/ S E P T t M B E R , 1 96 6 With, ! August Radio Features
CONTEXTS PSALMS THE SAVIOUR SANG .... 3 PSALM 22 ........................... 5 PSALM 23 ........................... 7 OUR SHEPHERD .............. 9 RELATIONSHIP TO CHRIST ...... 11 PSALM 10 ............................ 13 PSALM 91 ............................ 15 POWER IN PSALMS ................ 17 PSALM TWO .......................... 19 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS .... 21 DANIEL 11 AND 12 ................ 30 COVER: Dr. J. Richard Chase, aca demic vice president of Biola Schools and Colleges, points out campus fea tures to two graduates from Whittier Christian High School who are en rolled in Biola College this fall. On the left is Lauralyn Parker with Mari lyn Berry.
Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 6 No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1966 S TA F F President __________ __ S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor ........................ ALSANDERS Production _____________VIRGINIA LUBER Photography ______________ BILL EHMANN Printing ................... CHURCHPRESS Published monthly by the Radio Department B IO L A SCHOOLS A N D COLLEGES 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638
Controled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California.
1'OIIU CHR ISTIAN W IL L Did you know that there is a way to invest in Biola for the training of students while saving costly estate taxes! Ultimately you may be able to leave more money for your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information or counsel. B IO LA S TEW ARD SH IP D E P A R T M E N T T H E B I B L E C A L IF O R N IA Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo I N S T I T U T E San Francisco H O U R KÖAG 1280 Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY 550 4:00 KWSO 1050 9:30 Chico-Marysville KHSL 1290 8:30 Fresno-Dinuba KRDU 1130 8:30 Lodi-Stockton KCVR 1570 8:00 Los Angeles KBBI 107.5 (FM) 8:30 KTYM 1460 9:00 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 11:00 KGER 1390 10:30 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 8:00 Redding-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 8:00 San Bernardino-Riverside RACE 1570 9:30 KFXM 590 7:30 Santa Cruz KSCO 1080 8:30 KSCO 99.1 (FM) 8:30 San Diego KBBW 102.9 (FM) 9:00 A.M. MTWTF KDEO 910 8:00 9:30 4:00 P.M. Sun A.M. MTWTF A.M. Sun. A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF AM. MTWTF P.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. Sun. A.M. Sun. A.M. Sun. A.M. MTWTF P.M. MTWTF P.M. Sun. KFAX Santa Maria KCOY Turlock KCEY KHOM 93.1 (FM) 790 790 OREGON Albany-Eugene KW IL KW IL Ashland-Medford KRVC 1350 Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO 630 Portland KPDQ 800 KPDQ 93.7 (FM) W A S H IN G T O N Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KARI 550 Seattle-Tacoma KGDN 630 Spokane KCFA 1330 Walla Walla KTEL 1490 Yakima KBBO 1390 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MWF 9:30 A.M. MTWTF (Radio Log continued on page 19) 1100 8:30 AM. MTWTF 1440 10:30 P.M. Sun. 1390 10:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. Sun.
by Dr. John Hunter, Torchbearers> Fellowship, England
I T i s A JO Y and privilege to be working with our friends at Biola for this series of messages. It is our prayer that these discussions will honor the Lord Jesus Christ and up lift His precious Word. Infrequently do we think of the Lord Jesus as singing. While we know He taught, healed, and did ma ny wonderful things, we seldom con sider this aspect of His ministry. The Saviour throughout His life oft en taught from the Psalms. An ex ample of this is Luke 20:41. It has always blessed my heart to read that at the Last Supper the Lord and His disciples sang a hymn before they went out (Matt. 26:30). In Christ’s last hours on the cross He quoted from the 22nd Psalm. Going back even further, as a Jewish boy, Christ was brought up with the Psalms. Then, when the Lord ap peared before the disciples after the resurrection, before He ascended to Heaven, He Reminded them that He was the fulfillment of that which had been prophesied in “the law of Moses, and in the prophets and in the Psalms.” It is further interesting to note that just before this, while on the Emmaus road, He spoke to the dis ciples. As they traveled along, He
comforted them in the same man ner (v. 27). By His own testimony, we find the Lord Jesus Christ in the Psalms. The Saviour, however, was not the only one in the New Testament era who referred to the Psalms. In Acts we see that both Peter and Paul preached from the Psalms (Acts 1: 20, 13:32). In I Cor. 14:26, Paul says, “Every one of you has a Psalm”. In the worship of the early church, Psalms played a very significant role in the ministry. Eph. 5:19 admonishes us, “Speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs.” Col. 3:16 further enjoins, “Teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms, and hymns and spiritual songs.” The Christians were directed to speak to one another from the book of Psalms. It is so seldom that we hear messages on the Psalms. I feel God’s people are missing special blessings thereby. While we may be familiar with a few of them, such as the 23rd, there is a veritable spir itual gold mine throughout the en tire book. In Jas. 5:13 we are asked, “Is any merry? Let him sing Psalms”. The purpose of this precious portion is not only for music but more speci- 3
fically in the area of teaching and admonishing. Through these studies together, we are praying that the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ will preeminently be made clear from the
Rejoice— oh faithful one, Let not your spirits fail Not even one short hour; For lo— there comes this time of testing, Not rebuff; The night a while may be too dark For you to see That God has placed before you, Not a barrier as it first appears— Eut one more stepping stone amid your path. Yes, faithful one, rejoice! For night must come as well as day, With darkness far too deep For mortal eyes to see That even as the beauty of the flowers and trees Fades not within the darkness of the night, But reappears in grandeur with the dawn. So will the swift ensuing light of day Reveal to you a far extended sphere, Now hid from view by mere con jecture's wall. So, faithful one, rejoice! For God advances only those Whom first He tests and tries; Let this— your time of trial— Be one of great anticipation, Knowing still, whate'er befalls, That when the hour is right And God allows the dark to fade, You then will see the golden step ping-stone Which He has placed within the path you trod! — Betty Bredon . Psalms. Do not be content, however, with merely reading or hearing a series of messages on the subject. Start a pattern of consistent reading and meditating on the Psalms for your own spiritual growth. H
Dr. John Hunter (left), who is featured this month on "The Biola Hour," is pictured with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president. Dr. Hunter is a member of the Torchbearers Fellow ship, Capernwray Hall, England. His penetrating messages have been greatly used of the Spirit of God in the challenging of hearts over the radio.
