Poligram 2023


2023-24 ALUMNI INSTRUCTOR COURSES Thanks to our alumni, the deparmtent offers two one-week courses every semester that provide students a unique opportunity to explore careers and learn from alumni working in specific professions.

Welcome! Newest members of the Political Science Alumni Advisory Board.

Building and Managing Winning Political Campaigns JOE GAYLORD Joe Gaylord’s spring course taught the key elements and strategies of managing successful political campaigns. Special attention was given to using campaign information systems in developing the strategy, message, and plan for the campaign as well as managing it to a successful conclusion.

Populism, Pluralism, and the Urban-Rural Divide MICHAEL MICHENER Michael Michener’s spring course explored both historical and contemporary populist movements in the U.S. and their role in the current urban-rural schism in American politics. Students engaged in discussions and wrote a short essay on a topic.

Andrew Bohn

Lindsay Crittendon

David Conn

Grassroots, Grasstops, Lawyers, and Money: Influencing Public Policy in the Age of Technology DAVID CONN David Conn’s fall course used interactive discussion and small- group exercises to teach effective advocacy techniques and the ways in which public policy advocates influence decision-making at the local, state, and national levels.

Civil Rights and the Constitution MARIA MAKAR

Maria Marka’s fall course covered the history and current landscape of civil rights in America and concluded with a Supreme Court simulation at the Boyd Law Building, where students assumed the roles of attorneys and justices to argue and defend pivotal civil rights cases.

Maria Makar


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