Biola Broadcaster - 1966-09

Mrs. Charles Woods reached the Texas relatives. These two people were cer­ tainly sincere fo r they believed they were on the right Dallas bound flight. Despite that, they still landed back in London. Fortunately, all they lost was time. Consider how many people there are on the broad road, however, that leads to etern al separation from God in hell. The B ible says that there is a way that seem eth right unto a man but the ends th ereof are the ways of death. No man can come to God, the F ath er, except through Jesu s Christ, who said o f a certainty, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” SPIRITUAL FENCES All o f us are fam iliar with the old expression about locking the b am door a fte r the horse is stolen. This reminds us how that parents must realize the importance o f fortify ing their children by godly training during their fo rm a­ tive years. This would save heartache an d h eartbreak later. In telling his little daughter a bedtime story, a f a ­ ther once related the incident about a small sheep who discovered a hole in the fa rm fen ce and craw led through it. Skipping and playing in the sunshine, the animal roam ed a long way from the shelter. When the dark came and it got cold, the little lamb was lost. Although it had never encountered one before, the sound o f a howling w olf w as another fe a r which caused the little creature to bleat fo r help. F o r­ tunately, ju st in time, the shepherd res­ cued it and restored it to the fold. A f­ ter the story was over and prayers were said, the little girl was still think­ ing. She asked earnestly, “Daddy, did they ever fix up that hole in the fen c e!” She w as a bright child 1 How much better it would have been i f they had repaired the sh eep fold be­ fo re the lamb could escape. Even so, mothers and fa th ers, the question should be fa c e d : are the fen ces in your home in good rep a ir? How about the spiritual battlements which the L ord wants you to provide? Have you put up a w all o f p ray er around your chil­ dren? A re the solid posts o f the Word o f God nailed together with boards o f fa ith securely fasten ed to them? Don’t be too busy today so that you fa il to inspect your spiritual fences. As you

are fa ith fu l to the L ord ’s will, you can claim the promise, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” SIGHT BY FAITH It was a sad and tragic accident which caused the blindness o f William Montague Dyke when he was only 10. Still, because o f his brilliant intellect, he won universal honor and social sta­ ture. A lthough he could not see, Dyke fe ll in love with one o f England’s most beau tiful women, the daughter o f naval Adm iral Cave. Through the advance­ ment o f medical science, b efore he was married, doctors p erform ed an opera­ tion on his eyes. It was his request that the bandages would not be re­ moved finally until the. hour o f his wedding. As the gorgeously bedecked bride m arched down the aisle, physi­ cians moved toward the groom. A hush o f awe swept over the audience. As the white swathe fe ll away, Dyke blinked hard several times, and then w ith a shout o f joy, he burst out, “At la sti A t la st!” What a never-to-be- forg otten moment fo r those privileged to be th ere! With one slight change, the same will be true fo r us as be­ lievers. The hour o f our wedding to Christ approaches. Our eyes will be opened and we shall behold the L ord Jesu s Christ, our Bridegroom , who loved us and gave H im self fo r us.

The entryway to Biola's newest Women's Resi­ dence Hall is pictured above. The three story facility can accommodate more than 300 young women. It is anticipated that more residence facilities will have to be constructed soon to house additional enrollment projections. Present housing facilities on the campus will accom­ modate approximately 750 students.


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