King's Business - 1951-09

The W o rk and the W o rk ers By William W. Orr, D.D.

real secret of the phenomenal spread of Christianity during the first century of the Christian era was due not so much to public meetings, as to private evangelism. We hold in our hands a little pocket booklet published by the Greater Port­ land Gospel Crusade wherein are gath­ ered the results of the now famous Billy Graham Portland meeting of a year ago. From this booklet we learn that there were 8,386 total decisions for Christ. However, twelve months after the meet­ ing there are found to be 2,527 who are now members of a church and 1,379 who are attending church regularly, but have not yet joined. There is not the slightest doubt in the world concerning the practical value of the Portland meeting for here are 4,000 definitely lined up with some church as a result of that ministry. However, when we consider that there were nearly 1,000 churches co-operating, the 4,000 narrows down to about four new members in each church after an intensive effort of seven weeks and the expenditure of many thousands of dollars. It is, evidently, much easier to hold a large meeting and engage an evangelist than to teach individual Christians to do personal work, but we are sure that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ will ever advance in the manner of the first century very much until meetings are supplemented with a vast network of individual personal solicitations. Figures are very interesting. Let us think of a few. Suppose we were to take an average small church and say that this church had a firebrand for a pastor who could really inspire his people to go out and win others for Christ. Let’s say he had under his teaching 250 members. Let us suppose that he held forth the goal that in 30 days each member should win one to Christ and to the individual church. Let us further suppose that this one pastor were able to continue this inspiration and the membership which had now reached 500 would do the same thing in another month. If this were to continue, how many do you suppose would be there at the beginning of the next year? By the beginning of the following year the church would contain no less than 1,024,000 members! Of course this is fantastic and such a program could never in the world actu­ ally take place. But the tragedy of the matter is that not even the principle is employed. Churches feel happy if they add a total of 25 new members during the year with the pastor doing all the work. We live in the year of our Lord 1951, which means that we are approaching the 2,000 years mark since Christ died and there are in today’s world no less than one billion never-dying souls who have not so much as heard that Christ died. Surely our evangelistic methods are in line for an overhaul. What better methods to which to turn than those which God Himself promulgated in the first flush of early Christianity?

with a gift of $125.00. Beginning this September, it has been found necessary to raise this amount to $200.00. How­ ever, the plan now is to suggest that each student have two sponsors and each sponsor contribute $100.00. This way the burden to the sponsor will not be in­ creased and more interested people and prayer warriors will be added to Biola’s list. It may be that some of the readers of the King’s Business had decided to be one of God’s missionaries at some time in their life but this has been providen­ tially hindered due to unforeseen circum­ stances. Many such friends want to aid in the preparation of a young person who would act as a substitute for them and here is a splendid way to do so. To every sponsor the Bible Institute of Los Angeles sends a photograph of the par­ ticular student and a description of his or her missionary interests. Further information regarding our sponsorship plan may be obtained by simply address­ ing the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Sponsorship Dept., 536 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. New Testament Evangelism T HE book of Acts is the world’s greatest commentary on principles with the pastoral epistles the entire out­ line of church life is divinely presented. Authority for great meetings is abun­ dantly given in the Day of Pentecost gathering when, under the inspiration of the coming of the Holy Spirit of God and the Spirit-led and impassioned words of the Apostle Peter, 3,000 precious souls were brought to the feet of Christ. The same thing was repeated a few days later following the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate when the number of believers increased to about 5,000 (4:4). Throughout the book the indefatigable Apostle Paul preaches to multitudes with glorious results, holding meetings in every city with the number of converts being unknown to any but God. There isn’t the slightest doubt in the world but that the gospel is to be preached in large meetings and down through the centuries there; are instances almost without num­ ber of mighty preachers proclaiming the truth from pulpits the world around to waiting thousands. But there is another side to New Tes­ tament evangelism and that is the one- by-one method. A very interesting chain of converts is seen as beginning with the conversion of Andrew in the first chapter of John. In this case Christ dealt with Andrew and John concerning their need of Him, following which An­ drew went and brought Brother Peter to Christ. Peter in turn brought Philip and Philip, Nathanael and so the blessed results of personal evangelism spread in an ever-widening circle. Some of the most glorious chapters in the New Testament are those when both our Lord and His disciples dealt not with thousands but with individuals. Without a doubt the

6th Annual Another National Sunday School Con­ vention is to convene October 18-20, in the city of Detroit, Michigan, sponsored by the National Sunday School Associa­ tion. Everything possible is being done to encourage attendance at this meeting in order to continue the excellent up­ ward progress that is being made in Sunday schools throughout the nation. Pocket Testament League In a letter of endorsement to Glenn Wagner, Foreign Secretary of the Pocket Testament League, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek gives a splendid testi­ mony concerning his faith: “ I always have the pleasure to have people read and study the Bible, since the Bible is the Voice of the Holy Spirit. It reveals the righteousness of God and His love. Jesus Christ our Redeemer gave His life and shed His blood to save those who believe in Him. His righteous­ ness exalts the nation; Christ is the Cornerstone of all freedoms. His love covers all sins; all those who believe in According to a news release from the National Association of Evangelicals, the persecution of Protestants in Co­ lombia continues to increase. In a re­ cent incident, Rev. William Easton, a missionary of the World Wide Evangel­ ization Crusade and a British subject, was cut with a sabre, hit over the head with rifle butts, taken to the police sta­ tion, stripped, kicked and beaten with leather straps and clubs. Then followed indignities impossible to print. This is called “banditry” by the government of­ ficials, although everyone knows that the officials are working hand-in-glove Mrs. Billy Sunday, widow of the famed evangelist, recently presented a Chevrolet carryall “ Billy Sunday Unit” to Rev. Dick Hillis for use in Youth For Christ work in Formosa. The presenta­ tion was made at the World Congress on Evangelism at Winona Lake, In­ diana. Mr. Hillis plans to take the truck with him to Formosa on his return to aid in the present great ingathering of converts. Records Rolling According to Joy Ridderhof, Director of Gospel Recordings, in Los Angeles, more than 40,000 records have been pressed and sent to the field this year. The work of this organization includes the recording of Gospel messages in many languages, the total being 350. This fine organization also provides a good inexpensive portable record player for the missionaries to take along. The advantage of this system is that mis­ sionaries can begin work immediately upon their arrival on the field without waiting to learn the language. Him shall have eternal life.” South American Atrocities with the Catholic hierarchy. Youth For Christ Chevrolet

of church procedure and methods. Along

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