D Y IN G FOR US When gold fev e r broke out in Cal iforn ia, a New Englander quickly head ed West, promising his w ife that he would send fo r her and their son as soon as he “hit it rich.” A fter many months o f discouragement and fru stra- Î tion, the E astern er had been able to prospect enough to send fo r his loved m ones. The two boarded a Pacific steam er which set sail from New York, heading fo r San Francisco. One tragic night while a t sea, however, desperate, fe a rfu l cries o f “F ir e ! ” rang from the ship’8 bridge. What made m atters worse was that the ship was carrying high explosives. When the flam es reached the hold, nothing would be left but bits and pieces. Agonizing shrieks pierced the air as space in the few lifeboats was soon gone. The mother and her son were too late to get on board and were pushed away. She pleaded w ith the sailors to take her boy. H er persistent wails finally prevailed and she dropped h er son to others in a small boat, re minding the boy, “Don’t forg et, Son, i f you live to see your fa th er, tell him I died in your place.” Not many min utes later the ship exploded and only those in the lifeboats w ere spared. What a picture o f a mother’s love and sacri fice! It quickly fa d es into insignifi cance, however, in the light o f what the L ord Jesu s Christ did fo r us. 4
by Dr. John Hunter
O ne of the most wonderful things about the book of Psalms is that we can find in them such practical truths for ourselves in dai ly living. We see the actual, literal fulfillment of the prophecies concern ing Christ clearly delineated. When the Saviour was crucified, in Matt. 27:46 we are given His poignant words, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” These words were the fulfillment of Psa. 22:1. The reason why there was no answer to Christ’s call in agony on the cross is found back in the Old Testament. The third verse of Psa. 22 tells us, “But thou art holy, 0 thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” God forgot His own Son that He might remember us for all eter nity. Peter speaks of Christ, “Who His own self bare our own sins in His own body on the tree.” “He was made sin for us, who knew no sin.” He was forsaken because of the holi ness of God. In Psa. 22:14, under the inspira tion of the Holy Spirit, David pro phetically says, “I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.” What a graphic description of the crucifixion is shown through out this entire passage. Crucifixion was specifically a Roman form of torture and death. Amazingly, how ever, when this Psalm was written, the Roman nation had not even been started. The painfully excruciating method was to have the cross laid on the ground and the victim nailed upon it (v. 16). The body was stretched out and then lifted upright and dropped into the earth’s socket. The flesh was tom in agonizing bru tality. Such a fiendish punishment was devised by sinful man. You can imagine the humiliation of such a death (v. 17). The body was exposed
and people would laugh and mock. Another very fascinating thing is verse 18, where we are told, “They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.” In John T H E H E A V E N L Y G U EST If you open the door and let Christ in He will come as a courteous guest; He will take the space that you give Him And will leave you all the rest; If you crowd Him out of your larg est room And give Him a corner small, If you scarcely remember that He is there And speak of Him not at all, Ah, then He may grieve when He sees your mind By the cares of the world possessed, When your feet have strayed and your soul is faint And your heart by grief opprest; But He cannot comfort and lift and guide And help as He longs to do, Where He sits apart in your House of Life, For you have not asked Him to. Oh, make Him the Master of all you have, The Lord of your heart and soul, Yield all yourself for His dwelling- place And let Him take the whole; He will do with you, He will work for you, He will reign in your life alone; And you'll find the blessing that you have missed And the joys you have never known. 19 :23 we have the literal fulfillment of that prophecy. This is exactly what the soldiers did with the Sav iour’s garments. To find Christ in Psalm 22 is not 6
a very beautiful sight, as far as His excruciating agony and torture must have been. Yet, the awful blackness of our sin is what caused it all. He, the perfect Son of God, died for man, the depraved son of Adam. Let me ask you, have you really committed your life to Christ? Have you ever realized how much Jesus Christ loved you? Find Him not If but one message I would leave behind One single word of courage for my kind, It would be this: Oh, brother, sister, friend. Whatever life may bring, whatever God may send, No matter whether clouds lift soon or late, Take heart and wait! Despair may tangle darkly at your feet, Your faith be dimmed, and hope, once cool and sweet, Be lost; but, suddenly above a hill A lamp, set on a Heavenly sill, Will shine for you and point the way to go— How well I know. For I have waited through the dark, and I Have seen a star rise in the black est sky Repeatedly— it has not failed me yet, And I have learned God never will forget To light His lamp, if we but wait for it, It will be lit. — Grace Noll Crowell only in the Psalms but also at the cross as He makes the atonement for your sins. By faith in Him you are justified before God and cleansed. The Son of God loved you and gave Himself for you. How readily and confidently you can trust Him with your whole life for time as well as eternity. T R U S T A N D W A IT
