1 Look at the chart. Complete with information about yourself. Ask students to read about Luis and Helen. Then have them complete the chart with their personal information. 2 Complete the text with information from Activity 1. Ask students to complete the paragraph with information from Luis and Helen. Ask them to check with another classmate. 3 Write questions for each answer. Tell students to look at the answers. Have them write the question for each answer. Check their answers on the board. Wrap Up Write the following on the board: I am from _________. I like ___________. I am ________ years old. Have different students come to the front and read the paragraph, filling it in with their personal information. Erase the students’ information every time another one comes to the front. Evaluation Tool Use the evaluation tool provided on the next page to assess learners’ achievement during this unit. Take into consideration all the evidence collected in the Portfolio during the unit, as well as Product work and class participation. *This tool is based on SEP’s suggestions for evaluation and the Didactic Orientations.
1 Look at the chart. Complete with information about yourself.
Answers may vary.
Name Helen Country Mexico Canada Age seven eight Hobby cooking playing the drums Luis
2 Complete the text with information from Activity 1. Luis is from and Helen is from . Helen likes . Luis likes and he is years old. 3 Write questions for each answer. 1 He is eight years old. 2 Argentina. Mexico Canada How old is he? Where is he from? playing the drums seven cooking
Unit 7
M07 Sunburst AB 2 MEX 44503.indd 75
4/24/18 6:28 PM
Expected Outcomes Check spelling of personal information and hobbies. Understand questions about personal information. Writes questions about personal information.
Materials Activity Book p. 75
Warm Up Say a hobby. Students stand up if they like that hobby. Count (between you and the group) the students that stood up. Have a volunteer write the name of the hobby and how many students like it. Repeat with three other pastimes or hobbies.
Unit 7
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