King's Business - 1928-03


March 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

flesh,” and how the heathen can be given an adequate and Scriptural conception of God without being pointed to Christ cruci­ fied and risen, we do not see. If these es­ sentials o f the Christian faith are part of the author’s theology, he has neglected to bring them into his story, and this, in the reviewer’s judgment, weakens the story. However, much that is suggestive about the African state of mind, will be found in this book and we trust that the omis­ sions referred to, do not reflect liberalistic tendencies in the author’s thinking. A writer cannot be expected to embody his entire creed in a story, yet it would seem to us a fatal omission that a missionary story should give so small a place to the Gospel message. “ The God o f Gold” is published by Revell and the Cost is $1.50 in cloth. ¡$ ¡£ -0. G. B. r—O—- Barak—The Diary of a Donkey B y F. H. E aston This book, as the title suggests, is a diary. Mr. Easton has taken the unique way o f showing the daily routine of a mis­ sionary’s life by telling the story by means o f the lips o f his donkey. Mr. Easton is well-fitted to give us in detail the work of a missionary, as not only has he spent his life in China, but his father and mother have a record of over fifty years there. To those interested- in the work in China, and especially the C. I. Mission, we recommend this book as One which will acquaint you in an interesting way with the day-after-day toiling, joys, trials and victories of a missionary. The book is published by China Inland;Mission and is priced at 75c cloth and 50c paper. —O. G. B. —o—- My Utmost For His Highest B y O swald C hambers Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamil­ ton, Kent & Co., Ltd., London. Price $1.75. This book is composed o f selections for every day of the year which are full of spiritual insight and practical help. Many o f them were given in Y. M. C. A. huts in 1915 to 1917.. Mr. Chambers was riot only deeply spiritual, but also a sound psychologist, and while he is absolutely faithful to the Scriptures, he is also true to the funda­ mental principles o f life that make these Scriptures effective in everyday life. The book is full of suggestions for help­ ful sermons. J. M. M. —-o— The Principle of Interpretation of The Epistle to the Hebrews A rthur C leveland D owner M. A., D. D. In this book Dr. Downer gives us a very fine bit o f interpretation. He believes that the Epistle was written by Apollus, who was peculiarly influenced by Priscilla, and he believes it was written to Hebrew Christians and the comparison made in the letter is not between the Hebrew Wor­ ship o f the first century and the Chris­ tian fact, but between the Hebrew wor­ ship o f the Tabernacle days and the ful­ filment o f the ideal of the Tabernacle in Jesus Christ. This principle o f the strict­ ly Hebrew point o f view is consistently and thoroughly applied to the interpreta­ tion of the letter throughout; first in fol-

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