Talking about the conference ministry of Biola are three of the leaders of the school during a recent radio interview on Biola's San Diego affi liate, KBBW. From left to right are Mr. Roger Booth,manager fof the station, Mr. Al Sanders, vice president of public relations and director of "The Biola Hour," and Dr. Milton C. Gould, director of development and head of the con ference ministry for the school. In addition to the summer conferences, Biola also sponsors the annual Tor ey Memorial Bible Conference, held at the end of January in some 15 churches throughout Southern California. A D R E A D DISEASE
One o f our p astor friend s sent us an interesting clipping from his church bulletin about a dread, spiritual dis ease which seems to be sweeping many churches. It’s called, “C irrhosis o f the Giver.” This disease was discovered in 34 A.D. by the husband-and-wife team o f Ananias and Sapphira. It is an acute condition which renders the pa tient’s hands immobile when he is called upon to move them in the di rection o f his billfold or h er purse, and from thence to the offering plate. The strange malady is clinically un observable in such surroundings as the g o lf club, supermarket, clothing store or restaurant. Some try to use a fa lse remedy, pointing out to the patients how income tax deductions can be claimed fo r giving. The best therapy, and that which leads to a sure and lasting cure, is to g et the individual’s heart righ t with God. This affliction is really a symptom o f a more basic need o f the soul. There are all too many people whose lives have been lacking God’s blessings because they have been unwilling to yield their mon ey to the L ord ’s work. The B ible tells us that the L ord loveth a ch eerfu l giver, and that it is requ ired in stew ards that a man be found faith fu l. 6
by Dr. John Hunter
P erhaps the most universally known Psalm is the familiar 23rd. The danger is, however, that it becomes too commonplace for us. We take the precious truths for granted. What a wonderful example this Psalm gives to us of His match less and marvelous keeping power. The experiences the Holy Spirit caused David to write were certainly true in his life as the keeper of the sheep. In a much greater sense, how ever, he was referring to the Lord Jesus Christ, our great Shepherd, and not merely to his own experi ences. For an interesting experiment in seeing just how personal this Psalm really is, try counting the number of times personal pronouns are found: me, my, mine, etc. They are literally scattered throughout and oc cur 17 times. “He”, “His” and “They” are found 13 times. Think how different it would sound if the Psalm had been written, “The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want.” This is true, of course, but it doesn’t “reach home” as movingly as the way the Spirit caused it to be writ ten. Another interesting point to keep in mind is that the Psalm is in the present tense. Can you imagine say ing, “The Lord was my shepherd, I did not want” ? It certainly couldn’t send your blood tingling with ex pectancy and hope. It may be that you have been walking with the Lord for years and yet you have never come into such a vital and intimate relationship with the Good Shepherd. Has He thrilled your soul with His continual pres ence? I like to read this Psalm in a special way with what I think of as a chorus. After each phrase you can add a special phrase, “‘All the days
of my life.” This covers every neces sity we may ever meet. For instance, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . . all the days of my life. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures . . . all the days of my life,” and so forth. Read the entire Psalm with that little chorus. Try it all THE SAME HOUSE Jesus had brothers and sisters; the house was crowded and small With not enough room for them nearly, but they didn't mind at all. For He was their elder brother. He must have been dear, so dear To all of the younger children who grew up together there. I wonder If He remembered the home where He used to live, Where things were so lovely and dif ferent; if so, I think He would give The least little sign for remem brance; but I'm sure that they never knew Him to be discouraged and never impatient or rude. I wish I'd been in that family in that precious and simple way, Just to be living with Jesus in the same house day after day. But some day I shall be living, Oh, it makes me catch my breath, In the same house with Jesus, my Saviour, and this is what men call death. — Martha Snell Nicholson To be absen t from the body is to be present with the Lord. the way through for yourself. I wonder if someone reading this now has just heard bad news, or per haps is in real trouble. Maybe you have had a bereavement and are facing tragedy and failure. Remem ber you are not alone. Here is your Good Shepherd for all the days of
your life : not just a few or even for most of them, but all, each and every one. I think of the fourth verse where the Psalmist says, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” Just today I heard from a friend of mine who has had surgery. They have found it to be cancer. This puts a new and dark perspec tive on his life, humanly speaking. We are praying that the Lord will give him strength. Perhaps you know yourself that apart from the divine healing touch of God your future is also limited. I may never see this friend again on this earth. This very verse, however, tells us that death is not something settled where we abide but that through which we pass. It is the valley of the shadow of death. There is a tremendous dif ference. If I were walking along the highway and a large truck passed me, it might blot out the sun and cast a shadow over me momentarily. It hasn’t harmed me, however. It would be different if the truck itself passed over me, of course. You see, it isn’t death; it is merely the shad ow of death. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, is with you now. He will go with you as you enter the valley, while you pass through it, and still when you come out of it. He will never leave you or forsake you. What a wonderful Saviour!
