King's Business - 1928-03

HERE’S HELP FOR YOU Thousands are availing themselves of the oppor­ tunity of knowing their Bible better through the systematic method offered by these

CORRESPONDENCE COURSES You will be amazed at the simplicity of the work, and yet the thoroughness in which the subjects are treated. NINE elementary and advanced studies from which to choose, ranging in prices from $1.00 to $7.00. No other books aside from your Bible required. Lessons printed in loose leaf form, size 7J/2x9J/2, thus enabling the student to insert notes of his own. For a small additional cost, a binder in which to place lessons may be had. A Recent Testimony “ I certainly have had great joy from these lessons as given in Course No. 6. It has opened new paths o f study in searching the Scripture and has increased my faith, giv% ing me a greater desire to be, a better servant fo r my Master.” Fill out coupon and send today for this descriptive prospectus of courses. The Courses

Course No. 5—Through the Bible in a Year .................. ........ ....... ........$3.50 Course No. 6—Foundation Studies for Beginners ...... ......................... $2.00 Course No. 7—Through the New Testa­ ment by Books and Chapters..... $3.00 Course No. 8—Supplemental B i b l e Course....................... ..................$1.00 Course No. 9—Teacher Training Course ....................................... $3.00 per unit Special Offer For 5 additional names and addresses of friends who you believe might be interested in receiving information c o n c e r n i n g the courses, we will mail you a copy of the beau­ tiful Easter story entitled: “ The Message of the Lily.”

Course No. 1—Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity ....... $7.00 Course No. 2—Studies in the Gospels .......................... $7.00 Course No. 3—Through the Old Testa­ ment by Books and Chapters__ $4.00 Course No. 4—Christian Workers’ Effi ciency Course ............................. $3.50



Correspondence School, B'ble Institute of Los Angeles, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Gentlemen : Please send me a copy of your prospectus of Cor­ respondence Courses.





March 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s



Let your GIFT to Foreign Missions PAY YOU a Life Income "A ll my life I have been interested in Foreign Missions. All I could de­ vote to this work from my income seems so little, yet I dare not use my capital, for that is all I have to rely on for my support.’’ • Is that your problem ? An An­ nuity Gift to the Board from your capital will pay you a definite, guar­ anteed income for life, of from 4 % % to 9 % per year, relieve you o f all the worry and care of investing, will pay you the annuity regularly and assure the safety o f the principal. Annuity Gifts now in force range from $100 to $65,000 and total over one and a quarter million dollars. During the' forty years the Board has been writing Annuity Gift Agree­ ments, it has never failed to pay thè annuity when due. For further information write to Ernest F. Hall, Sec., Dept, o f Annuities BOARD of FOREIGN MISSIONS of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York

N ow in its 8th Large Edition STANDARD SONGS OF EVANGELISM

Never before has a book been edited strictly from the suggestions of the many evangelists that are out in the field in all parts o f the country. This is ONE reason for its unusual popularity. In its 160 pages are included all o f the best of the old songs together with the choice o f the new.

Please note the number of Songs under the wide variety of topics: DEVOTIONAL ... ....... 31 CROSS ................. ..........15 CONSECRATION .... ........ 10 INVITATION ..... .......18 CHOIR ................. ......... 8 MISSIONARY ........... ........ 6 SERVICE .......................10 CHORUSES ........ .......... 5 CHILDREN ................ ........ 16 and 52 others that are not classified. ISSUED IN BOTH ROUND AND SHAPED NOTES

PRICES: It is printed on the very best eggshell paper and is offered in two bindings, a tough jute manila cover at 25c the single copy, postpaid, $20.00 the hundred, not prepaid, and a beautiful red vellum deluxe cloth at 35c the single copy, postpaid, $30.00 the hundred, not prepaid. If You Haven’t Seen This Book Send for a Sample Copy ORDER DIRECT FROM US AND SAVE TIME

“ TH E BIG FOUR” an exceptional quartet book arranged for male voices but e a s i l y adapted for ladies' voices. Editors: H E. Reynolds, Geo. S. Schuler, E. O. Sel­ lers, J. B. Trowbridge. Single copy 60c; four copies $2.00 postpaid.


360 North Waller Avenue

Chicago, Illinois

The First 250 Folks We Hear From who send us one new subscription (full year, $1.25 U. S.) j will receive Absolutely Free, a copy of that splendid book

Powerful articles in defense o f th e Faith by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Prof. Robert D ick W ilson, Dr. A. C. D ixon, Dr. L. W. M unhall, Dr. W. B. Riley, Dr. C. E. Ma­ cartney, Dr. R. A. Torrey, Sidney T. Sm ith , Dr. W. B. H inson, Dr. F. W. Farr and Prof. Leander S. Keyser. S \ THIS LIMITED NUMBER of copies of this 60c book came into the hands of the Managing Editor, and will be distributed in this way. Send The King’s Business to afriend if you are already a subscriber, and get the book for yourself. Make sure of your copy by ordering at once. <3tr> &r>

All Who Send New Subscriptions During March, but are not included in the 250 mentioned above, will receive the Easter Story Booklet, ‘‘ The Message of the Lily.” REMEMBER THIS OFFER HOLDS ONLY DURING MARCH, 1928 db

“ Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word o f Truth.” —2 Timothy 2:15. John Smith Receives a Letter

Bible Institute of Los Angeles A School for Study and Training IPS'

My dear Mr. Smith:— Your letter o f recent date has been received and read with real interest. W e are happy to note that the way is opening for you to consider a course of training with us, looking toward better preparation for Christian service. W e note your request for catalogue. We are mailing same today under separate cover. You ask about the courses we offer. You will note that they include the GENERAL COURSE, MIS­ SIONS, MUSIC, CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, CHRISTIAN SERVICE MEDICAL, AND PASTORS’ COURSES. These cover a two or three year period of training. They prepare ;the student for many different lines of Christian activity. Let me call your attention to Catalogue Pages Forty-five to Forty-seven under “Information for Intend­ ing Students.” Our students, you will notice, must be at least eighteen years o f age, and not over forty-five. They must have had before entrance, a high school course or its equivalent and at least one year o f Christian experience. The question as to costs has been in your mind. As indicated, there is no tuition charge. The registra­ tion fee is very low, $2.00 per semester. For students residing in our buildings there is an extra charge o f $3.00 per semester for nurse and hospital fund. Board and room are given at a minimum price. Incidental expenses may be kept at a. low figure. You inquire as to the possibility o f finding outside employment while a student, to assist you in meet­ ing the necessary expenses of your course. Let me say that the employment situation in Los Angeles continues to be such that our students find it difficult to secure work. As you will' readily see, it is not wise for a student to count on many hours o f employment in connection with the work o f the class room. W e advise that if you are accepted as a student, you come prepared to care for your financial needs for a few months at least without employment. As to first steps necessary, the enclosed application form should be very carefully and prayerfully pre­ pared and filed with us at an early date. You will be notified within a reasonable time as to our action upon it. We shall be glad to hear from you again. May the Lord bless you as you make your plans, and if He opens the way for you to come we assure you a most cordial welcome. Very sincerely yours, Albert E. Kelly, Student Secretary.

W h y not give preparation fo r the Lord 's work a place in you r plans?

Fall Semester opens in September. Applications now being received. Full information upon request. Address EXTENSION DEPARTMENT BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

M otto : “ I , theLord , do \eep it ; I will water it every moment : lest any hurt it , I willi(eep it night andday .” Isaiah 27:3

P U B L IS H E D M O N T H L Y BY A N D R E P R E S E N T I N G TH E B IB L E I N S T I T U T E ÒF LOS AN GE LE S , J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief K eith L, B rooks , Managing Editor C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Volume XIX March, 1928 Number 3

Table of Contents


BOARD OF DIRECTORS BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J. M. I rvine , President H oward F rost , Vice-President J. M. R ust , Treasurer A lexander M ac K eigan Secretary G A. Lux, Asst. Secretary

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean i D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary o f Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , I V: Secretary ¡Cor. School R ev . A lbert | E. K elly , , > y Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r , C harles E. H urlburt ■ R ev . A lva J. M c C lain C hristian M. B ooks R ev , K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler ; Miss F lorence C haffee ■ R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W . K ellogg M iss R uth W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge

ED ITOR IALS The Indispensable Christ........................ ............... 141 Contending Without a. Contentious Spirit............141 Missionary Motives — .... ................................. 142 So ’Tis—With CompanionateMarriages:—....... ....142 W e’ll Do Our Best— By His Help..—............... -143 Tobacco Testimonials ...... 143 Dr. Gaebelein Lets Loose on “ Bullingerism” ........144 Seed Pickers ........................................-.............. .......144 Frustrating the Feuds....... ..........— ..........-.........— 145 Editorial Flashlights ............................................. ...146 * ' * * * ART ICLES Evangelism Imperative— Dr. Mark A Matthews..148 John Wesley And Our Lord’s Second Coming — Rev. Joseph W . Kemp......................................150 Two Meditations by Dr. J. Stuart Holden............151 Genesis and Geology—Dudley Joseph Whitney..152 Standing In the Gap — The late Mrs. Penn-Lewis....:.........- ............ 154 To Whom Should W e Pray? P p —Rev. Oliver M. Fletcher..............,.................155 The Hymns o f Fanny Crosby — Prof. John Bissell Trowbridge..................... .157 The Personal Testimony o f Dr. John McNeill....159 Biola Bands in Hunan, China .—Christine I. T illing........................ .................. 162 * * * * DEPARTMENTS Heart to Heart With Our Young Readers............158 Passages That Perplex—K. L. B.......................... 160 The B.B.B.B. Page.................. 161 Finest of the Wheat— .................... —......—.........164 Striking Stories o f God’s Workings— ............ .166 Hymn Stories ............... -............................................ 168 Junior King’s Business.—........................................171 International Lesson Commentary......................... 173 Bioja Table Chat.......:................................._............ 185 Notes on C. E. Topics.................................................186 Book Table ..................................................................189 Illustrated Daily Text ............................:................ 194

C. E. F uller H. B. E vans A. A ddison M axwell N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett M rs . L ym an S tewart

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean C harles E. H urlburt , Superintendent J. P. W elles , W m . A. F isher , Assts. to Supt . Terms: $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs o f 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date o f expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts: T h e K i n g ’ s B usiness cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change of Address : Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

H. W. B oyd , M. D. M rs .- A lma K. M oss P rof . R aymond C onner B G. P inkerton , M.D. F. J ean H olt , M .D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. M argaret M orris , M.D.

Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in T he K ing ’ s B usiness , ad­ dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate o f postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great

foundations of Christian faith. 536-558 S. Hope Street

Los Angeles, California


Two Safe, Sane and Capable Christian Workmen Representing Our Institute in the Field

R EV. BRITT0J\[ ROSS, Evangelist and Bible Conference Leader, and EV. LEO POLMARl, Musical Director, are being greatly used o f God in their meetings. They have a few open dates in their Spring schedule. Engagements for Summer and Fall meetings should be made soon. Pastors who desire spiritual, constructive and soubwinning meetings should arrange for these men through our Extension Department.


K i n ' g ’ s

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March 1928

T h e

The Indispensable Christ B OME prominent “ Christian leaders” today tell us that the historical Christ is not essen­ tial to Christianity— that even if we should find that such a person never lived, it would not affect Christianity in the least. Prof. Charles Bentheir, a former Baptist minister, is quoted as saying: “ Jesus made religion a personal matter. His Messianic message was not: Make me and my words the means o f your religion. It was : Let religion be to you and with you what it is to me and with me ; a means of

was not a code but a PERSON . So preoccupied with H IM was the apostle Paul that he said, “ For me to live is CHR IST .” Let us remember there is no salvation apart from HIM . He it is who must be lifted up that men might be drawn to God— not simply a doctrine. What the sun is to the natural world, Christ H IM SELF is to the spiritual world. He is the life-blood o f Christianity. Christianity is CHR IST H IMSELF , or it is a counterfeit.

Contending without a Contentious Spirit T HE other day a friend of ours gave us a copy of

personal life ; an expression o f personal experience; a token of personal relation­ ship with God and self iden­ tification with G od ; the King­ dom of Heaven is within you, and having found it, you are sons and daughters of My Father and your Father.” But he who opens the pages o f Holy Writ does not have to read far to discover that Christianity c e n t e r s about a Divine Person who LIVED and w h o N O W LIVES . Jesus defined Chris­ tianity in terms of Himself. “ I AM the Bread of life— the light o f the world— the resurrection and the life—the way, the truth, and the life— the vine— the door— the good shepherd.” I AM . Christianity is devotion to the Divine Person of Christ, not just to a creed. “ Come

John Newton’s famous let­ ters on religious subjects, and although it was published in 1830 the leaves were still un­ cut. While the print is ex- asperatingly fine, it deserved better, at the hands of the years. It was worth cutting the leaves if for nothing else than to get this choice bit on “ Controversy” : ■ “ There is a principle of self, which disposes us to despise those who differ from us ; and we are often under its influence, when we think we are only showing a be­ coming zeal in the cause of God. “ Whatever it be that makes us trust in ourselves that .we are comparatively wise or good, so as to treat those with contempt who do

Follow ME— By Such invita-

not subscribe to our doctrines, o f follow, our party, is a proof and fruit of a self-righteous spirit. Self-righteous­ ness can feed upon doctrines, as well as upon works : and a man may have the heart of a Pharisee, while his head is stored with orthodox notions of the unworthiness of the creature, and the riches of free grace. “ It seems a laudable service to defend the faith once delivered to the saints; we are commanded to contend earnestly for it, and to convince gainsayers. If ever such defences were seasonable and expedient, they appear to be so in our day, when errors abound on all sides, and every truth of the Gospel is either directly denied, or grossly misrepresented. And yet we find but very few writers of controversy who have not been manifestly hurt by it. Either they grow in a sense of their own impor­ tance, or imbibe an angry contentious spirit, or they insensibly withdraw their attention from those things which are the food and immediate support of the life of faith, and spend their time and strength upon matters which at most are but of a secondary value. This shows, that if the service is honorable, it is dangerous. What will

unto ME— Confess ME before men— ME if any man enter in, he shall be saved; tions are the very heart of the Christian message. The message of Christ cannot be separated from Christ H IMSELF . Men need JESUS, not merely .a system of teaching or a set of ideals. No man can hope to live the teachings of Christ who does not have CHR IST H IM ­ SELF. . “ Christ IvOeth in me,” said Paul, and this was the secret of his victorious life. Christ is Himself the Gospel. As Dr. Dale' has said: “ He came not so much to preach the Gospel, but that there might be a Gospel to preach.” Faith in Christ H IMSELF is the one condition of His help. “ Ye believe in God—- believe also in ME .” O f those who thus receive Him, he says: “ Neither shall any pluck them out of MY HAND .” “ Because I live, ye shall live.” To all believers He left the. Lord’s supper, a memorial to H IMSELF . “ This do in remembrance of ME .” When we come to the message of the apostles, they are determined to preach nothing else save CHR IST and H IM CRUCIFIED . From first to last their Christianity


