Z5598 - 2Primaria Sunburst - Libro de lecturas literario

Big Book 1 Primary Hened Manzur

Ciclo 1

Lengua extranjera. Inglés Big book

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El Libro de lecturas que tienes en tus manos es el resultado del esfuerzo que realizan el gobierno federal, los gobiernos estatales, las maestras y los maestros para garantizar que todas las niñas, los niños y los adolescentes que cursan la educación básica en nuestro país cuenten con materiales educativos para construir su aprendizaje, y con ello alcanzar una educación de excelencia. Tu Libro de lecturas promoverá que te desarrolles integralmente, fomentará en ti el amor a la Patria y el respeto a todos los derechos; así reconocerás lo que te rodea, apreciarás tus fortalezas y sabrás lo que tu comunidad, México y el mundo necesitan y lo que puedes hacer por ellos. En el marco de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana, la equidad y la calidad son premisas de la educación. Este libro forma parte de los materiales educativos que se ofrecen para que, con el trabajo diario de maestras, maestros, autoridades y familias, alcances el máximo logro de aprendizaje y el fortalecimiento de los lazos entre tu escuela y tu comunidad.

Este libro ya es tuyo; es un regalo del pueblo de México para ti. ¡Conócelo, cuídalo y disfrútalo!

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27/07/20 17:37

Big Book 1 Primary 2nd Grade

1 Rules for a School in New Zealand


Every school has rules.

2 Pretty Cow


A poem

3 How to Make a Compass



4 The Maze


Find your way to win a prize.

5 Poems


Some silly poems


Remember and reect

Questions for the teacher to ask students after reading each text

Rules for a School in New Zealand

by Stefania Villarreal




1. In the classroom, take off your shoes.


2.Always wear a hat when you go to the playground.


3. Don’t hug the kiwi birds.


4.You need a calf for our “Calf Club”. Choose a pretty calf and take good care of it. Keep your calf clean.


5. Leave the classroom clean. 6. Put your shoes on when you nish school and go home.


Pretty Cow

by Jane Taylor


Thank you, pretty cow, that makes Lovely milk to soak my bread. Every day and every night, Warm and fresh and sweet and white.

8 UNIT 2

Do not chew the ugly grass, That grows on the mountain pass.


But the yellow owers eat, So they make your milk so sweet.


Where the purple violet grows,

Where the blue water ows,


Where the grass is green and ne,

Pretty cow, go there and dine.


How to Make a Compass

by Stefania Villarreal



One needle or straight pin

A plastic lid

A bar magnet

A slice of cork or Styrofoam

Some water




First, take the needle in one hand and hold the magnet with the other hand.


Second, slide one side of the bar magnet along the length of the needle. Do not slide the magnet back and forth on the needle; slide it in just one direction. Repeat at least 20 times.

Third, pour some water in the plastic lid.


Put the needle through the cork.

Finally, place the cork in the water. Make sure the needle is balanced on the cork so it can spin. The needle points to the North. We can use a compass to help us go in the right direction.


by Canda Machado The Maze


UNIT 4 Dina and Paul are in a maze race. The idea is to nish the maze in thirty minutes to win a prize. 17

Here is a card! Oh, no!

Look, Paul. Let’s go this way.


Let’s nd the puppy.


Look! We have to go right.


Ohhh, Good-bye, puppy.


So, where do we go? Hmm. Let’s turn left.


Toilet. You get 6 extra minutes.

Yay! Now, let’s go this way.


Hmm.Which is the right way?

I don’t know.We have to guess! Let’s go right!


Yay! We nished in time!

Congratulations! Good teamwork.

Thank you!


Poems There Was An Old Man With A Flute by Edward Lear 23

There was an old man with a ute,

26 UNIT 5

A serpent ran into his boot,


But he played day and night,


Till the serpent took ight,


And avoided that man with a ute.


The Night Is A Black Cat

by G. Orr Clark

The night is a big black cat, The moon is her topaz eye, The stars are the mice she hunts at night, In the eld of the starry sky.


Remember and reect.

Dear teacher, After you read each text to your class, ask the questions out loud and invite your students to answer. Then go back to the text with the students and nd where the answers appear.

Rules for a New School in New Zealand • What do you do with your shoes in the classroom? • Can you hug a kiwi bird? • Are the rules in your school similar?

Pretty Cow • What does the cow make? • Where does the ugly grass grow? • What makes the cow’s milk sweet?

How to Make a Compass • How many times do you slide the magnet on the needle? • What do you do with the needle and the cork? • What is a compass for? The Maze • In the story: • Is time important? Why? • Are instructions important? Why? • Is it important to work in a team? Why?

Poems • What does the old man play? • Does the serpent like the old man’s music? Why? / Why not? • Where does the cat hunt?


Catalogue Publication Data

Authors: María del Carmen Hened Manzur Soda Sunburst 2 Primary Big Book 1 First published 2018 Pearson Educación de México, S.A. de C.V., 2018 ISBN: 978-607-32-4469-5 Area: ELT Format: 27 x 41 cm Page count: 32

Managing Director: Sergio Fonseca ■ Innovation & Learning Delivery Director: Alan David Palau ■ Regional Content Manager - English: Andrew Starling ■ Publisher: Hened Manzur Soda ■ Content Support: Canda Machado ■ Art and Design Coordinator: Juan Manuel Santamaria ■ Design Process Supervisor: Salvador Pereira ■ Layout: Erika Fernández ■ Cover Design: Erika Fernández ■ Cover Illustrations: Marcela Gómez ■ Illustrations: Ana García, Marcela Gómez, Víctor Sandoval ■ Photo Research: Laura Manzur Soda ■ Photo Credits: Pearson Asset Library (PAL), Fotolia, Shutterstock

Datos legales

First published, 2018 Fourth Reprint, 2022

ISBN PRINT BOOK: 978-607-32-4469-5

D.R. © 2018 por Pearson Educación de México, S.A. de C.V. Avenida Antonio Dovalí Jaime 70 Torre B, Piso 6, Colonia Zedec Edificio Plaza Santa Fe Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México, C. P. 01210

Cámara Nacional de la Industria Editorial Mexicana Reg. Núm. 1031

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