12C — November 14 - 27, 2014 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women
2014 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident C hrista K raftician , AIA, LEED AP S pillman F armer A rchhitects P resident E lect A drienne K wiatek -H olub N ational P enn B ank P ast P resident M aureen O’M eara H ampson M owrer K reitz I nsurance S ecretary C atherine D urso , E sq . F itzpatrick L entz & B ubba , P.C. C orresponding S ecretary P am S ullivan D esign P oint , I nc . T reasurer C indy M erritt , CPA B uckno L isicky & A ssoc . D irector at L arge J essica G entile N orthstar C onstruction M anagement /P olaris COMMITTEE CHAIRS & CO-CHAIRS M embership K elly B erfield T he D ietrick G roup , LLC K aren D ureholz B oyle C onstruction P ublic R elations T ina R oseberry P enn C ap P roperties C ommunity S ervices S andra K uhns K& H C ustom W indows P rograms K risten H olmes , P.E. H olmes C unningham SSM G roup L isa P ektor
CREW Lehigh Valley honored as organization of the year
ENTER VALLEY, PA — For 21 years, the Lehigh Valley commer- cial and industrial real estate community has honored an outstanding individual or organization and celebrated a real estate project while rais- ing funds for the local chapter of the March of Dimes. During the 2014 celebration CREW Lehigh Valley was applaud- ed as the organization of the year by the “who’s who” of the region’s real estate community during a breakfast held Octo- ber 17 at DeSales University’s University Center. The PPL Center, Allentown’s new $177 million dollar hockey arena, was named project of the year. In accepting CREW’s award, president Christa Duelberg- Kraftician, AIA, LEED AP said, “This is an incredible mo- ment for us, especially because this is the first time women are standing on this platform. CREW Network recently au- C
thored a white paper quan- tifying the role of women in the real estate industry. Only 19% of board directors and only 12% of executive officers in the real estate industry are women. Only 32% of lawyers are women and only 24% of architects are women. Why has such limitless woman power not risen to the top? Well, you can ponder these facts forever OR read the white paper. With the presentation of this prestigious award, the selection committee has clearly recognized the impact women have in commercial real estate. We are deeply appreciative.” Past president Maureen O’Meara and president elect Adrienne Holub Kwiatek also participated in the ac- ceptance. Said Maureen, “A decade ago, 10 women ex- plored the opportunity to start a CREW chapter in the Lehigh Valley and today we boast more than 80 mem-
bers, including a ‘few good men.’ We pride ourselves on our programs which feature behind-the-scenes hard-hat tours at some of the area’s most exciting venues. Strong programming continues to be a hallmark of CREW Lehigh Valley.” Adrienne concluded the re- marks with the observation: “Looking ahead into 2015 and beyond - there is a bright sun dawning on this Valley - and the members of CREW are enthusiastic to be a part of
each new day and all new op- portunities. We remain com- mitted to showcasing our local community, and its members, on the national stage. We are proud to be the Lehigh Valley Chapter of an international group.” The event raised $76,000 to benefit the Northeast PA Di- vision of the March of Dimes. For the 10th year National Penn Bank was the Event Partner. n
President Christa Kraftician at the podium with past president Maureen O’Meara and president elect Adrienne Kwiatek Holub
LV CREW members stood to be acknowledged
SPONSORS GOLD Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, PC.; Liberty Property Trust; Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, PA; PennCap Properties; Spillman Farmer Architects PATRON Boyle Construction Management; NAI Summit Commercial Real Estate Services North Star Construction Management; National Penn Bank CONTRIBUTORS Campbell, Rappold & Yurasits, LLP – CPA; Hampson Mower Kreitz Insurance; The Frederick Group Lafayette Ambassador Bank; Regan, Levin Bloss Brown & Savchak, PC. –CPAS FRIENDS
E ngineeriing L ou Y urkanin S perry V an N ess I mperial R ealty
Barry Isett & Associates, Inc.; Bukno Lisicky & Co - CPA Dietrick Group, LLC; Feinberg Real Estate Advisors J.G. Petrucci, Inc.; QNB
For Membership Information Contact kberfield@dietrickgroup.com
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