Biola Broadcaster - 1966-09

your life : not just a few or even for most of them, but all, each and every one. I think of the fourth verse where the Psalmist says, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” Just today I heard from a friend of mine who has had surgery. They have found it to be cancer. This puts a new and dark perspec­ tive on his life, humanly speaking. We are praying that the Lord will give him strength. Perhaps you know yourself that apart from the divine healing touch of God your future is also limited. I may never see this friend again on this earth. This very verse, however, tells us that death is not something settled where we abide but that through which we pass. It is the valley of the shadow of death. There is a tremendous dif­ ference. If I were walking along the highway and a large truck passed me, it might blot out the sun and cast a shadow over me momentarily. It hasn’t harmed me, however. It would be different if the truck itself passed over me, of course. You see, it isn’t death; it is merely the shad­ ow of death. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, is with you now. He will go with you as you enter the valley, while you pass through it, and still when you come out of it. He will never leave you or forsake you. What a wonderful Saviour!


1. B lessed are the husband and w ife who continue to be affectionate, con­ siderate and loving a fte r the wedding bells have ceased ringing. 2. B lessed are the man and w ife who are as polite and courteous to one an­ other as they are to their friends. 3. B lessed are the m arried couples who abstain from the use o f tobacco and alcoholic beverages. 4. B lessed are they who love their m ates more than any other person in the world, and who joyfu lly fu lfill their m arriage vows in a lifetim e o f fidelity. 5. B lessed are they who attain p ar­ enthood, fo r children are an heritage o f the Lord. 6. B lessed are they who rem ember to thank God fo r their fo od before they p artake o f it, and who set apart some time each day fo r the reading o f the B ible and fo r prayer. 7. B lessed are those m ates who never sp eak loudly to one another, and who m ake their home a place “where sel­ dom is hea/rd a discouraging word.” 8. B lessed are the husband and w ife who faith fu lly attend the worship ser­ vices o f the church, and who work to­ g eth er in the church fo r the advance­ ment o f the Gospel o f Christ. 9. B lessed is the couple who have complete understanding about financial m atters and have w orked out a p erfect partn ership with all money under the control o f both. 10. B lessed are the husband and w ife who so humbly dedicate their lives and their home to Christ, and who practice H is teachings by being unselfish, loyal and loving, seeking through spiritual maturity to lead their children, rela­ tives and friend s to the L ord Jesu s Christ. Remember, “E x cep t the L ord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” * * * If you can't be thankful for what you receive, then at least be thankful for what vou escape. * * ■ * Many a tombstone is carved by chiseling in traffic. * * * A man may fail many times but he isn't a real failure until he begins to blame someone else for his mistakes. 8

Meeting to discuss the outreach and operation of Biota’s San Diego affiliate, KBBW, are (from leftto right) Mr. Roger Booth, station manager; Mr. Bob Thornburg, chairman of the San Diego KBBW advisory board and Mr. Thomas E. Steele, director of radio for Biola Schools and Coleges.

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