1. B lessed are the husband and w ife who continue to be affectionate, con siderate and loving a fte r the wedding bells have ceased ringing. 2. B lessed are the man and w ife who are as polite and courteous to one an other as they are to their friends. 3. B lessed are the m arried couples who abstain from the use o f tobacco and alcoholic beverages. 4. B lessed are they who love their m ates more than any other person in the world, and who joyfu lly fu lfill their m arriage vows in a lifetim e o f fidelity. 5. B lessed are they who attain p ar enthood, fo r children are an heritage o f the Lord. 6. B lessed are they who rem ember to thank God fo r their fo od before they p artake o f it, and who set apart some time each day fo r the reading o f the B ible and fo r prayer. 7. B lessed are those m ates who never sp eak loudly to one another, and who m ake their home a place “where sel dom is hea/rd a discouraging word.” 8. B lessed are the husband and w ife who faith fu lly attend the worship ser vices o f the church, and who work to g eth er in the church fo r the advance ment o f the Gospel o f Christ. 9. B lessed is the couple who have complete understanding about financial m atters and have w orked out a p erfect partn ership with all money under the control o f both. 10. B lessed are the husband and w ife who so humbly dedicate their lives and their home to Christ, and who practice H is teachings by being unselfish, loyal and loving, seeking through spiritual maturity to lead their children, rela tives and friend s to the L ord Jesu s Christ. Remember, “E x cep t the L ord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” * * * If you can't be thankful for what you receive, then at least be thankful for what vou escape. * * ■ * Many a tombstone is carved by chiseling in traffic. * * * A man may fail many times but he isn't a real failure until he begins to blame someone else for his mistakes. 8
Meeting to discuss the outreach and operation of Biota’s San Diego affiliate, KBBW, are (from leftto right) Mr. Roger Booth, station manager; Mr. Bob Thornburg, chairman of the San Diego KBBW advisory board and Mr. Thomas E. Steele, director of radio for Biola Schools and Coleges.
by Dr. John Hunter
I N the 23 rd P salm we find won derful truths concerning the keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we pointed out in our first message, the Saviour told us to search the Psalms for therein we would find Him. We are the sheep of His pasture. Here David, as one •of the fold, speaks under the direc tion of the Holy Spirit on our behalf. We cannot help but see the beauti ful relationship between Psa. 23 and the 10th chapter of John. In the 27th and 28th verses we find the personal words, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them. And they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” It was ear lier, in the 8th chapter, that John quoted the Lord as saying, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” It is our prayer that God’s verities may set your heart free if you have never known His peace and contentment. I f you will notice again from these verses in the 10th chapter the word man is italicized in the King James Version. The translators have added the word which really is more re strictive than it needs to be. The word any doesn’t need definition for it could mean any man as well as demon, or some other enemy power of our soul. You are absolutely safe in the Lord’s care and keeping power. There is absolute security in the Saviour. Are you in His hands for ever? I f you have never trusted Christ as your own Saviour, person ally believing in Him, why do you wait? You may be a good church goer, a fine supporter of your own denomination, but if you have never really trusted Christ personally, you have no hope of eternity with Him.
Mere outward ritual and religious observances will never lead to a per sonal belief and faith in Jesus Christ. You may believe that Christ died for T H E S H IN IN G O F T H E STAR S When the evils of earth were great est, The Christ Child came from afar, When the night of the world was darkest, Shone forth the Bethlehem star. Glory and peace were its message, Love and good-will to men; A peace beyond their making, A love beyond their ken. Long has the vexed world waited, The peace that He came to bring, Long have the turbulent people Looked for the righteous King. Long has His sad creation Waited redemption's word, Long have His faithful servants Watched for their absent Lord. Long, but the time draws nearer The Bridegroom comes from afar, When the night of the age is darkest, When we shall see the morning star. Evil is growing brighter for We know that the hour is near. Faint in the dark skies gleaming, Faint on the roaring seas. But it heralds the dawn of glory And it hastens the day of peace. The glory and the peace He is bring ing, The King who comes from afar. And to Him who overcometh, He will give the morning star. — Annie Johnson Flint sinners, and the rest of the things told us in the Bible. However, it is one thing to believe about Him, and another to put your implicit faith and confidence in Him.
In John 10:26, when there was no personal belief in those to whom Christ spoke, He had to say, “Ye are not of my sheep.” Think of the im plications of this! Because you have not asked Christ into your heart and life personally, this is condemnation. Consider what it means not to be one of His sheep. Try reading the 23rd Psalm with negatives such as, “The Lord is not my shepherd.” You will be brought face to face with the sad plight of one who has never fully trusted the Lord. Why not make certain about this wonderful fact: if you are not one of His sheep, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be today. Will you humbly bow and say, “Lord Jesus, I realize now that I am not one of Your sheep. But, oh, Lord, I want to belong to You. I believe You died for me on the cross. I now turn from my sin in repentance and open my heart to You. Save me now, dear Saviour, and be my Shepherd.” My friend, you will not have to ask this twice. It will be true of you, in blest relation to the Lord, “My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish.”