T h e

March 1928

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it profit a man if he gains his cause and silences his adver­ sary, if at the same he loses that humble, tender frame of spirit in which the Lord delights, and to which the promise o f his presence is made.” EH Missionary Motives T HE Missionary Review o f the World tells of the re­ sults o f a Questionnaire recently sent out to discover the motives o f missionaries. * In response to the ques­ tionnaire to pastors, missionary secretaries, teachers and other Christian workers, the objective that received the most votes was “ The training o f a native Christian leader­ ship” ; second came “ The promotion o f universal brother­ hood” ; and then “ Sharing with others our personal knowl­

forts, cultivation of -nationalism, efforts to promote human brotherhood are all well in their places, but no one o f these objectives, nor all of them together can ever lead men to know God and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent, and through Whom alone, eternal life is to be found. So ’Tis—With Companionate Marriages B RA ZEN LY proclaiming the marriage of his daughter as being the companionate type advocated by Judge Ben Lindsey, E. Haldeman-Julius, radical propagandist and Atheist, sets himself up'before the public as a model for modern parents. I f ,Julius, without the blare of this unseemly publicity, had seen fit to marry off his daughter before she was

edge o f Christ,” and the “ Christianization o f all aspects o f national life.” The fewest votes were given to the ob­ jectives: extending denomina­ tional beliefs, the evangeliza­ tion o f the world in this gen­ eration, the salvation of souls from eternal death through faith in Christ and “ the over­ throw of false religions which cannot save and which blind men to the truth.” This would seem to reveal a serious situation—a lack of firm, settled convictions as to the objective t h e d i v i n e Founder o f .the missionary en­ terprise set for His followers. The editor of The Review then briefly sets forth the ob­ jectives so clearly stated by the New Testament, as fol­ lows : 1 .T o lead men to

through her high school course to a young man in his employ, who is unable at present ,to foot his own matrimonial bills, the incident could be regarded as being none of the public’s business. Among the mentally deficient, he may recruit some followers, but most American parents still have sense enough, even in this modern age, to see that their boys and girls are through their school days before tackling such a big task as matrimony, regardless of what label it bears. Unfortunately for Halde- man-Julius, an enterprising newspaper reporter, up and spoiled this perfect sample of companionate marriage. It de­ veloped that the daughter came to the Julius home altogether too soon after the marriage of the supposed parents. The v a l u e of t h i s information seemed to be in the fact that the noted Atheist has delighted in comparing the morals of preachers with those o f Athe­

For Better or For Worse?

repeat o f their sins and to carry to all mankind (while they l i v e on earth) the Gospel o f life which Christ came to pro­

Gale in Los Angeles Times

claim and which He made effective by His life, death and resurrection (Matt. 24:14; Mark 16:15 and Acts 1 :8 ; 13:32). 2. To teach the people, o f all lands and nations, races and conditions to know God as revealed in Christ and to understand and observe the commands of Christ as He taught the Way o f Life and service (Matt. 28:19, 20; Mark 1:16; Acts 5:42; Rom. 1:5). 3. To extend the Kingdom o f God— His sov­ ereign rule—throughout the earth by persuading men to become loyal followers and servants of Jesus Christ and by .obedience to the laws of God, as inter­ preted by Christ, in personal, social, industrial and civic life (Luke 9:2, 11, 60; Acts 28:31). 4 .T o teach and train the followers'"of Christ — to “ feed the sheep and tend the lambs” o f His fold— so as to build up a strong, intelligent Church, with a fulness o f life so that young and old, by precept and example will be true, strong disciples and effective, loving ministers to others (John 10:10; 20:21; 21: 15-17).

ists and in publishing all the scandal on off-colored clergy. Julius was in a bad fix, so he explained thus. He declared that he and his wife were the original compan­ ionate marriage couple of the universe. He avowed that while they were both in College, before marriage, they lived together in companionate relationship. This daughter came as the result of that wholesome and beautiful union! But— o h ! O h !— this story also had a weak spot in it. A crusty old miner, who didn’t relish the thought of this daughter being branded as an illegitimate, rose up in his wrath and brought forth the proof that this daughter was not the offspring of the Haldeman-Juliuses at all. She was an adopted child and he, the miner, is the father. What might the Atheist’s rejoinder be to that? There was nothing to do but calmly concede to the undeniable proof. So this is the perfect sample o f the original com­ panionate marriage. Let us hope that the “ daughter” will make a, better record, in spite of the home influences she has had. And by the way— it might be well to take anything that Haldeman-Julius says, with a little salt.

The questionnaire beyond a doubt has laid bare the heart o f our modern missionary problem. Many o f the newer type of missionaries are evidently failing to make a distinction between the main objective of Christianity and its by-products. Education, increase of creature com­

