King's Business - 1951-09

A C C O R D I O N S FAMOUS ITALIAN MAKES Available to Bible Students, Christian Workers *^ and Missionaries at SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Write Today for FREE Literature CHICAGO ACCORDION CENTER. Ine. Dept. KB 754 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 22, III. LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Christian Education Theology APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO 11 CALIFORNIA 5,000 WORKERS WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, hand­ some Scripture mottoes, Scripture calendars, greeting cards. Good commission. Send for free catalog and price-list. George W . Noble, The Christian Co. Dept. 7C, Pontiac Bldg., Chicago 5, 111. Pastors , Tell Your Women Leaders MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY OVER 1,500,000 SUNFLOWER DISH-CLOTHS were sold in 1949 by members of Sunday Schools, Ladies’ Aids, Young People's Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Sample Free to Official. SANGAMON MILLS Established 1915 Cohoes, N. Y. O W N S 1• P u lp it a n d C h o ir • H e a d q u a r te r s fo r j RELIGIOUS SUPPLIES t l a t i o n a l s s ä l T * 1 1 1 . ) ) ARCH STRU T, P H ILA D ELP H IA 7 . PA. • . • F R E E ¡n Record Keeping COURSES and Accounting College professor offers services to Christians for correspondence courses in Record Keeping (valu­ able in mission station and for church treasurers) and all branches of Accountancy. Your cost— text book and paper, free will offerings for in­ struction. R. E. Jenkins 7621— 2nd Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama B B BL d iu rc ti F u rn itu re • Stele« 1 Kfesfgj E m b ro id e rie s • V estm ents 1 H a n g in g s • C e m m u n io n 1 | Sets •A lter Brass G eods V CATALOG ON REQUEST MAM

Rev. Elmer L Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

October 7, 1951 G od T ested —A braham T rusted Objects: A chair, a blindfold, and a small, inexpensive prize. Lesson: I w onder who would like to help me w ith ou r ob ject lesson this m orn in g? A ll righ t, B ill, would you come up here to the fro n t, please?

ceive the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, w e w ill have everlasting life , a home in H eaven and all the blessings th at God gives to Christians.

October 14, 1951 P ropping or F lopping

Objects: A small sack o f salt, a piece o f cardboard about tw elve inches square, and a small stick w ith which to prop up the cardboard. Lesson: This sack o f salt and this piece o f cardboard are like people. The sack o f salt is like a Christian, and the cardboard is like a person who is not a Christian. Y ou are w onderin g how these things can be like people? L et us see. N otice how solidly this sack o f salt sits up w ith ­ ou t being propped w ith a stick. The cardboard cannot stand fo r even an in­ stant w ith ou t the support o f the stick. Y ou w ill be surprised when I tell you th at the sack has som ething to support it too, but its prop is an inside one. The pure salt which fills the sack causes it to stand. It would be impossible to make an em pty cloth stand alone.

D o you really trust me, B ill? A re you w illin g to do w hat I ask you to do even though it requires a lot o f fa ith ? That is fine, because I must have a helper who w ill rea lly take me at m y w ord. I am g o in g to blin dfold you. There is no ch air righ t behind you, is there, but when I tell you to do so, I w ant you to sit down. I g ive you m y w ord I w ill have a chair ready to catch you. Y ou w ill have to tru st me, fo r you w ill not be able to see the ch air, or feel it, until you rest you r w eigh t upon it. (H a ve the ch air nearby, so th at you m ay readily place it under the helper as you tell him to be seated. Keep it back fa r enough from him so th a t he cannot fe e l it w ith his legs, until he is seated.) Y ou see, B ill, I was true to m y w ord, and here is a little rew ard fo r you, be­ cause you believed mfe and w ere w illin g to tru st me. I am rem inded o f A braham in our lesson this m orning. Y ou rem em ­ b er God told him to leave U r o f the Chaldees, where he had lived all his life, and go ou t in to another land which God w ould show him . It w as a grea t a ct o f fa ith fo r him to tru st God, and leave his fam ilia r surroundings fo r an unknown land. God tested Abraham , much as I tested you this m orning, B ill. H e had n oth ing to rely on but G od’s prom ise. H e trusted God, and took H im at H is w ord. W e find th at God grea tly re­ w arded him fo r it. He made him rich in land and people. H e became the fa th er o f the Jew ish race from which our Lord Jesus came. In Rom ans 4 :3 w e read, “ A braham believed God, and it was counted unto him fo r righteousness.” B oys and girls, if w e tod ay believe God w e too w ill be grea tly rewarded. I f we believe H is W ord , the Bible, and re- S E P T E M B E R , 1 9 5 1

The real difference, then, between these tw o objects is in the fa c t th at the sack has an inside support, while the cardboard is propped from the outside. N otice how easily the cardboard is made to fa ll. The prop is rem oved w ith m y little finger, and down it goes. Jacob, b efore he m et God a t Peniel, and w restled w ith the angel, w as like this cardboard, unable to stand. He tricked his brother and stole from him his birthright. He fled from his hom e be­ cause o f his deeds. H e cheated his father-in -law . A fte r he met God at Peniel his life w as different. H e became Israel, the man o f God. He no longer w as treacherous in his dealings. H e was a man God could use. He received the blessing o f God. Men and women today who are n ot Christians have only ou t­ w ard props. W hen the tem ptations come th ey often fa ll. I f w e have Christ as our S aviou r w e have the H oly S p irit w ithin

C O . B a p t i s t a F ilm s Dept.S Sunny side Wheaton, Illinois

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