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To honour the memory of Elaine Wong, his wife of 49 years, Keith Wong of Cornwall recently donated $1,000 to the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation. The man thanked Cornwall Community Hospital for providing services to Elaine, and for keeping her comfortable during the time leading up to her passing on September 13, 2016. Pictured are Keith Wong,

Hawkesbury accueille le Salon du livre de l’Est ontarien Le comité ad hoc du Salon du livre de l’Est ontarien a annoncé plus tôt cette semaine que l’événement aura lieu cette année à Hawkesbury. Ce salon, qui se veut une rencontre pour tous les fervents de lecture et offre une occasion de goûter à la littéra- ture franco-ontarienne et francophone en général, aura lieu du 27 au 29 octobre à l’École secondaire régionale catholique de Hawkesbury, située au 572, rue Kitchener. Il sera possible de s’y procurer des livres de tous genres et de bouquiner à son aise. Au menu, diverses activités telles que des ate- liers, des rencontres d’auteurs, des séances de signatures, des lectures d’extraits, des prestations et bien d’autres. De plus, le Salon comprendra des exposants regroupant distributeurs et éditeurs. – Stéphane Fortier

and Amy Gillespie, executive director, Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation — supplied photo

Rabies prevention program The Ministry of Natural Resources is doing a “bait drop” project during the late summer season to help eliminate the risk of rabies in the Eastern Ontario region. MNR has contracted for an air drop of 30,000 pieces of bait containing the rabies vaccine over an area in the southern part of the region, including Wolfe Island, the Thousand Islands Bridge district, and around near Cornwall.The baits will help immunize most skunks, foxes, and raccoons within the designated area, who may have wandered up from the upper New York state region into Ontario, where there are confirmed reports of rabid raccoons. The bait drop will help to eliminate both the risk of a full rabies condition developing in any of these animals, and also prevent them from carrying the virus. – Gregg Chamberlain

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

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