Biola Broadcaster - 1966-09


by Dr. L loy d T. Anderson , P a sto r, B e th an y B a p tis t Church, _____ W est Covina, C alif.

onist is the “king of the north” who will evidently be the last ruler of Russia; the king of the south will be the last king of Egypt. You will re­ member how, when the antichrist moves west to meet the king of the north, “tidings out of the east” trou­ ble him. The army of the 200,000,000 will be on the march then; and the titanic struggle that will end the Gentile dominion forever shall take place. Then the antichrist, the Scrip­ ture says “. . . shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” Now we come to the 12th chapter, which begins so dramatically: “And at that time shall Michael stand up.” The standing up of Michael in heav­ en at this time evidently refers to the same event mentioned in the 12th chapter of Revelation. You will remember, Michael at that time mar­ shals the heavenly host. At that time, the dragon will be cast down to earth. When he is cast down, it seems there will be a tre­ mendous effort to destroy the na­ tion of Israel—the nation that gave birth to the Son of God. “. . . when the dragon . . . was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child” (Rev. 12:13). That verse does not refer to the Virgin Mary. This is a picture of the nation Israel, and tells us how the devil will turn his 30

L et us recall that the theme of this book is the commencement, the character, the course and the consummation of the times of the Gentiles. Daniel tells us how Gentile dominion commenced, and how it is going to end. We found that the last great prophecy which God gave to the prophet Daniel began with the tenth chapter. Details were given Daniel in that vision of the last ter­ rific struggle between the nations. In the eleventh chapter, we have one continuous prophecy. Verses 1 to 36 related how the king of Persia was overthrown by the king of Greece; how Greece in turn was divided into four parts, and for two hundred years raged the wars of the Ptole­ mies and Seleucidae. The little part of Alexander’s kingdom known as Syria, and the portion known as Egypt, fought, and during that time Palestine was the battleground of those rulers. Beginning with the 36th verse of chapter 11, we find a description of the man who is going to arise at the latter part of Alexander’s kingdom. That man is a type of the antichrist, as we have already noted. Then we find, on reading further, that at the time of the end the “king of the south shall push at him” ; and the king of the north will come down at him. The antichrist’s great antag­

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