Mary mistook Him for the gardener. It is our belief that after Jesus died and rose again, He wore the same type of apparel He had before His death. Scripture doesn’t give us everything in detail. Q. Newton, Kans. — “J have been to churches where they have repeated the Apostles’ Creed each Sunday. In it it speaks o f the ‘communion o f the sain ts’ Can you tell me what this is, and how does it operate?” A. The Apostles’ Creed is one of the most ancient of statements formulated by Christian leaders through the cen turies. It is a magnificent series of statements and affirmations. The com munion of the saints simply means the fellowship of believers as we come together. Such times give us a small foretaste of heaven itself. Q. Santa Barbara, Calif. — “Does James 3:1 suggest that teachers are going to have a much more severe judgment than those who just listen?” A. Yes, it does. As a matter of fact anyone who dares to pick up the Bible and speak concerning it, has an added responsibility to proclaim God’s truth. He must be very careful in the way in which he deals with Scripture. The minister of Jesus Christ has a vital duty incumbent upon him for this reason. It is a sad and tragic thing 1
Dr. James H. Christian (center),dean of Biola College,meetswithfiveof the recentgraduates of the Brethren High School in Paramount,Cali fornia, who will be at endingBiola College. From left to right they are SharonGrubb, Alice Christian(Dr.Christian's daughter), Sean Rushing, Carolyn Kodear (salutatorian),and Mary Erdley (valedictorian).
to hear men speak lightly concerning the Lord’s eternal verities. We should all be extremely carefuly how we speak. Q. Bakersfield, Calif. — “J must con fess th at as a teen a g er I am bored. My p aren ts h av e always g iv en m e every thing I n eed, how ever, to go to chu rch ju st bores m e. I h ate to hurt th eir feelin g s becau se they have been so good. What can I do?” A. You go to church! It will not hurt you to be bored a little. Try to exer cise your mental capacities while you are there. Our brains are extremely lazy. There are moments in any ser mon that will thrill and challenge you if you exercise your mental accumen to its full capacity. Remember, your parents love you with an unselfish love. This is true of no one else in this world. They want the very best for you. Obey them and do what they tell you to do until you get a home of your own. When you begin to have little children in your own home, you will realize what a tremendous ad vantage you had in having parents who required that you attend church with them.
Pictured above is the approach to Myers Hall, key structure for Talbot Theological Seminary. This important school of Biola has an enroll ment this year of over 130.
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