INTRINSIC VALUE These are days when land prices have sky-rocketed. In one redeveloping a rea there was a man who owned a small narrow lot on which he had his poor m iserable shack fo r a dwelling place. L ots in the neighborhood had been going fo r fabulous prices. He was determ ined to hang on, thinking o f a fortun e he m ight make. One day the agent fo r a land developer knocked on his door as he sought to buy the en tire block. The center narrow lot could be the key. Although the man had set his price high, the realtor ag reed to m eet the amount, telling him he would return in two w eeks with a check and the new owner. You should have seen the fellow begin to move about, making radical changes in his old sh ack! He bought paint fo r both inside and out side. He fixed the broken windows. He had the floors tiled, and the living room, as ridiculous as it sounds, was carpeted. As he turned over the papers to the new owner, he explained, “I hope you’ll be very happy here. This is go ing to m ake you fellow s a rea l nice place.” The m illionaire smiled, reply ing, “I ’m afra id you don’t understand. I bought this place not fo r what’s on it, but ra th er fo r what I ’m going to put on it.” What a beautiful picture o f the way by which God justifies sin n ers! It is not because o f what He finds in us but ra th er what He puts within m s . As we place our trust in Christ, we receive everlasting life ; all o f our sins are forgiven . We can’t fix up ourselves no m atter how much paint we use. We are dead. No man can re gen erate himself. Only by the Holy Spirit can we be quickened, made alive through Christ. Paul, in his sermon at Antioch, declared o f Christ, “B e it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiven ess o f sin s: and by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law o f Moses” (Acts 13:38, 39). Humility is a strange commodity: the moment you think you have it, you've al ready lost it. * * * To avoid defeat, don't face the day until first of all you have faced God. 10
There is always a need for maintenance work in any large organization. Biola maintains a large department with a number of students who work part-time.Pictured below (leftto right) are Mr. Bill Bennett who is director of the de partment,Blair Felder of La Mirada, and Wes Older from East Whittier.
by Dr. John Hunter
T here is a wonderful discovery to be made as we consider what marvelous truths are found in the Psalms concerning the relationship of the Lord Jesus Christ to us. In John 20:30 we have the testimony, “Many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: but these are written, that ye might be lieve that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, ye might have life through His name.” These last two words give us cause to consider Isa. 9:6. We are told in Psalm 9:10, “They that know thy name will put their trust in thee. For thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” See the im portance of His name? What do you know about His name? There’s a distinction between His work and His person. The work of Christ was His death upon the cross, but the person of Christ is a much more transcendently marvelous fact. We obtain forgiveness through what He did, but we receive life through who He is. This is why the Saviour said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). When you become a Christian, you come to the cross and acknowledge your sin, asking the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart to be your own personal Saviour. Christ in dwells our life by His Holy Spirit. The two-fold truth is forgiveness through His death and life through His resurrection power. He assured our hearts, “Because I live, ye shall live also.” The tragedy is that there are many Christians who have re ceived forgiveness but have not en tered into all the wonder of His name and of who He is. Remember, however, Romans 8 :9 says, “I f any man have not the Spirit of Christ,
he is none of his.” Only by your believing on the Saviour can He dwell within you. Do you really know His name or are you only familiar with WATCHING YOU Two bright eyes are watching you, mother and dad. They're watching you all the day long. Absorbing unconsciously all that you are, Not dreaming that you could be wrong. Two quick ears are listening to all that you say, They're speaking to you, mother and dad! Then speak of the things that are lovely and true For some day you'll wish that you had. Two swift little feet follow you all the day, They step in the footprints you make. If you follow God-given paths, they'll walk There too, or stray in His way you forsake. Two little hands have been placed into yours, They're trustfully clinging to you. Today, while they're pliable, train them aright, They'll do what you teach them to do. A warm little heart beats to music you make, To your life notes of love or hate. It swings to the rhythm of your life all day, Don't let it hear love notes too late. His work? Do you have a vital re lationship with the risen Christ? “They that know Thy name will put their trust in thee.” 11
Staring up to admire your own halo will often make you a "pain in the neck".
MY PILOT KNOWS THE SEA I know my Pilot knows the sea That's all unknown to me; So I commit my all to Him, Though skies be bright or dim; For nothing's hidden from His sight By day or datkest night; He knows the way across the foam To my sweet Heav'nly home. I know my Pilot knows the sea That's out ahead of me; He knows where all the dangers are Close-by or out afar; And some good day when sailing's o'er He'll land me on that shore Where I shall see His blessed face And praise Him for His grace. I know my Pilot knows the sea— He knows and cares for me; Although the surging billows roll, He guards my life and soul. I will not, cannot, doubt His love That flows down from above, And makes me know there is sweet rest For ev'ry Christian's breast. I know my Pilot knows the sea, Therefore He comforts me When waves rise high and storms abound And dangerous voices sound That would be cause for me to quake And doubt the way I take; But in my Pilot's tender care I'm safe just anywhere.
Dr. Louis T. Talbot (loft), chancellor of Biola Schools and Colleges, assists Dr. Daniel Rose as he puts on the traditional mortarboard for Biota’s annual commencement exercises. Dr. Rose, a member of the Biola board of directors. Is now 97 years of age. He made possible the construction of the Rose Memorial Library on the Biola Campus which contains more than 75,000 volumes and is the largest library of any Christian college on the west coast. Maybe someone reading these words is in real trouble. Perhaps you may be saved and you have been for given, with the knowledge that you are going to heaven when you die. When you know Christ dwelling in your heart by His Holy Spirit, you will have the assurance and confi dence that you are not alone. If there is a coldness in your life, remember God hasn’t forsaken or left you. You may have turned your back on Christ, but He hasn’t turned away from you. Here is His wonderful relation ship made possible through His risen life. It would be wonderful if you met Christ today, suddenly realizing these wonderful truths. Step out with your hand in His, having the confidence of His words, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Yes, there is joy in realizing, “They that know thy name will put their trust in thee, for thou, Lord hast not forsaken them that seek thee.”
