King's Business - 1928-03

B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co.t Indianapolis, Indiana Gentlemen: “It affords me great pleasure to recommend the newedition of the THOMPSON CHAIN REFERENCE BIBLE. It ought to be on the desk of everyMinister, Sunday School Teacher, Student and worker. It will be of great assistanceto young people—to everyone who desires to read the Bible and to let it be its owninter­ preter.’* Sincerely yours, M. A. Matthew,* D.D..L.L.D,

Read Dr. Matthew’s letter to the right and reflect that this great man does not speak lightly but weighs each word. He has used this Bible and found it the most helpful reference Bible published. You will have the same experience. No matter how many Bibles you now have do not fail to get our 3-day FREE Trial Offer. This great work, fruit of a devoted lifetime, turns a flood of light on the hidden truths of Holy Scripture, answers the c[uestions that assail and test your faith and gives you a Bible Reference Library complete in one beautiful, lifetime volume.

*Pastor o f one o f the largest churches in the United States — hasfive or six assistants. READ What Other Great Leaders o f Christian Thought Say About this Bible “ The more I use the New Edition o f Thompson's Chain Reference Bible the more I appreciate its fine points. The Thompson system of helps cer­ tainly surpasses anything everbefore attempted. “ TheTextCyclopedia isespeciallyvaluable. Ithas well nigh taken the place with me of the more cumbersome books in my library I formerly used. “ Inthis day whenGod’s Word is so badly needed, I consider it a most fortunate thing that people can have thiswonderful Bible, making, as it does, the study o f the Word so interesting and easy.’* Cordially yours, Lincoln McConnell, D. D^,L. L. D., Pastor, Lecturer and World Leader of Religious Thought. “ I haveowned and used the New Edition of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible long enough to be convinced that it is the mosthelpful Biblepub­ lished. I AM DELIGHTED WITH IT. The Text Cyclopedia alone is worth the price of the whole book for it is a great time saver and it makes Bible study easier and more interesting. “ A copyo fthishelpful Bibleshouldbe inthehome o f every Christian who desires a better working knowledgeo f the Scriptures. It puts the contents o f the Word of God at your finger tips and stim­ ulates study. I would not be without it.” Sincerely yours, Rev’d F. F. Bosworth, Well-known Evangelist and Leader.

EARNESTNESS— INDIFFER­ ENCE 1 0 6 9 — (A) EARNESTNESS, Giving the Whole Whole Heart), In Love, De. G5. And t) Heart to 'God (M.

INDIFFERENCE— COIlt. Is. 32.9. Rise up, yo vvomcn that are at case; hear my voice, ye careless daughters; give ear unto my speech. Is. 47.8. Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dweliest carelessly, that sayest in thine hear), I am. HERODS des mo; 1 shall not sit os

2 3 9 8 — MONTHS (h 1. Abib. or Nisan 2 . Zif, May, 1 K 3. Sivan. June, E 4. Tammuz, July 5. Ab, August, N 6. Elul, Septembf 7. Ethanim, or T 8. Bui, Novemt 9. Chisleu, Dece 10. Tebeth, Janue 11 > Sebat, Februa 12. Adar, March,


thy God with all t thy soul, and t

of the New Testament 1 5 7 8 — (A) HEROD THE GREAT,

|Ja111kno"r the lossof to them i/mf are 'at ease

( 1 ) Characteristics of (N. M.)rs^ l!1 ni?Urnt?in«»0^ Enterprising, keen of intellect, builder/*.® R B illfCTcr^i?ioTr.ili r.of ihe temple, but bloodthirsty and cru e l.h o u se of Israel-came. inted gov- .. H H

meed from made king one 1,0 vhandise: d because in* ces to (M .u, utulusV n. 7, 16; Lu.°/ ma"^,sh? /«ess, 941; i r. M.),- »09-1012; P r

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Great was udea and ’etrarch of Ituraea. (Herod the g, Perea for he title of re Baptist, cés to (M. ; Mt. 14.1, !3.7, ll;Ac. I,

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Lord, turn ye heart, and witl and with mour S ee Conner U ndivided Servi 1 0 7 0 —(B) It Burn Je. 20.9. Tl mention of him name. But h as a burning fn 1 was weary w not stay. It Calls Am. 3.8. Tl will-not fear? t who can but pr It Bindi Lu. 12.50. I

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ig (N. M.), is and suc- lip II. as s, etc. He was given the title ofIcing by Caligula.

baptized with; till it be accom] It Urges Jn. 9.4-. JLni that sent me, whih

„ . mA(h ’ and finally received all of the territory of cometh, when no m. Herod the Great J* Mates the (2) General References to (M. things which we iHerod Aerippa Ac- 20- 23-35- (AC. IS 5; ¿0.22) 1581>-(D) HEROD AGRIPPA II, ¡9H *5 WmBm a (1) Facts Concerning (N.M .), m m fr f ( Ho was the son of Herod Agrippa 1, was h ...« king of Chalcis. Ituraea, Trachonitis and gospel, I have not Abilene. necessity is laid upoi n e had the oversight of the temple at jpc. ll I preach not tjerusalem and nominated the High Priest, a n i , (2) General References to (M Of (M Coin» to (*Ierod Aerippa <2>>' Ac- 25 13: 261- 27- 17.4-; Jud. 3.9;“4.3; 0.7; I S. 7.9; 1 K. 17.20; 1 Chr. 5.20; 2 Chr. 13.14; 14 11; PS. 34.C; 01.2: Lam. 2.18. Sec Importunity, 2840; Seekers, $192\ Intercession, 1783, 1785, 1786. 1 0 7 2 —(D) SEVEN EARNEST SUPPU. ANTS(N.M ) B.B.K1RKBB1PEBIBLE CO.

B. B. Kirkbride Bible Company, K-126Meridian Life Building, Indianapolis, Indiana.

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