Unit 2 1 Circle the words you know. Color the pictures.
Are you angry? No, I am hungry! Don’t be sad. Look! Here’s a rat!
There was a cat Who had a hat And a big bat. Mad cat, bad cat.
2 Unscramble the words and complete the sentences. “As I was going to St. Ives”, I met a man with seven (w v s i e)
Each wife had (n e v e s) Each sack had (v e n s e) Each cat had (s e v n e)
Kits, cats, sacks, and (v e s w i) How many were going to St. Ives?
3 Read the poem to color the circles.
1. If sad were a color, It would be blue, Like my dog’s collar, Or my favorite shampoo. 3. If bored were a color, It would be gray, Like the clouds above, On a rainy, rainy day. 5. If surprised were a color, It would be green, Like the shiniest dollar, You’ve ever seen.
2. If happy were a color, It would be soft and yellow, Like a marshmallow. 4. If angry were a color, It would be red, Like a dragon’s head.
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