in the words you say, but also in your emotional reactions, intellectual mind and personal will? This is a good test. When people cross you and you are annoyed, do you feel like moving out against them or does Jesus Christ control those emotions? In the decisions you make, does Jesus Christ control these too? Witnessing is far more than merely quoting Scripture and ex plaining the four spiritual laws. While these are true this is speaking with your lips. The Bible urges us to speak in our hearts. There are too many people who have the Lord on their lips but the world in their hearts. Does He dwell in your being by His Holy Spirit, or is He perhaps just a spectator? Does He guide and has He taken control? There are some Christians who seem to think they can get away with it. If there are things wrong in your life, how ever, watch out. You are speaking in your heart the same language as the godless. Make sure today that Jesus Christ is in complete control.
Feed your faith and before you know it, doubt will starve to death. * * * Of all the things you wear today, your expression is the most important! * * * OMNIPRESENT Did you know that it’s possible, in a location known as “F ou r C om ers,” to stand in fo u r differen t states at the same time? It is the spot where Ariz ona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico come together. A stone platform m arks the place where the states join. I f you stand carefu lly in the middle o f the p latform you can be in all these places at the same time. This is quite an achievement fo r m an ; however, with God, there is no comparison whatso ever. He is, o f course, omnipresent: everywhere and every place at the same tim e! He fills all o f H eaven and earth with His presence. Through the prophet Jerem iah , the L ord asks, “Can a man hide him self in secret places so that I cannot see him?” I f you fe e l that God is fa r away, you don’t need to look to see which one moved. He is always with us. No man can get away from God. The m iner in the depths o f the earth ’s su rface, the oceanographer at the bottom o f the sea, the astronaut high in orbit above the world’8 su rfa ce: no man can hide from the Lord. People try to get away from God because they are a fra id o f Him, o f what m ight happen to them. Why should any individual fe a r the One who so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the price fo r our sins and to bear the death penalty in our stead on Calvary’s cross? Yes, we can be than kfu l that God is everywhere, fo r all o f creation gives positive witness to this fact. “The heavens declare the glory o f God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day u ttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth.” * A pessimist is one who expects nothing off of a silver platter except tarnish. * * * The poorest man in the world is the individual who has nothing but money. 1 4 * *
Mr. John M. Isaac, (left),director of steward ship for Biola Schools and Coleges, explains some of the current activity to Mr. Paul W. Schwepker (center), vice president and treas urer for Biola, and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, the organization's president. Because of the complexify of tax regulations this is a day for specialization. Biola trained counselors are avail able to as ist you in all matters pertaining to Christian stewardship.
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