March 1928


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We’ll Do Our Best—By His Help W ON ’T it be a great day when a man may be pastor o f a spiritual church and fully satisfy everybody with his preaching ? What a glorious time it will be when a man can teach a Bible class and no fault will be found with his interpretation! Needless to say, we look forward to a time when we can edit a Christian magazine and al­ ways be rightly understood and all readers wili be pleased. Long search for a career that would not mean quarrels and strife— for. his was an :over-shy nature-brought Edgar Ransome at last to the purchase o f a publishing house which printed nothing but children’s tales and nur­ sery rhymes. “ Now,” said he to himself,-“ I can be happy and peace­ ful. The world cannot quarrel with anything in this.” “ There’s just a little unfinished business here,” his predecessor told him when the deal was completed. “ Pro­ tests from nuts all over the country, but we have to do something about them.” • “ What are they?” Edgar inquired, in quavering tones. “ Here’s one from a Sunday-school superintendents’ conference objecting to the story o f the ugly duckling. They say it’s an indecent reflection on the mother duck,” the outgoing publisher replied. “ And here’s a set of resolutions from the Stepdaugh­ ters of the Siwash asking us to eliminate ‘F e e ! F ie ! F o e ! Fum’ from the story o f ‘Jack the Giant Killer.’ They claim it borders on profanity. “ The West Harmony Undertakers’ Association wants us to stop printing ‘Babes in the W ood.’ They object to it on the ground that it contains an inferential slight on their profession,” he continued. “ Then there’s the Ideal Clothing Merchants, Inc. They ask to have ‘Baa! Baa! Black Sheep!’ discontinued on the general theory that the less said about wool the better.” “ Just a moment,” Edgar interrupted, “ are there many like that ?” -T “ Hundreds,” said the departing one. “ They come in every mail.” A fter a moment’s pause Edgar spoke again, hesitat­ ingly. “ Would you,” he inquired, “ would you reconsider our deal ?” “ Not on your life /’ the seller assured him heartily. “ I ’m glad to get out. Now I’ll be able to have some peace once in a while.” Yes, we know just how Edgar felt, for with all our 4esires to be helpful to all our readers, and with all our prayers for divine guidance, someone is sure to draw con­ clusions which we had not anticipated. Tobacco Testimonials O NE of our readers, who frankly confesses that he enjoys an occasional pipe and doesn’t quarrel much with tobacco, is nevertheless greatly disturbed over what he calls “ hypocrisy in advertising,” He encloses clippings o f tobacco advertisements in which the dealers would make it appear that cigarettes are a real boon to one’s health. In one testimonial, a school teacher recommends the filthy weed on grounds that he would cer­ tainly censure in one of his pupils. Says this teacher:

would ‘rip me open’ and cause additional pain, and if you’ve had the experience you know that-to be so. However, I had a package o f ‘Luckies’ in my coat pocket and persuaded my nurse to get them. She did, and I smoked eight that day. To make it short, I smoked all the two weeks at the hospital with nary a cough or throat irritation or the least discomfort, and by the way, smoking was prohibited at the hos­ pital, but nurse - kept my door closed and window open so I enjoyed my smokes to the full extent. “I am just a school teacher in a small town and not setting a good example to my pupils because I smoke, I suppose, but there is certainly ‘pep’ in Lucky Strikes. “ Sincerely yours,

v - i


A. McPherson." Mr. McPherson frankly acknowledges that his example is a bad one, yet the American Tobacco Company considers his testimony good advertising. That should be enough to show the real nature of this monster— the tobacco trust. Notice four things: 1. McPherson was forbidden by his doctor to smoke. He went contrary to medical advice. Is that a good thing to advertise ? 2. McPherson broke the rules of a hospital. He slipped one over. What kind o f an influence is that for a teacher who requires his pupils to obey rules? Is this a good thing to advertise ? 3. McPherson persuaded a nurse also to go contrary to instruction in permitting him to break a rule. What kind of ethics is that for a nurse? Who would care to leave a loved one in the care of that nurse? Is this a good thing to advertise ? 4. McPherson says: “ I ’m not setting a good example,” and we can only surmise that McPherson, being a little


The J'lewberg (Ore.) Graphic is re­ sponsible for the following:

Behold! The lodge lodgeth together—and they eat. The club clubbeth together—and they eat. The church hath a social— and they eat. The young people elect officers—and they eat. And even when the missionary society meeteth together—they eat. But this latter is in a good cause, because they eat in remembrance o f the poor heathen who have not much to eat. Behold! hath man’s brains gone to his stomach, and doth he no longer regard intel­ lectual dainties that thou canst no longer call an assembly or get together a quorum or even a “ baker’s dozen” except that thou hold up the baker’s dainties as a bait ? Be it true, that the day cometh that to get a crowd at prayer meet­ ing the preacher must hold up a biscuit ? Yea, verily, thou hast heard o f the child races of the world. But, behold, it is nigh thee, even at the door. For as one calleth unto the child and sayeth, “ Come hither, sweet little one, and I will give thee a stick of candy,” even so must thou say to his grown-up papa and mamma, “ Assemble ye together and we will serve refreshments!” And, lo, they come like sheep in a pen.

“On May 29th last, was operated upon for gastric ulcer and appendicitis. The day after, I wanted a smoke real badly and asked my doctor. He advised strongly against it, stating that even a slight cough


