Seeking clarification
I'm not sure that I follow. What would you say is the main point of what you said? This point seems worth looking at more closely. Next time this family problem comes up, what might you do to handle it? What could you do to let your anger out harmlessly? I'll sit with you a while. I'm interested in making you comfortable. Perhaps you and I can discover what might reduce your anxiety.
Encouraging a plan of action
Offering self
Requesting an explanation
Why do you think that? Why do you feel this way? What made you do that? TECHNIQUES THAT HINDER COMMUNICATION AND EMPATHY:
Offering false reassurance
I wouldn't worry about... Everything will be all right. You're coming along fine.
Expressing judgement
That's good. I'm glad that you... That's bad. I'd rather you wouldn't...
I think you should... Why don't you...?
I definitely disagree with... I don't believe that. Client : I'm nothing. Volunteer : Of course you're something. Everybody is somebody.
No one here would lie to you. But Mrs. B. is a very capable caregiver. It's for your own good. Keep your chin up. Just listen to your doctor...he knows Client : I'd like to die. Volunteer : Did you have any visitors today?
Making stereotypical comments
Introducing an unrelated topic
Using jargon Sympathizing Story-telling Correcting
I hear you saying that …
Oh, you poor thing.
That reminds me of the time … That’s not how it happened.
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