King's Business - 1928-03


March 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

pounds. Could it have come more directly from the heavenly Father’s hand? “Whoso is wise and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.”

“Best” Books Delightfully Interesting and Instructive,

too. You will enjoy these. Be Sure to Order a Copy of the fisherman

M arch 20, 1928 T ext: Matt. 17:7-8

John Flavel, an old Puritan saint, was once making a long journey on foot, when, being weary, he sat down by a wayside well, like his Lord and Master. Being terribly exhausted, he was glad to rest a while, and his thoughts went out to the scene as' depicted by the evangelist. ' Suddenly the presence o f Christ became so real to him that he forgot all else, and so remarkable was the effect- o f his experience, that his whole life was trans­ formed with new grace and power. This is- what men and women are needing everywhere today—to meet Christ on the road of life.

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DR. JOHN M. MAC 1NNIS Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

Dr. G . Campbell Morgan says: “Dr. Maclnnis has demonstrated beyond the possibility of denial the clear and consistent philosophic thinking of P e t e r .........................From the standpoint of intellectual interest the book ig a real delight; but its greatest value is that it will help many who are bewildered by the con­ flict and controversies of the days in which we live, to clear thinking upon the really fundamental things of our faith and life.“ Super cloth $1.50

M arch 21, 1928 T e x t: 2 Cor. S :7

John Wesley writes in his diary: “My .brother Charles, among the difficulties o f our early ministry, used to say, ‘If the Lord would give me wings I would fly.’ I used to answer, ‘If the Lord bids me fly I would trust Him for the wings.’ ” All God bids us do, He virtually- promises to help us do.

The Impatience of a Parson

Things New and Old By Dr. C. I. Scofield This is a volume of Old and New Testament studies, and lectures and addresses, which will be enjoyed by Sunday- school workers, Bible teach­ ers, and all believers who love real Bible study. It is need­ less to call attention to the sane and spiritual exposition of Dr. Scofield, the excellent, pleasing style and the fine il­ lustrations. Cloth $2.00 In Christ Jesus By Dr. A. T. Pierson Those three short words— “In Christ Jesus”—are, with­ out doubt, the most important ever written, even by an in­ spired pen, to express the mu­ tual relation of the believer and Christ. Dr. Pierson shows that this brief phrase is the key to the whole New Testa­ ment, and he has used this key to open up to the reader a storehouse of priceless wealth and beauty. Christ is the sphere of all heavenly privilege and blessing. In Him we are God’s elect, ac­ cepted, forgiven, redeemed, raised from the dead, sealed as His own, and seated with Him in the heavenlies. This is a book a person will love to read again, again and again. Cloth $1.50 The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel By Dr. G. A. Briegleb

By Rev. H. R. L. Sheppard The spirited and distin­ guished leader of English thought here subjects Chris­ tianity as it is now organized to that searching criticism fit­ ting only from one who knows ana loves the Church. He asks definite questions and demands definite answers. He exhibits that fine impatience which has always been the leaven of progress.. This book will stir the heart of every person who reads it, and provoke actioh as well as thought. Cloth $2.00 Drums in the Darkness By Rev. John T. Tucker A cross-section of mission­ ary life in darkest Africa, in which the author makes you hear, through his ears, the booming of savage drums through forests and across river long 'intd the night. A highly informative book, yet one which one can read for the story interest alone. Illus­ trated. Cloth $1.75 Answered or Unanswered By Louisa Vaughan Some people tell us that the day of miracles is past, but a reading of this volume of miracles of faith in China, will quickly convince any open- minded person that our Lord is still the Mighty God and willing to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are perfect toward Him. Paper 60c

M arch 22, 1928 Text : Rev. 2:19

Many are the incidents & the,civil war in America, but one- o f the most pathetic and striking illustrations o f faithfulness, is found in the negro lad who was given the custody of a pair of cavalry boots by an officer in the Confederate Army. One day an attack was made on the supply train where the lad was, and an officer rode up and demanded those boots for himself. The negro lad simply clasped the boots with both arms. The officer, enraged at the noncompliance with his request, ran his sword through the lad’s body, and attempted to drag the boots from him, but with a death-grip the lad gripped the boots the tighter, and his master found the colored lad dead with the boots clasped in his arms. After the war was over, there was to be seen in- the hall of the house o f the officer, a cabinet containing a pair of blood-stained cavalry boots, and over them the simple but speaking inscription, “ Tobe’s boots.” He was faithful to his trust, even unto death. There is nothing so much appreciated by our Lord as faithfulness, T‘ -i I m M arch 23, 1928 T ext: 2 Cor. 3:2 “ Benjamin Franklin tried to convince the farmers of his day, that plaster enriched the soil. All his philosophical argu­ ments failed to convince them, so he took plaster, and formed it into a sentence by the roadside. The wheat coming up through those letters was about twice as rank and green as the other wheat, and the farmer could read for months, in letters of living green, the sentence, ‘This has been plastered.’ ” The contention of Franklin was proved by the more luxur­ ious growth of the wheat. The same thing is brought out in the Christian life. It is not the say of profession, but the saintliness of practice, which shows the reality of faith in Christ.

This book helps the average Bible reader and student to acquire a good understanding of all the great vital teach­ ings of the prophecies of Dan­ iel. The author takes up chap­ ter by chapter, the principal things and explains them briefly, clearly and so simply that anyone can get a good understanding of their mean­ ing and importance. Cloth $1.00; Paper 60c If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalog of Books, Booklets, Tracts, etc. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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