March 1928

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same period as recorded by the other writers. This was indeed consistent with their teaching of the failure of Christ’s original proposition and its postponement. But the work of slicing the New Testament did not stop there. Others proceeded to show that the book of Acts recorded a second kingdom offer to the Jews after the resurrection, and that the church referred to there could not be the Body of Christ, but must have been a Jewish “ kingdom assembly,” thus making a distinction between the Bride o f Christ and the Body o f Christ. It was asserted that not until the 28th chapter o f Acts, v. 28, when Paul turned to the Gentiles, could there be anything like present church truth. It was said that the earthly Kingdom proposition was then '. for the second time abandoned. The Epistles were, however, spared as “ the truth for the Body of Christ.” Still there are those who feel that this process o f dis­ section has not gone far enough. They profess to discover that no church existed until A . D. 62, when Paul wrote Ephesians, referring to the revelation of the mystery to him. In consistency with this latest idea, all epistles written before A. D. 62 are dropped from the list of writ­ ings, having to do with “ Body truth.” As a recent writer puts i t : “ Correct partitioning between the earlier and later writings of Paul is necessary.” Out goes the precious Epistle to the Romans, good-bye to the Thessalonian epistles; 1st and 2nd Corinthians are gone; Galatians is no more. The writings of Peter, Janies and. John and the book of Hebrews are all Jewish. Jude and Revelation have to do with the future Jewish proposition. What have we left? Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon, Titus and Second Timothy, all written in A. D. 62 or later. Now it only remains for some one else to pick out the verses in these epistles that do not belong to us, and the work ¡will be done better than the critic’s pen-knife ever could have done it. It is' strange indeed that 2 Tim. 2 :15 should be made the authority for these new distinctions. “Holding a straight course in the word o f truth” is the evident meaning of the Greek. The revised version gives i t : “ rightly hand­ ling the word o f truth.” What Paul here-pleads for is straightforward, fair handling of Scripture, as opposed to endless distinctions and by-plays of ingenuity. May God help us to hold a straight course in the Scriptures, seeing the harmonious development of the Gospel truth. v Seed Pickers “ Certain philosophers encountered him [Paul] and some said, What will this babbler say ?”—Acts 17:18. T HE Epicureans were materialists. The Stoics were moralists. In the one, the sensual nature resisted the claims of the Gospel; in the other, self-righteousness and pride of intellect rebelled. It was not strange that these gentlemen branded Paul, the preacher o f the cross of Christ, as a mere “ babbler” (the word means, “ seed- picker” ). Although Athens was called the brain o f the world, Paul was fearless of its sophistries, gave no heed to the browbeating, and jumped into the arena with the message of “ Jesus and the resurrection.” The term “ seed-picker” was taken from birds that picked up stray seeds. It was applied to men who were looked upon as having picked up only the crumbs of learning. Modern philosophers and scientists could scarcely invent a more sarcastic phrase to apply to the Gospel preacher. We are apt to think that abuse of this kind has been reserved for us in these so-called “ days of enlightenment.”

short of funds at the time, saw a good chance to pay his hospital bill, even though he had to stretch his morals a few points. Is this a good thing to advertise? Our correspondent says: “ When an advertiser advo- catés the breaking of rules intended to safeguard the health of people who are sick, and attempts by cleverly worded suggestions, to put daredevil ideas into children’s minds, the advertiser not only wins a host of very able enemies, but he lowers the standard and the prestige of all advertising. “ Do not let us drag medical or ethical morality down to such inky depths of hypocritical cant. If we are not careful, morality will soon be made the deceiving slave of all deceit.” And may' we add— that while our correspondent has taken a step in the right direction in opposing such unprin­ cipled advertising, how much greater would be his influence over the .young, if he could himself sáy: “ I do not use the stuff!” Dr. Gaebelein Lets Loose on “ Bullingerism” A MOST timely editorial has appeared in Dr. A . C. Gaebelein’s splendid magazine Our Hope. It is headed “ Mis-leading Teaching” and characterizes a certain system of interpretation which has been- in vogue among sane Fundamentalists in recent years as " fanciful and far­ fetched ISM .” This line of teaching is traced by Dr. Gaebelein, back to Dr. Bullinger, a Church o f England clergyman. His “ hair splitting theories,” Dr. Gaebelein rightly says are “ now being circulated by a number o f Fundamentalist Bible teachers, evangelists and pastors.” To quote Dr. Gaebelein: “ According to Bullingerism, one’s.Bible reading should be confined to the prison epistles o f Paul. The Old Testament, these teachers say, is Jewish, so are the Gospels, and a Christian should have nothing to do with them. The book of Revelation is like­ wise Judaized. . . . They teach that the church did not begin on the day o f Pentecost and the entire book of Acts is Jewish also. The church came into existence in the last chapter o f Acts . . . . Bullingerism denies that the church is the Bride of Christ . . . . and declares that Israel is the Bride. Then baptism and the Lord’s Supper are not ordinances of the church but belong to the kingdom.” We can heartily endorse the position taken by Dr. Gaebelein against this subtle, unscriptural and divisive line of teaching. He declares that he is grieved to see these recently invented theories creeping into Bible conferences and even Bible Institutes. We also have been grieved over the same thing and can say that these teachings have gained no foothold in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dr. R. A. Torrey, the first dean o f our Institute, always stood opposed to these views, and the present dean has been backed by his entire faculty in warning against the errors of Bullingerism which have been so widely propagated in certain popular Christian magazines. We have been watching for several years the growth o f this system of error, which was based upon a wrong understanding o f 2 Tim. 2:15. In the name of “ rightly dividing the word o f truth,” a company o f the brethren in England attempted to show the necessity of dissecting the New Testament, dividing off Matthew, Mark and Luke as having to do only with a Jewish kingdom offer, therefore not being directly related to the church. John’s Gospel, which presents Christ as the Son o f God, for some reason was spared to Christians. As time went on, some saw the inconsistency of leaving John in this category, since this Gospel is a record of the