I know my Pilot knows the sea And kindly says to me: " I own the ship in which you sail That weathers ev'ry gale. I'll guide you from the rock-ribbed shores As I have countless scores, And when the sea's too rough and ill I'll say to it, 'Be still.'" — Walter E. Isenhour * * * He who gives when he is asked has already waited too long. 12
■ by Dr. John Hunter us, Why reason ye in your hearts?” This has to do with the thinking process of the mind and intellect. In Daniel we see that he “purposed in his heart”. Here is where the will comes in. Good psychology rec ognizes the personality of an indi vidual as a demonstration in these three areas. It is an utterly negative demonstration of the personality which is rampant in the world today. We find the exposition of it all in Psalm 10. " W H A T M A T T E R "? What matter if you cannot go to distant lands and preach; What matter if you somehow fail with eloquence to teach; What matter if you cannot sing or lead in any way; There is a place which you can fill, Just get behind and pray. The missionaries need your prayers, the preachers need them too; Without the help of praying saints, there's not much they can do. They need help day by day, so hold them up before the Throne, And get behind and pray. You, too, can give your heart to Him to use in His own way, And may He help us always, to get behind and pray. These self-confident individuals say two things about themselves, “I shall not be moved,” and “I ’ll never get in trouble; I can get by.” How ri diculous can man become? This is why we see such a violent opposi tion to the Word of God. While we may know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, what do we speak in our hearts? May I ask a personal question? What do you say in your heart? Is your relationship with Je sus Christ made manifest not only
H ave you ever wondered what happens to those who do not find a personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ? The tenth Psalm is all about wicked people and their lack of knowledge or even interest in the things of God. For instance, verse four declares, “The wicked through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.” The transla tion declares that such a man doesn’t seek God because he doesn’t believe He exists. You see, the “God is dead” theory is not something new. We read of the fool, for that is what he is, who says in his heart, “There is no God.” Verse six of this chapter gives us his boastful contempt, “He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in ad versity.” What folly is this vain con cept. Here the reason such a person comes to these conclusions is because he has no relationship to Jesus Christ. This foolish individual says four things about God as quoted in verse 11, (1) God hath forgotten, (2) God hideth His face, (3) God will never see it, and (4) God will not require it. In other words, even if there is a God, so what? He hides His face and doesn’t see what I do. These words sound very up-to-date. We are told the fool speaks these things in his heart. This does not necessarily mean with the lips. By the heart the Bible does not have reference to the fleshly organ in the body which pumps the blood. It means the soul, or what we would call the human personality which con sists of emotions, mind and will. The Bible speaks of heart in all three areas. Christ declared, “Out of the heart of man proceed,” referring to all the evil emotions. He said about
in the words you say, but also in your emotional reactions, intellectual mind and personal will? This is a good test. When people cross you and you are annoyed, do you feel like moving out against them or does Jesus Christ control those emotions? In the decisions you make, does Jesus Christ control these too? Witnessing is far more than merely quoting Scripture and ex plaining the four spiritual laws. While these are true this is speaking with your lips. The Bible urges us to speak in our hearts. There are too many people who have the Lord on their lips but the world in their hearts. Does He dwell in your being by His Holy Spirit, or is He perhaps just a spectator? Does He guide and has He taken control? There are some Christians who seem to think they can get away with it. If there are things wrong in your life, how ever, watch out. You are speaking in your heart the same language as the godless. Make sure today that Jesus Christ is in complete control.
Feed your faith and before you know it, doubt will starve to death. * * * Of all the things you wear today, your expression is the most important! * * * OMNIPRESENT Did you know that it’s possible, in a location known as “F ou r C om ers,” to stand in fo u r differen t states at the same time? It is the spot where Ariz ona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico come together. A stone platform m arks the place where the states join. I f you stand carefu lly in the middle o f the p latform you can be in all these places at the same time. This is quite an achievement fo r m an ; however, with God, there is no comparison whatso ever. He is, o f course, omnipresent: everywhere and every place at the same tim e! He fills all o f H eaven and earth with His presence. Through the prophet Jerem iah , the L ord asks, “Can a man hide him self in secret places so that I cannot see him?” I f you fe e l that God is fa r away, you don’t need to look to see which one moved. He is always with us. No man can get away from God. The m iner in the depths o f the earth ’s su rface, the oceanographer at the bottom o f the sea, the astronaut high in orbit above the world’8 su rfa ce: no man can hide from the Lord. People try to get away from God because they are a fra id o f Him, o f what m ight happen to them. Why should any individual fe a r the One who so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the price fo r our sins and to bear the death penalty in our stead on Calvary’s cross? Yes, we can be than kfu l that God is everywhere, fo r all o f creation gives positive witness to this fact. “The heavens declare the glory o f God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day u ttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth.” * A pessimist is one who expects nothing off of a silver platter except tarnish. * * * The poorest man in the world is the individual who has nothing but money. 1 4 * *
Mr. John M. Isaac, (left),director of steward ship for Biola Schools and Coleges, explains some of the current activity to Mr. Paul W. Schwepker (center), vice president and treas urer for Biola, and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, the organization's president. Because of the complexify of tax regulations this is a day for specialization. Biola trained counselors are avail able to as ist you in all matters pertaining to Christian stewardship.
