King's Business - 1928-03

March 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

IHHH o w e r C h i m e s

Close the meeting by singing “More Like the Master,” or “Take My Life and Let it Be.” C hoice N uggets “W e cannot shine unless we are lumi­ nous. A sun without sunbeams might argue without effect about light until dooms­ day. Shine 1 Seek Christ in the heart.” “For fifteen years,” said one man, “ I have been one o f the leading elders in the church, yet this man tells me that I have never said a word to him about Christ. There is something wrong with my Chris­ tianity.” “We help people by our human sym­ pathy. A warm hand stretched out to a drowning person will not be refused. A kindly deed opens the door o f the heart.” “A street car without electric current is helpless enough, and so is a Christian who is not endued with the Spirit. Power to win souls is got in silent communion with Cod.” “ It is better to live a great truth than merely to proclaim it ; because if your life belies your lips, your speech seems as resounding brass and a braying ass.” “ By intolerance my brother may shut me out o f his life, but by love I may take him into mine, and thus I convert an exclusive circle into an inclusive sphere.” —o-—■ March 18 Values of Church Membership Col. 3 :8-17 “ One family—we dwell in Him, One church above, beneath,. Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death.” —Charles Wesley T houghts on the T opic CO N C E RN IN G the Church, Jesus said: ^ " Upon this rock (the deity o f Christ) I will build my church, and the gates o f hell shall not prevail against it." There are two churches, the visible and invisible; the visible comprising various denominations here on earth and the in­ visible consisting o f all true believers in all churches, as well as the countless mil­ lions who have passed on to be with Christ, the Head o f the Church (Eph. 5 :23 1. c. ). The value o f membership in the visible church is first seen in the strengthening of our spiritual life and the upbuilding of Christian character (Phil. 2:1-16). The blessings o f fellowship as received by church membership are also o f great value (1 Cor. 12:12-27). Membership in the church offers the greatest challenge to service o f any institution on earth (1 Cor. 15:58; Mark 16:15). ' Our Scripture lesson for today tells us o f the things we should put off as mem­ bers o f His body, the church, and lists the things we add to our lives. Place these lists in parallel columns on the blackboard, writing underneath the following verse: . “What sort o f a church would my church be if every member were just like me?” Close the meeting by singing “ The Church’s one Foundation.” C hoice N uggets “ The power and achievement of a church depend on its membership—that is, not merely upon its members, but upon the ideals which membership implies and

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Helping Others to Follow Jesus 1 Pet. 3 :8-16 Let This Be Your Thought

As we meet and touch each day The many travelers on our way, Let every such brief contact be A glorious, helpful ministry. Let us follow the Saviour’s plan, Love unstinted to every man,

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Content at most the world, should say—• “He helped his brother along the way.” T houghts on the T opic J ESUS said, “ Follow me and I will make you to become fishers o f men” (Matt. 4:19 R. V .). W e have been saved in order that we might be used in saying someone else. It was the kindly word spoken by our Sunday-school teacher or Christian Endeavor Superintendent, or the prayers and godly life of our dear mother, an influence from some other life which led us to forsake the wayward path in which we were traveling, to follow Jesus Christ. Now that we are walking in the true Way (John 14:6), the ques­ tion naturally comes to us, “ How can I help someone else follow Jesus?” It has been said that there are five gospels, the four as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the fifth gospel according to YOU. The unsaved do not read the first four gospels, but they are constantly reading the fifth gospel. How all impor­ tant it is, then, that our lives conform to the teachings of Him whom we follow. YOU are writing a Gospel, Jesus also said, “Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." The light of the glorious Gospel has been shed abroad in our hearts, but we are responsible for its shining out of our lives to others who are still grop­ ing in darkness. Let not sin in our lives darken the windows o f our hearts so that no light can shine through to those whom we are seeking to win. Prayerfully study the following scrip­ tures if you would be a help instead o f a hindrance to some soul finding Christ: Rom. 6:11; Gal. 6 :14; Gal. 2 :20; Col. 3 :3 ; 1 Pet. 2:24; John IS; 1 Tim. 4:12-16; 1 Pet. 4:12-16; Eph. 1:15-23. The above passages would be good to give out in the meeting to be read by different members. A chapter each day. By deeds that you do, By words that you say. Men read what you write, Whether faithless or true. Say! What is the Gospel According to YOU?


F u n d am aam m am :


WINSTON'INTERNATIONAL KEDIETTERBIBLES SELF-PRONOUNCING BIBLESandTESTAMENT8thatEMPHASIZECHRIST All the Prophetic Types and Prophecies in Old Testament and Words of Christ in New Testament are Printed in Red. S en d fo r Illu stra ted C atalog THE JOHN C . WINSTON CO., Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 WINSTON BUILDING PHILADELPHIA

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