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But the world has not changed. The “ wisdom of the wise and the understanding of the prudent” have made no ad­ vancement. It is the same old natural mind that pits itself against the Spirit o f God. We need not hesitate more than Paul to meet it with the saving Gospel which is the “ power of God unto salvation,” for experience is a safer teacher than reason. History repeats itself. The world’s philoso­ phies go down into the dust, but the Gospel abides as the one satisfying Bread of Life. Though the learned brand you as a seed-picker, thank God that it is your privilege to bear the precious seed (Psa. 126:6), that has in itself (apart from your own abilities) the power to save, and by faithfully sowing it you shall “ doubtless come again with rejoicing, bearing your sheaves with you.” . .^, 14 . Frustrating the Feuds M AN Y Christians seem to-overlook the fact that Jesus Christ during His preaching ministry confined Him­ self largely to the pressing of very practical duties. While we hear much about “ following the teachings of Jesus,” there seem to be a large number who forget what He taught. Take, for instance, the course o f action He prescribed for the settlement of misunderstandings (Mt. 18:15-17). Dr. Torrey has said, “ There would be no long-cherished feuds in the church if these words were obeyed.” I f a brother trespasses against us (and the word “ tres­ pass” suggests that the matter is no mere trifle), we are to go to him in a kind spirit and show him his error. A fellowship in the Body of Christ has been severed. A cold­ ness has been brought into the church. ; Is it well that such a state o f things should be allowed to drift along? Our Lord would teach that, provided the offender does not soon confess his sin (Mt. 5:23-24), the offended one should approach the offender in the matter. “ I f he hears, thou hast gained thy brother.”. If ypur motive is to go and cram his words down his throat and thus gain personal satisfaction, leave the matter alone. But if your desire is to mend a broken fellowship, you may gain your brother and save the church from a bad situation. If he will not hear, persevere in seeking peace by call­ ing upon him again, taking two Christian witnesses with you. A united, prayerful reasoning with others may help. If the man still refuses to right the wrongs be has done, “ tell it to the church.” Invite thé prayers of the brotherhood and let him have the judgment of spiritual people in the matter. If he stands out against all this, but one course is left— “ Let hint be unto thee as a heathen man.” What is the Christian attitude toward the heathen? Do we hate them? Nay, we pray for them and work for them, knowing that they need salvation. A professing Christian who could persist in an action that he has been shown is thoroughly wrong, would surely show himself devoid o f the Spirit o f Christ. He needs converting and he can only be regarded as the rest of the heathen world. Will Jesus’ plan work? We believe it will. •Put it to the test. Straighten out that misunderstanding that has made you a star-gazer when you have met that other Christian. Do not let the breach widen.

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Prov. 3 :6). In all thy ways— - Yes, not just here and there, and now and then, When all is fair and bright; But everywhere, and all the days From morn till night. Acknowledge Him— Yes, by His grace and through His mighty power, Just live to make Him known; In loving word, and look, and deed He may be shown. And then He shall— Yes, His own word, through all the days to come Shall be fulfilled to thee, He shall direct thy paths, and thou Shalt guided be. S. C. McK.

Dr. Hurlburt Takes Up Africa Work Dr. Charles E. Hurlburt has resigned his position as Superintendent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, as having taken effect January first, in order that he may be able to give his chief time and strength to mission work in Africa, to which God called him many years ago. A t the present request of the Board of Directors o f the Bible Institute, he continues to give such time and counsel in an honorary way as his mission interests permit. W e shall give a fuller account in our next issue. Scientists Not Infallible The Forum magazine recently published an article by Major Leonard Huxley, son of the great Evolutionist of the last century. The following paragraph, coming from such a source, is most striking: “ Men o f science must not pride themselves on being free from error. In their own often very narrow fields of study their conclusions should carry great weight; but they themselves often fail to realize that, outside those fields, they are trusting largely to their common sense, whilst not seldom claiming for the opinions they hold the infallibility o f scientific truths. Scientific workers are apt, moreover, to pay too little attention to traditional warn­ ings passed on from generation to generation; warnings which are often the crystallized wisdom o f wise men in many past ages.”


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An Ohio paper says that the smallest volume in the world would be “Who’s Who in Italy?” * * * A recent writer has been setting up a plea for “untheological Christianity.” Someone replies, “You might as well plead for a boneless body.” * * * In Metropolitan area there are 350,000 Jewish children o f public school age. Only 70,000, one in five, receive any religious in­ struction. Shall nothing be done for the souls o f these children? ♦ * * If all the people reach heaven who are consigned there in funeral sermons, the place will be well crowded. One editor suggests that if some o f them get there, “it should take at least fourteen years for them to be naturalized.” . * * * Out of 5,962 faculty members at 100 state universities and colleges canvassed by “ The American Association on Re­ ligion,” Chicago and New York, 4,718, or 72 per cent, are church members, while 27 per cent have no religious affiliations.” * * * Modern science says: “Whatever goes into the germ-cell must come out in the offspring.” Bill Nye long ago expressed the same idea, when he said that every man should live with the thought ever be­ fore him that he might some day wake up to find himself a forefather. * * * “ Believed to be part of the true cross o f Christ, a fragment of wood has been sent to Father Douglas o f St. Luke’s Church.” So runs a paragraph in a news­ paper. Will we never reach the end of these bits o f wood from the Cross? Lit­ erally tons o f this “true wood” existed in pre-Reformation days, and still it comes. O f what virtue would it be, if one actually did have a splinter o f the Cross? * * ♦ The constant blowing off of the A. A. A. A. in the press o f the country reminds us of Abraham Lincoln’s remark about a boat that plied the Mississippi. It had such a big whistle that every time it was blown, they had to stop the boat to get up steam. If these Atheists have anything left after they are through telling the pub­ lic what they are going to do to the Chris­ tian religion, we may expect them, to pro­ duce some actual proof that there is no God. * * * A man who recently made application to be admitted to the Los Angeles County Poor Farm, arrived on the scene and asked an official where he was to park his