by Dr. John Hunter
I N SOME CHURCHES it is sad to see that the Psalms are hardly ever used, except for an occasional reference or for responsive reading. From the testimony of the Word of God itself, however, we find that the Psalms are tremendously important. The Lord Jesus Christ often referred to them in His teaching and minis tering. In the epistles the Christians of the early church, as well as be lievers today, were taught and en joined to speak, teach, and admon ish one another by use of the Psalms. Christ told His disciples, as well as us, that we would find Him in the Psalms. There is a wonderful blessing con cerning the Saviour’s love and pro tection of us found in Psalm 91. As we think of it, I would also like to point out an interesting parallel tak en from the temptation of our Lord given to us in Luke 4:1-13. One of the three ways in which the devil tempted Him was by taking Him to the pinnacle of the temple and then distorting Scripture by. suggesting, “If Thou be the Son of God, cast thy self down from hence; for it is writ ten, he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee, and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.” Steadfastly Christ had resisted the devil by declaring, “It is written.” Now Satan himself quotes, or rather misquotes, Scripture. He left out what we find in Psa. 91:11 with the four important words, “In all thy ways”. This was a neat piece of work. He didn’t want to remind Christ that He was being kept “in all His ways”. The 91st Psalm refers to the Lord, but there is also a blessing in here for us as well. Verse 1 has the con
dition and promise, “He that dwell- eth in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” We read that He THE RED SEA PLACE Have you come to the Red Sea place in your life, Where in spite of all you can do, There is no way out, there is no way back, There is no other way but through? Then wait on the Lord with a trust serene, Till the night of your fear is gone; He will send the wind, He will heap the floods, He says to your soul, "Go on!" And His hand will lead you through, clear through; Ere the watery walls roll down; No foe can reach you, no wave can touch, No mightiest sea can drown; The tossing billows may rear their crests, Their foam at your feet may break. But over their bed you may walk dry-shod, In a path that your Lord will make. In the morning watch, 'neath the lifted cloud. You shall see but the Lord alone, Where He leads you on from the place by the sea, To the land that you have not known; And your fears shall pass as your foes have passed, You shall be no more afraid; You shall sing His praise in a bet ter place, A place that His hand has made. will cover us with His feathers, and under His wings can we take our shelter and refuge (v. 4 ). Talking of wings and feathers to protect and
guard reminds us of Matt. 23:37. When the Lord wept over Jerusalem, He said, “How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and ye would not.” Have we allowed the Lord to care for our lives as He so desires? Bringing it down personally, we have the assured knowledge that Je sus Christ is our Saviour! He died on the cross to save us from our sins; He dwells within our hearts by His Holy Spirit, keeping us day by day. Yet how lovely is this additional pic ture that the Lord wants to protect me. Will you come to Him and say, “Jesus, Saviour, I want to rest under Your wings. I want to be protected by Your gracious, wondrous, blessed power.” If you will, you will enter into a wonderful relationship with Him. This is the reason why He told us to look for Him in the Psalms.
A POTENTIAL PASTOR Suppose your church were without a pastor, and you were appointed to a committee to select the new m inister! What would you think o f a man whose qualifications m ight be given to you in the form o f a letter reading as fo l lows : “Gentlemen: Understanding that you need a new preacher, I would like to apply fo r the position. I have many qualifications which I think you would appreciate. I have beeen blessed to preach with pow er and have had success as a writ er. Some say that I am a good organ izer. I have been a lead er in most places where I ’ve gone. There are those who have had things against me. I am over fifty years o f age. I have nev er preached in one place more than three y ears at a time. In some places I have had to leave town when my work caused riots and disturbances. It is true that I have been in ja il three or fo u r times. This, however, was not because o f any wrong-doing. I have had to work at my trade in order to meet my needs. I haven’t gotten along too well with the religious leaders in d if feren t towns where I have preached. I ’m sure they wouldn’t recommend me. In fa ct, some o f them have threatened to take me into court. I have even been attacked physically. They say I am not good at keeping records fo r I ’ve even been known to fo rg et those whom I ’ve baptized. I f you can use me, however, I will do my best fo r you, even i f I have to work fo r my support.” Such an application m ight seem as an insult 'to some people, yet the p rea cher’s name ( fo r these are all incidents in his life) is none other than the Apostle Pau l! P erhaps the times have changed fo r the zeal o f early days seems to be missing. * Those who complain about the way the ball bounces are most often the ones who dropped it in the first place. * * * True prayer does not begin when we kneel nor does it cease when we rise. * * * Smile, it has great face value! * * * To be without friends is one of the worst forms of poverty. 16 * *
Fellowship Is the keynote of Biola College where normally two students are assigned to each room. Here standing is Sharon Larson of Engles- ham, Alberta, Canada with Sharon Reeves, of Simla, Colorado. Students attend Biola frommost al of the' states in the Union in addition to numerous foreign countries. Enrollment this year will be the highest of any in the school's history.
