King's Business - 1928-03


Mûrch 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

God is Using The King’s Business F ROM far-away Dundee, Scotland, comes this fine word from a K in g ’ s B u sin e ss reader: “ I want you to know the place and power your maga­ zine has had in my life during the past four years and how it has influenced me. I was drifting when a friend handed me a copy o f T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e ss , and as a result of perusing it, the drifting was brought to an end and the return to things fundamental made.” A good friend at St. Regis, Montana, writes: “ Every issue of T h e K ing ’ s B u sin e ss is good, but I consider the January, 1928, issue the best one yet. It is a particularly strong and effective reply to Modernism.” The writer o f this letter encloses $16.00 to help spread the magazine among needy missionaries. “ W e are enjoying our K in g ’ s B u sin e ss more every month. We rejoice over the way our Father is guiding and blessing in its publication.” —An Illinois preacher, “ If T h e K ing ’ s B u sin e ss continues to get much bet­ ter, I soon won’t have time to do anything but read and study it for the first few days after it arrives.” —A Pasadena friend. “ I must tell you just a little o f how T h e K ing ’ s B u si ­ n ess helps me in my witnessing here in prison. It has helped me win several souls to Christ and I have made several talks from articles in the magazine. I am a cripple, unable to do any work at all, but am doing my best for the Master.” • —A prisoner in Kilby Prison. “ T h e K ing ’ s B u sin e ss is like a cup o f cold water to the thirsty. My finances would not permit me to renew my subscription and I have just learned of your kindness in continuing it. Your gift has moved me to tears. I do thank you. I do not know what I would do without it.” - A Missionary in Brazil. — o— A Japanese Wireless Operator Confesses Christ A JAPANESE oil tanker was visited a few weeks ago by Mr. Pearson. Many of the men were happy to receive his tracts and Gospels. One youth approached and gave his testimony as being a Christian. Mr. Pearson noticed that the wireless operator borrowed this young man’s hymn-book and sang a song he liked. He listened attentively, then asked the man if he had a Bible or Testa­ ment. It was learned that he did not and one was given him. The worker then slowly and carefully taught him from the Bible about the creation, man, the fall, sin and its penalty, God’s plan of redemption, and the need o f a personal decision for Christ. As a rule, the Japanese make no hasty decisions, but this man did, He marked in the English Testament, and also in his Japanese Testa­ ment, the instructions given by Mr. Pearson. He was very happy when the worker left, and, needless to report, so was Mr. Pearson. : m M M Not Enough “ Oh’s” An exchange quotes Rev. Rhys B. Jones, saying, “ The trouble with our prayers is that the ‘Oh’s are out of them.’ “ Oh that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and ’ come down!” Cold-hearted and formal, perfunctory and precise in.phrasing, what feeble prayers we now hear! Let the passion o f Jesus come into our prayers, public and in the closet, the heart-burdened cry o f God, the impof- tunity of Jacob, and the perseverance of Abraham for Sodom. The “ Oh” from the depths of the heart that stirs all the emotions, sets on fire all our longings; and fixes otir faith. Then indeed will the heavens be rent and power as on Pentecost descend1

call a meeting of your students and workers and pray for me and this work among these men !” What the Euodia Club Means to a Girl I CERTA IN LY do thank God for the opportunity o f tell­ ing you what the Euodia Club has meant in my life,” writes a Los Angeles girl. “ I really don’t know how I could get along without it. When I heard aboùt this club I started going to it at the beginning o f my Junior year in high school. Now my only regret is that I did not know about it when I was in grammar school. “ Every week I longed for the day of our meeting. I didn’t want to graduate from high school and leave Euodia, but now we have an alumni club which meets once a month. I enjoyed the high-school club so much that my Monday afternoons are still set apart to attend the meetings as well as going to the alumni meetings. This is my third year and I have never missed a meeting. “ Our yearly conference certainly affords a fine oppor­ tunity for a girl to make lots o f fine friends. W e all look forward to this with great joy and anticipation. “ One might wonder what the use is of having another club for the high-school girls because there áre already clubs, such as Girl Reserves. But none o f these are for Bible study and Christian fellowship. “ Euodia gave me a real relish for the study of my Bible and the desire to commit to memory many portions o f Scripture.” Perhaps all our readers do not know that the Euodia Clubs are conducted among the girls o f the public schools by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. Trained Bible women are in charge o f these clubs and out of the Bible lessons and heart-to-heart talks, come many conversions. The girl who wrote the above is now preparing for life ser­ vice in the Institute. — o — Won a Soul—But no Money A T a recent Bible Institute gathering, some o f the de- - t i partments were asked for concise statements o f con­ versions. The Financial Department, however, was not called upon. But here is one told us by Mr. H. C. Hunt, a financial representative. A letter came from a beach town, saying the writer desired to place some considerable sum o f money where it would count for most. Our representative went, and on interviewing this Doctor of Chemistry, soon suspected him an unsaved man, and- early turned the conversation to­ ward that supreme subject, and found the man had had a praying mother, but the son had procrastinated till sixty years had been reached. The limit of time for the inter­ view was reached, and the subject of money had scarcely been touched. Acceptance of Christ was urged, but apparently without result. Upon departing, á leaflet-^“ A Message from the King” — by T. C. Horton was left, with the request that if he de­ cided to accept Christ, he could sign the statement and send it in. In about a week this arrived, signed and dated, indicat­ ing that he had accepted Christ. After nearly two weeks a newspaper containing this Doctor’s death notice came to hand, and a note by a hospital nurse saying pneumonia had hurried off her patient, but at his request, the news was sent. No money came to B. I. O. L. A . out of the incident, but how much is a soul worth ? ■— o —

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