the book, however, to form an acros tic spelling of the Lord’s name. While His name is not specifically men tioned, the entire portion of Scrip ture is a wonderful manifestation of God’s love and providence. In a day when wedded love is so besmirched and degraded, a book such as the Song of Solomon has a very vital place in Scripture. We have, how ever, much more than this. The chap ters present a wonderful allegory of the relationship between God and the individual believer even today. The same is true with the Lord and His dealing in love with Israel. Isa iah declared, “As a husband rejoices over a bride, so will the Lord rejoice over you.” Every book that came from the recognized representative of the Lord was accorded its rightful place immediately upon its appear ance. It was not some judgment of a religious council which made the decision. This book, as is true with each of the 66, is its own intrinsic authority. Q, Spokane, Washington. “Will you please explain Matthew 12:S8-U0. I f Jesu s was crucified on Friday and arose Sunday morning, then He was not in the grave three days and three nights. Is this correct?” A. This sign, to which the Lord re fers, is that of Jonah. The discus sion as to when Christ was crucified has occupied the thoughts of theolo gians through the centuries. In fact, just such a point has even caused churches to split. How sad that such a blessed event should divide the brethren! It reveals how divisive Sa tan is. We have no Scriptural auth ority that Jesus Christ was neces sarily crucified on what we call “Good Friday”. The time is appro priately set aside and we remember the event, even as we do Christmas. This passage, however, does give us reason to believe that the Saviour was crucified on Wednesday or Thursday, depending upon the form
Leaders of two important Christian organizations have opportunity for a time of fellowship. Mr. Paul W. Schwepker (right), vice president of the treasury branch of Biota Schools and Coleges, La Mirada, California, chats with Dr. Alton F. Everest, director of science and production of Moody Institute of Science, Whittier. The two men formerly worked together at the Moody Institute of Science. Mrs. Everest is a graduate of Biota.
of time computation used. One Jew ish day ended and another began at sunset or 6:00 p.m. When the women came to the tomb early Sunday morn ing, they discovered that it was emp ty. This doesn’t mean that He arose right then. He was already gone. Regardless of the particular time or day of the crucifixion, it is the fact that is significant. So don’t be robbed of the spiritual values of Good Friday. Q. Spokane, Wash. “Which is the right translation o f John 9:35? The King Jam es speaks o f the Son o f God, but the Revised Standard Version o f the Son o f Man.” A. This portion deals with the man who was bom blind and healed by Jesus Christ. The Pharisees cast this man out of the Synagogue because he had testified that Christ was more than an ordinary man. Do not think that the name, “Son of Man” is an ordinary designation. It connects our Lord with Daniel 7:13, 14 in all His Millennial glory (Matt. 25:31). In 22
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