CWU UA FY23 Impact Report



“ Air Force ROTC has been the most beneficial experience I have had the opportunity of partaking in. I have grown and continue to improve professionally in more ways than I can count. Every day that passes I find myself not only closer to, but more prepared for my goal: to become a pilot. This has been my dream since I was very young, and through time my fixation has only grown stronger. Receiving this scholarship has been one of the prouder moments of my career in AFROTC. I hope to live up to the legacy of both those who have received this honor before me and of course, Captain Welch. This scholarship serves as motivation to maintain a high standard of integrity, service, and excellence in all aspects of my life. I am excited to use this opportunity as fuel to accomplish great things as a student, cadet, and future officer. Thank you again for your support. It truly goes a long way.”

THOMAS RIEGER (’23) Aviation Management Major Business, Aerospace Studies Minors

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