Dear Readers,
of time, clusters of frogspawn float to the surface. Only about one in 50 will survive, but if you keep a watch, you’ll see tadpoles appear. During the metamorphosis, you might observe the legs and tail developing. February is also Black History Month. Bill Pickett was an American hero, a rodeo cowboy famous for ‘bulldogging.’ There’s so much to do, to read, to learn, and to enjoy this month. Happy February!
What could be more fun as a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than a craft page brimming with ideas for making valentines to give to your friends? Follow the instructions and you can make a very cute little mouse, a butterfly pencil topper, or a love bug. President’s Day is Monday, February 17th. One of our past presidents had two alligators who were sometimes allowed to roam around the White House. Yikes! One president was a wrestler and another a
News ..................................... Valentine’s Day Crafts ............ Just So Stories ....................... Presidential Fun Facts ............ Tadpole Tale .......................... Puzzles .................................. Activity Calendar ................... Friction .................................. Bill Pickett ............................. Sales Tax ................................ Kindness is Healthy ............... How to Draw ......................... Parent Scoop ......................... Answers ................................ 3
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tailor. Who knew? This page looks at the more unusual, interesting, and obscure facts about some past presidents. This time of year, female frogs find shaded, shallow water to lay their eggs. In a very short space
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Count by 3s to see what is lying on the snow.
© 2025 Vicki Whiting www.kidscoopnews.org
© Vicki Whiting February 2025
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