Lake Oconee Dentistry June 2018


1011 Parkside Main | Greensboro, GA 30642 If you have any questions, call us at 706-453-1333

We’re located at 1011 Parkside Main between the Publix parking lot and the movie theater.

How Meditation Can Help the Aging Brain page 3 Spicy Chimichurri Grilled Cheese page 3 A Natural Sweetener With Real Health Benefits page 4 Inside

An Incredible Role Model page 1 3 Fathers Who Risked It All for Their Kids page 2 Too Much Shade?

Plant These Vegetables! page 2

HONE IN ON HONEY Nature’s Wonder Sweetener

Honey is a wonderful all-natural sweetener. Despite being sweet, it comes with actual health benefits — something you can’t say about other types of sugar.

manuka honey to a wound and let it do the rest. One of the best types of honey you can buy is raw, unfiltered, local honey . While it isn’t known to decrease the healing time of wounds, it can reduce symptoms related to allergies. Raw honey contains trace amounts of pollen, as well as other allergens from grasses and weeds. Local honey contains many of the pollens and allergens you would normally breathe in on an average day. The pollens in local honey are just enough to kick your immune system into gear. As a form of immunotherapy, raw, local honey helps your body become acclimated to those allergens. But these three points — raw, unfiltered, and local — are crucial. When honey is processed and filtered, it loses practically all of its allergy-fighting power and becomes an ordinary sweetener. Most experts advise finding honey that was produced as close to your home as possible, preferably within 20 miles. The closer, the better. Keep in mind that it can take several weeks before you feel results. Of course, you won’t find a more delicious way to combat allergies.

But some honeys are better than others, so it’s important to buy the right kind.

Raw honey may help your body heal itself more effectively. One study in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine pointed to raw manuka honey as an effective way to speed up the time it takes wounds to heal while also reducing risk of infection. Simply apply

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