXVLQJXQLIRUPVIRUWKHYHU\ʖUVWWLPHLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWWKH\EH washed in cold water and hung to dry or machine dried on the lowest setting • Uniforms should always be laundered immediately after wearing. - However, if this is not possible, rinse garments and hang individually on rust-proof hangers (Moisture may cause color migration of acid dyes, so we advise separating wet or damp uniforms.) • Belts and any other contrasting color items should be washed separately from the garment • It is always advisable to test wash a single uniform according to directions before washing an entire load. • We recommend presoaking heavily soiled garments in cold water with a protein release agent. - Follow the instructions recommended by the presoak manufacturer. - Wash garments immediately following the presoak in the normal wash cycle. • Wash and rinse all garments in cold water with mild detergent. - Remove promptly after wash cycle to avoid color migration. • For optimum results, hang garments (especially those with Spandex) to dry. - If you cannot hang dry, machine dry on the lowest setting. - Turn jerseys inside out before machine drying. - Remove items from dryer immediately upon completion of cycle. • Excessive heat can cause fabric shrinkage discoloration, and cracking and peeling of vinyl plastisol lettering inks. • Make sure uniforms are completely dry before storing. - Store in a dry area to prevent mildew  3URWHFWWKHPIURPVXQOLJKWDQGʗXRUHVFHQWOLJKWWRSUHYHQW\HOORZLQJ PLEASE NOTE: adidas will not be responsible for uniforms that are damaged due to improper care and maintenance. )DLOXUHWRIROORZRXUVSHFLʖHGFDUHLQVWUXFWLRQVZLOOYRLGDOOJXDUDQWHHV

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