sedan. Informed that the county did not provide garages, he motored away in dis­ gust. And that is the way some people want to come to God. Where will they put their self-righteousness? Heaven has no place for it. Better come empty- handed, brother. You’ll stand a better chance of getting ifl. * * * Dr. William Brady, noted writer on health topics, refer? to the letter of a six- teen-year-old girl who worked in an office which was filled from morning until night with the smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Dr. Brady states that the con­ dition to which she was exposed led di­ rectly into the first stages of consumption, and he comments: “ It is inexcusable for a business man to subject an employee to such poisoning.” Can it be that any pro­ fessed follower of Christ is in need of such a hint ?

ing “his own sick and unhealthy children, as well as dead and half-rotten animals.” What earthly sense is there in Christians trying to compromise with the evolution theory as held by most o f the scientists? Dr. Biederwolf refers to the pathetic ef­ fort o f would-be “ Christian evolutionists” who are “willing to allow that God b.eathed His moral likeness into this low­ browed, hair-covered, ape-like, repulsive creature somewhere along down the ages, when it became respectable enough to have this dignity thrust upon it. But tell me,” says Dr. Biederwolf, “how could such a beastly creature be the type and the pat­ tern o f the Christ, as Paul (Rom. 5 :14) distinctly says our first ancestor really ' was?”-.\vj ' JA A - * * * A fair sample o f what one must guard against in using one-man Bible transla­ tions, comes out in Moffatt’s New Testa­ ment, Lk. 23:44-45: “ Darkness covered the whole land until three o’clock, owing to an eclipse o f the sun.” There is no in­ dication that an eclipse was in the mind o f Luke, or that one took place. It is only at new moon that there can be an eclipse o f the sun, and the crucifixion was the time o f the Paschal full moon. No eclipse lasting three hours has ever been recorded. I f the darkness is to be con­ nected with any natural phenomena, it might better be associated with the earth­ quake, which might have filled the air with heavy clouds of dust. It is a safe rule to trust these modern versions only in so far as they accord with the apparent meaning as given in our accepted versions. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer a few weeks ago carried this heading: “ Bishop Blesses Hunt Club.” Under the shadow of an Episcopal church, the saintly bishop, bear­ ing a crucifix, blessed the members o f a hunting club, together with their horses and hounds. He was assisted by the vicar o f the church. “ I am happy to take part in this most unusual occasion,” said the bishop, “when we call God’s blessing upon us to enjoy our sport and community af­ fairs. Bless, O Lord, the rider and the horse,” intoned the vicar. “ Bless ■ the hounds that run; and by their running give strength and cleanness o f mind to all who join in this sport.” The huntsman’s horn rang out. Up went the forty-seven tails o f the pack. The riders sprang to their saddles. They were off. A few minutes later rain came in deluges, and the hunt was called off. Thus was the Bishop’s prayer answered. We do not read that the Bishop included in his bless­ ing the fox or the rabbit, which it was hoped would be chased for an hour by baying hounds, racing horses and men and women, until it dropped from sheer ex­ haustion. * * *

Ingersoll’s “ IF” Robert Ingersoll, the notorious infidel o f an earlier generation, had a godly aunt to whom he sent a copy o f one of his books attacking the Bible. On the fly­ leaf was written over his signa­ ture : “ I f all Christians had lived like Aunt Sarah, perhaps this book would never have been written!”

You’ve often heard it said that Jews are not found in prisons. They are said to be a law-abiding people. Rabbi Katz of New York, who is one of the chaplains of Sing Sing, recently let it slip that 16 per cent of the prisoners there are Jews, and that 10.6 per cent o f all prisoners in the State are Jews. Considering the propor­ tion o f Jews in the state population, that would seem to be a very large proportion of law-breakers. Let us not get the idea that the Jews do not need the Gospel in order to make them law-abiding citizens, * * * About 800 dialect translations o f the Bible in whole or in part have now been made. One o f the most recent of these was by Rev. T. C. Vinson, a Southern Presbyterian missionary, for the' Balubas, one of the largest tribes of Central Africa. It took years o f strenuous toil to produce this translation, a task that many a man would have considered a thankless one. But Mr. Vinson now has the thrill o f see­ ing the light o f the glorious Gospel let into that dark corner o f the world. * * * H. G. Wells tells us that our first an­ cestor was an eater of decaying meat, eat­

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