a very beautiful sight, as far as His excruciating agony and torture must have been. Yet, the awful blackness of our sin is what caused it all. He, the perfect Son of God, died for man, the depraved son of Adam. Let me ask you, have you really committed your life to Christ? Have you ever realized how much Jesus Christ loved you? Find Him not If but one message I would leave behind One single word of courage for my kind, It would be this: Oh, brother, sister, friend. Whatever life may bring, whatever God may send, No matter whether clouds lift soon or late, Take heart and wait! Despair may tangle darkly at your feet, Your faith be dimmed, and hope, once cool and sweet, Be lost; but, suddenly above a hill A lamp, set on a Heavenly sill, Will shine for you and point the way to go— How well I know. For I have waited through the dark, and I Have seen a star rise in the black est sky Repeatedly— it has not failed me yet, And I have learned God never will forget To light His lamp, if we but wait for it, It will be lit. — Grace Noll Crowell only in the Psalms but also at the cross as He makes the atonement for your sins. By faith in Him you are justified before God and cleansed. The Son of God loved you and gave Himself for you. How readily and confidently you can trust Him with your whole life for time as well as eternity. T R U S T A N D W A IT
Talking about the conference ministry of Biola are three of the leaders of the school during a recent radio interview on Biola's San Diego affi liate, KBBW. From left to right are Mr. Roger Booth,manager fof the station, Mr. Al Sanders, vice president of public relations and director of "The Biola Hour," and Dr. Milton C. Gould, director of development and head of the con ference ministry for the school. In addition to the summer conferences, Biola also sponsors the annual Tor ey Memorial Bible Conference, held at the end of January in some 15 churches throughout Southern California. A D R E A D DISEASE
One o f our p astor friend s sent us an interesting clipping from his church bulletin about a dread, spiritual dis ease which seems to be sweeping many churches. It’s called, “C irrhosis o f the Giver.” This disease was discovered in 34 A.D. by the husband-and-wife team o f Ananias and Sapphira. It is an acute condition which renders the pa tient’s hands immobile when he is called upon to move them in the di rection o f his billfold or h er purse, and from thence to the offering plate. The strange malady is clinically un observable in such surroundings as the g o lf club, supermarket, clothing store or restaurant. Some try to use a fa lse remedy, pointing out to the patients how income tax deductions can be claimed fo r giving. The best therapy, and that which leads to a sure and lasting cure, is to g et the individual’s heart righ t with God. This affliction is really a symptom o f a more basic need o f the soul. There are all too many people whose lives have been lacking God’s blessings because they have been unwilling to yield their mon ey to the L ord ’s work. The B ible tells us that the L ord loveth a ch eerfu l giver, and that it is requ ired in stew ards that a man be found faith fu l. 6
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