Biola Broadcaster - 1966-09

fically in the area of teaching and admonishing. Through these studies together, we are praying that the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ will preeminently be made clear from the


Rejoice— oh faithful one, Let not your spirits fail Not even one short hour; For lo— there comes this time of testing, Not rebuff; The night a while may be too dark For you to see That God has placed before you, Not a barrier as it first appears— Eut one more stepping stone amid your path. Yes, faithful one, rejoice! For night must come as well as day, With darkness far too deep For mortal eyes to see That even as the beauty of the flowers and trees Fades not within the darkness of the night, But reappears in grandeur with the dawn. So will the swift ensuing light of day Reveal to you a far extended sphere, Now hid from view by mere con­ jecture's wall. So, faithful one, rejoice! For God advances only those Whom first He tests and tries; Let this— your time of trial— Be one of great anticipation, Knowing still, whate'er befalls, That when the hour is right And God allows the dark to fade, You then will see the golden step­ ping-stone Which He has placed within the path you trod! — Betty Bredon . Psalms. Do not be content, however, with merely reading or hearing a series of messages on the subject. Start a pattern of consistent reading and meditating on the Psalms for your own spiritual growth. H

Dr. John Hunter (left), who is featured this month on "The Biola Hour," is pictured with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president. Dr. Hunter is a member of the Torchbearers Fellow­ ship, Capernwray Hall, England. His penetrating messages have been greatly used of the Spirit of God in the challenging of hearts over the radio.

D Y IN G FOR US When gold fev e r broke out in Cal­ iforn ia, a New Englander quickly head­ ed West, promising his w ife that he would send fo r her and their son as soon as he “hit it rich.” A fter many months o f discouragement and fru stra- Î tion, the E astern er had been able to prospect enough to send fo r his loved m ones. The two boarded a Pacific steam ­ er which set sail from New York, heading fo r San Francisco. One tragic night while a t sea, however, desperate, fe a rfu l cries o f “F ir e ! ” rang from the ship’8 bridge. What made m atters worse was that the ship was carrying high explosives. When the flam es reached the hold, nothing would be left but bits and pieces. Agonizing shrieks pierced the air as space in the few lifeboats was soon gone. The mother and her son were too late to get on board and were pushed away. She pleaded w ith the sailors to take her boy. H er persistent wails finally prevailed and she dropped h er son to others in a small boat, re ­ minding the boy, “Don’t forg et, Son, i f you live to see your fa th er, tell him I died in your place.” Not many min­ utes later the ship exploded and only those in the lifeboats w ere spared. What a picture o f a mother’s love and sacri­ fice! It quickly fa d es into insignifi­ cance, however, in the light o f what the L ord Jesu s Christ did fo r us. 4

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