King's Business - 1928-03


' March 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

dead horses, to prevent pestilence. The arrogant Corsican found that there was a God in heaven, who, whatever man proposes, does dispose. .

“Best” Books These Books will be exceptionally helpful to Preachers and Students The Gospel of Mark By A. B. Simpson * In response to a popular demand, we have just brought out a new edition of “The Gospel of Mark,” by A. B. Simpson, which formerly appeared as a member of the “Christ in the Bible” series. Since the International Sunday School Lessons are based on the book of Mark for the first six months of this year, the publication of Dr. Simpson’s sterling exposition at this time is most appropriate. Inasmuch as only a limited number of copies will be available, please place your orders promptly. Cloth $1.25 Unfulfilled Prophecy Good News By Chas. A. Shipman For A ll. Men

M arch 17, 1928 T ext: Gal. 1:8-9

Years ago an old pilot of the Mississippi was looking for a job at a ship office. “Do you know the snags along the river?” he was asked. “ No,” he replied. “ Then how do you expect to pilot a ship along this dangerous river?” was the next question fired at him. ’ .“ I know where the snags ain’t,” he replied, “ and that’s where I expect to do my sailing.” He got the job. Those who keep close to the teachings of God’s Word know where the snags o f false teaching are and will be able to steer a safe course to the port o f rest.

For all who recognize the full significance and impor­ tance of the prophecies yet to be fulfilled, and who desire to learn more about these com­ ing events, this book will be found of remarkable helpful­ ness and interest. It explains present-day conditions as foreshadowed in the Scrip­ tures, and as introductory to oncoming judgments upon the unbelieving and disobedient; also the future of the Church and the coming of the Lord for His loved and His own. Flexible, Cloth $1.00

By Rev. John W. Ham, D.D. A new volume of sermons fresh from the heart of this great evangelist. They present a strong plea for the return to apostolic preaching and meth­ od, and point with courage to the subversive tendencies in the Church today. In an hour when the whole question of evangelism has been brought definitely to the fore, these sermons should find enthusias­ tic response from all who be­ lieve in the efficacy of the Gospel. Cloth $1.50

M arch 18, 1928 T ex t: John 3 :30

Leonardo da Yinci, the Italian painter, produced that won­ derful picture o f the last supper. He had worked on it for months. Finally he admitted some intimate friends to view- it. One, in whose judgment he had great confidence, stood in rapt admiration, then! said: “ How wonderful is that golden cup in Christ’s hand!” The artist ^seized a brush and daubed black paint over the cup. It had been the first attraction to the critic. DaVinci wanted nothing to compete with Him whom he intended to portray for wooing the-hearts o f men.

Knowing the Scriptures

By Dr. A . T. Pierson This able writer reveals with clearness and authority the perplexities which beset the student, the Sunday school teacher, and the layman in the study of God’s Word. The author shows how to study and how to use his information----the accumulated fruits of years of study and experience. This is the most thorough, complete and comprehensive book of rules and methods of Bible study that we know of— an asset of inestimable value to those who are eager to know the Scriptures better. Send for a copy today. It will give you a new interest in Bible study and will help you obtain the best possible results from the time and effort expended in study. 460 pages; Cloth $2.50

M arch 19, 1928 T ext:-P h il 4:19

In thé spring o f 1875, Hudson Taylor, the beloved founder of the China Inland Mission, was returning to London from Brighton, where he had been attending some meetings. Waiting for his train at the station, he was accosted by a Russian noble­ man who had also attended the meetings, and who, on learning that Mr. Taylor was going to London, suggested that they should find seats together. “ But I am traveling third class,” said the missionary. “My ticket admits of my doing the same,” was the courteous reply. And they seem to have found a carriage alone together, for presently Count Bobrinsky took out his pocket-book with the words, “Allow me to give you a. trifle towards your work in China.” Glancing at the bank-note as he received it, Mr. Taylor felt there must be some mistake—it was no less than fifty pounds. “ Did you mean to give me five pounds ?” he said, at once. “ Please let me" return this note: it is 'fo r fifty pounds.” “ I cannot take it back,” replied the other, no less surprised. “It was five pounds I meant to give, but God must have intended you to have fifty pounds I cannot take it back.” Impressed with the incident, Mr. Taylor reached Pyrland Road, the London home of the Mission, to find a prayer meeting going on. A remittance was about to be sent to China, and the money in hand was short by forty-nine pounds; eleven shillings, of the sum it was felt would be required. This deficiency was hot accepted as inevitable. On the contrary, it called together those who knew o f it for special prayer. Forty-nine pounds, eleven shillings, was being asked for in simple faith, and there upon the office table Mr. Taylor laid his precious bank-note for fifty

Every-Member Evangelism

Putting the Church on a Full Time Basis By A. W. Bevan, D.D. In response to requests from pastors throughout America. Dr. Bevan has here assembled the results of his experiments in testing newer methods in religious education and church management. He has written a most provocative and helpful book for the alert minister and the active layman. Cloth $2.00

By J. E. Conant, D.D. Widely Known Bible Teacher and Evangelist This is a book of methods that goes to the very heart of all involved in our Christian profession. It is made up of Divine Dynamics. Simple in its language and thought, it is very readable and easily understood by all Christians. It has already marked an epoch in the lives of many. Let it mean that to you. $1.50 The Summarized Bible

By Keith L. Brooks This volume comprises a complete summary of the entire Bible, chapter by chapter. To every book there is given a key thought, a key verse, a conclusion, and of particular interest is the pointing out of how Christ is seen in each of the. Old Testament books as well as the New. Then each chapter is analyzed separately under Contents, Characters, Key Word. Strong Verses, Striking Facts, the last often throwing a flood of spiritual light on the deep and sometimes obscure meaning of the chapter. The page, “What to Do With the Bible,” is a valu­ able study in itself, and gives reasons why we should read, believe, receive, taste, eat, hold fast, hold forth, preach, search, studv, meditate on, compare, rightly divide, and delight in the Word. Paper $1.25; Cloth $1.75 If monev does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalog of Books, Booklets, Tracts, etc. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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