Biola Broadcaster - 1966-09

blessed reign of our Saviour upon this earth. Q. Hayfork, Calif. “When was the sev­ enth day changed to Sunday? Don’t the Commandments say the seventh day is the Lord’s day? Aren’t we supposed to keep Saturday?” A. This is periodically asked for it is of concern to people who have been confused by the false teaching of the cults. The Jews, not the Church, were specially commanded, “Remember the sabbath (the seventh day) to keep it holy.” Interestingly enough, this is never repeated or reiterated in the New Testament while all of the other nine command­ ments are. When Paul went into the synagogue it was to preach the Lord Jesus Christ to the Jews because that was where they were to be found. If the legalists would worship on Saturday, then they would have to be faithful in connection with the many other restrictions and prohibitions which are given concerning that day. The point of the New Testament is, however, that all of these things have been done away with in the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. We be­ lieve there are clear indications in Scripture that the early Christians worshipped the Lord on the first day of the week (Acts 2 0 :7 ,1 Cor. 16 :2 ). Paul told the Galatians who were be­ ing confused in their day, “Ye ob­ serve days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vaiii” (4 :1 0 ). It is not for us to observe religiously such things. The sabbath day is included in this par­ ticular prohibition. Our Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead on the first day of the week. This is the reason why we worship on the Lord’s day, instead of on the Jewish Sabbath. Q. Olympia, Wash. “Was Thomas the first one to be stoned to death? I know that Stephen was the first mar- 24

Mr. John M. Isaac (seated), director of steward­ ship for Biola Schools and Coleges, goes over some of the material which each stewardship representative fakes with him in visiting the homes of Biola friends and donors. Standing from left to right are Mr. Larry Cruzen, North­ ern California; Rev. William Richards, Central California; Mr. Jack Findlay, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties; and Mr. Frank Watson,Orange, San Diego and Imperial Counties. Biola Steward­ ship representatives are trained counselors avail­ able at any time to assist you. Printed materials are also available, particularly concerning the importance of the Christian will.

Q. Shatter, Calif. “Matt. 13:33 states that the Kingdom o f heaven is lik­ ened to leaven. I have listened to B i­ ble teachers who have said that leav­ en always means evil. In this parable, i f such is true, why would Jesus r e fe r to the Kingdom in such a man­ ner?” A. Always read a passage in its en­ tirety and context. The Bible tells us that which goes on in the King­ dom of heaven with its rule on earth. It is likened unto the food process of making bread. Remember, how­ ever, that the Kingdom of heaven is not heaven but rather heaven’s rule on earth. This is another term for the Messianic kingdom of our Lord. There is not only going to be good, but there is going to be evil; not only wheat, but also tares. So, the Kingdom of heaven in mystery form is going to work exactly like yeast being put in bread. Evil doc­ trine will come in even during the

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