King's Business - 1928-03


March 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

A pril 1,. 1928 Text : Isa. 53:7

o f a lamb high up where all could see, should we not honor the Lamb o f God who was wounded and crucified to take away our sins, and give us eternal life?

Mrs. Solfati tells the story that many years ago she was staying on a large ranch in Tasmania, at the time o f sheep shearing. One lovely summer morning, drawn by the sound of bleatings, she found her way to the shearing shed. The outer part was full o f sheep all'bleating as if in great distress. “I passed on into the further division where a skilled shearer was rapidly removing the whole, beautiful white fleece from sheep after sheep,” she says. “I stood watching while he finished the work on one sheep, and let it out by a door to the field, while an assistant brought in another bleating pitifully. “To my surprise its bleating and struggling ceased, as thè shearer laid his. hand upon its head. It lay silent and passive, while he turned it from side to side to do his work quickly and easily. “Tears were in my eyes as Isaiah’s words came to my mind with great force, and I repeated softly to myself, ‘He was op­ pressed and He. was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth. . . . and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His mouth.’ ” “Two months before the war,” related the late Dr. Jowett, “ I was at Grindelwald, a little hamlet 4,000 feet up amongst the Alps in-Switzerland. I lifted my eyes from the paper on which I had written the words, T am the Resurrection and the Life” when I gazed upon the Eiger, with its mantle o f freshly fallen snow;, glistening brilliantly in thè morning light. I heard the roar o f falling waters, much louder after yesterday’s rain, The birds were singing blithely. The scents were rising from the meadows like incense from some great altar. Then I turned my eyes away from the mountain, and looked at a house a little way up the road, and I saw that all the blinds were drawn. Death had paid a visit in the night. Up against the house was a field o f newly cut grass, with all its bonny wild flowers withering away, and I recalled the words o f the Psalmist, ‘As a flower of the field, so he flourisheth ; for the wind passeth over it, is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more.’ Then I looked at the notebook, and there the words were written, T api the Resurrection and the Life.’ What a glad message o f con­ trast! Thank God, if there is a power that maketh for death, there is also a power that maketh for life.” A gentleman who was traveling in Norway went to see the church which was in a certain town. As he looked up at the tower, he was surprised to see the carved figure o f a lamb near the top. He asked why it was placed in that position, and was told the following-story : When the church was being built a workman fell from the high scaffold. The men working with him saw him fall, and were greatly frightened. They rushed down to the ground expecting to find him dashed to pieces. But, to their surprise and joy, he was very little hurt. How had he escaped? A flock o f sheep were passing by the church at the time of his fall, and he fell among, and right on the top of a lamb. The lamb was crushed to death, but the man was saved. The lamb carved on the tower stood for the wonderful way in which this man’s life was saved. If they put the carved figure A pril 2, 1928 Text : John l i :25 A pril 3, 1928 Text : John 1 :29

A pril 4, 1928 T ext: Heb. 7:16


“ How do you know that Christ is risen?” someone asked an old fisherman, whose faith in Jesus, seemed very simple and sure. “Do you see those cottages near the cliff?” he replied. “Well,, sometimes, when I am far out at sea, I know that the sun is risen by the reflection in those windows. How do I know that Christ is risen? Because I see the light reflected from the faces of. .some o f my fellows every day, and because I feel the light o f his glory in my own life.”

A pril 5, 1928 T ext: 1 Cor. 2 :14

A Unitarian preacher once said to Newton: “ Sir, I have collated every word ih: the Hebrew Scriptures, seventeen-times, and it is very strange if the doctrine of the atonement which you hold should not have been found by me.” • Newton’s answer is worth remembering. He said, “ I am not surprised at this. I went once to light- my candle with the ex­ tinguisher of it.” -■ ‘ Éè A pril 6, 1928 Text : Rev. 1 :18 Dr. Dale was once writing an Easter sermon, and, when half way through, the thought of the risen Lord broke in upon him as itvhad never done before. “ ‘Christ is alive,’ I said to myself, ‘alive,’ and then I paused. ‘Alive,’ and then I paused again ; ‘alive—can that really be true ? Living as really as I myself am?’ I got up and walked about, repeating ‘Christ is living';;.-,Christ is living.’: At first it seemed strange and hardly true; but at last it came upon me as a burst of sudden glory; yes, Christ is living. It was to me a new discovery. I thought all along I had believed' it, but not until that moment did I feel sure about it. I then said, ‘My people shall know it; I shall preach about it again and again until they believe it as I do now.’ ” For months after, and in every sermori; the living Christ was his one great theme, and there and then began the custom o f singing in Carr’s Lane on every Sunday morning an Easter hymn. afe» afe» Can’t Catch Up With It The Bible is always in advance o f the people. Genesis has meanings far beyond our interpretations. Moses saw what it took Israel hundreds o f years to understand. Every prophet was iti advance of his time. We still seek the mind of-Paul and o f John. W e follow on to know the Lord. Thè Bible will always be in advance o f us. W.e do not expect any nobler conception o f God than is given in this revelation, any conception more satisfactory to the intellect, any better assurance that the universe is on the side of man, any more convincing disclosure of the things o f ultimate worth, any greater stimulus to seek the abundant life, any better evidences o f- immortality. In short, the Bible tells us about the Christ who gives the final answer to every vital question in the world and out of it.— Rev. Edward Yates Hill.

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