by Dr. John Hunter
I T is wonderful to see the power of the Lord Jesus Christ revealed in the Psalms. In Luke we read the Saviour’s question to the scribes of His day, “How say they that Christ is David’s son? And David himself saith in the book of Psalms, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool. David there fore calleth him Lord, how is he then his son?” (20:41-44). In Psalm 1.0:1 we find those words as they were originally given. The Lord to whom David was referring was his greatest Son, our Saviour. In Heb. 5 :6 there is the statement, “As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.” In the seventh chapter we are told, “For those priests were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchise dec” (7 :21 ). We find this first given to us in Psa. 110:4. Here the divine writers are exalting the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, our great High Priest and heavenly King. Do you see the matchless power which is revealed? Before leaving this earth, our resurrected Lord declared, “Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power.” As one of the Lord’s people, for you are, if by faith you have received Jesus Christ as Sav iour, have you experienced this power in your daily living? We are to know Him in this power as King and Priest; both are vital and inseparable. Is Christ Lord of your life? So often we pray, “Dear Lord Jesus Christ”. Jesus Christ may be your Saviour, but is He your Lord? This is where the challenge 17
comes. We should be very careful about that for “Lord” is a term of ownership and authority. Do not use that unless you are giving Him your utter and complete obedience and love. Are you willing to serve the Lord Jesus Christ? This Psalm tells us, “Thy people shall be willing.” What about the declaration con cerning the priesthood, after the or der of Melchisedec? It tells us this is the privilege Christ has forever. SECRET SER VIC E If the shut-ins all united In one voice of common prayer— What a ceaseless shower of blessing Would be falling everywhere! Though so weak, and ofttimes help less, They can wield a mighty power Lifting up their soul's petition, To the Saviour, hour by hour. They can importune the Father From the “secret place," and then— In the quiet and the stillness They can hear Him speak to them. Never soldier in fierce conflict Could a higher honor bring Than the “shut-ins" who're perform ing “Secret Service" for the King. — Clara Howell This means He can come in all His wondrous love, mercy, authority, and power, meeting our every need. He has “an unchangeable priesthood.” Heb. 7 :25 reminds us that “He is able also to save them to the utter most that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make inter cession for them.” The Amplified New Testament gives the suggestion, “completely, perfectly, finally, for all time and eternity”, as far as His
came to a saving knowledge o f Jesu s Christ. Even more amazing, within a week all twelve o f the crew, including the captain, had received the Saviour. What a tremendous testimony which made Dr. J. H. Crowell’s later years o f ministry greatly blessed o f the Lord. This was the man who was “fa ith fu l unto death.’’ We don’t have such per secutions and trials today. P erhaps this is why we don’t see so many men ready to renounce the world fo r their fa ith in the Saviour. Whatever our arena o f life may be, let us say with the apostle Paul, “F o r to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.’’ A GIFT OF LOVE Without question, one o f the g reat est curses upon mankind is the scourge o f alcoholism. It is no wonder that medical science is concerned about the danger o f cigarette smoking, but yet there seem so few interested in■speak ing out about the death-dealing de struction o f liquor. It takes a heaven sent love to deal with those who have become enslaved. A. woman, whose hus band was a drunkard who often got into fights, was called late one evening and told that again he was engaged in a tavern brawl. F riends urged her to tell the police and once fo r all be sep arated from such an evil man. Still there was love in her heart fo r the one with whom she had exchanged vows some years before. Hurriedly she bun dled up their little baby boy and head ed fo r the scene, knowing that i f any thing would touch his stupefied heart it would be the sight o f their child. How many tragic stories like this there a re! But you know, there is something in this woman’s actions that reminds us o f the spirit o f the Gospel. God could have cast us off and sent us to the prison house o f eternal doom. In stead, however, He poured out all His love in the person o f H is own Son who died upon the cross o f Calvary to win us to H im self. He continues to love us, fo r the L ord is not willing that any should perish. The Saviour invited, “Verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.”
saving power is concerned. Be as sured that the Lord is desirous and willing to show us His power. Are we clean vessels ready to receive His goodness? He has said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Will you let Him have the complete con trol of your life in the days ahead? If you do, you will then experience the power and overcoming victory which He waits to give you through His Holy Spirit. FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH How our hearts should be challenged by the fa ith fu l lives o f men like J. H. Crowell, a fo rcefu l preach er who lived in the early days o f our country. When he was only 16, he shipped out on a sailing vessel, the only Christian among a crew o f 12. B efo re leaving the har bor, he prom ised his mother that he would not neglect the things o f God. They determ ined together to m eet three times a day at the throne o f grace. When out to sea, regularly, at the hours upon which they agreed, he went below to the crew’s quarters and knelt in prayer. The other sailors soon dis covered his devotion to the Cord. It obviously bothered them fo r they would shout filthy, vindictive abuse at him. When this didn’t work, they poured buckets o f w ater over his head. Still they couldn’t dampen the fire in his soul. His earnest devotion so infu riated them that they tied him to the ship’s mast and beat him repeatedly with a whip. Still he prayed. Now they had determ ined a final act o f torture which would cause his death. A rope was tied around his body and he was thrown overboard. He tried to take hold o f the side o f the ship but w ith a pole, they mercilessly pushed him off. He prayed that God would forgive them. His last request was that they would send his body back to his mother with the consoling m essage that he had died fo r the Saviour. With shrill jeering, they prom ised they would. Thinking he had drowned, they pulled him back on deck. S everal hours later, however, he slowly returned to consciousness. The stirring from the supposed dead body frighten ed some o f the sailors. The conviction o f the Holy Spirit seized two o f them, and by n igh tfall they
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