1 Write a rhyming word.. Ask students to read the words. Have them write a rhyming word for each one. Monitor the activity, helping, encouraging, and praising as appropriate. Check answers as a class. Ask students to practice saying the rhyming words. Check pronunciation. Praise students who participate. 2 Choose the correct word to complete the rhyme. Read out the rhyme line by line and have students repeat after you. Explain to students that they have to underline the correct word to complete the rhyme. Ask them to practice their lines once they have answered the rhyme. Give the class time enough to read and choose the correct word. Invite volunteers to come up and read the rhyme out. Praise each student for participating saying Excellent job! Great! 3 Work in pairs and say the rhyme. Have students work with a partner. Ask them to take turns reading their rhyme to one another. Monitor the activity, helping with pronunciation and intonation where needed. Wrap Up Tell students they are going to practice the ABCs. Play Track 66 ABC and have students listen. Play the track again and encourage students to join in. Repeat several times until students are comfortable saying the ABCs. Encourage students to recite the song without the audio. Choose key words from the unit and have students spell the words chorally. If the group has an overall strong level, have a class spelling bee. Ask students to stand up. Say words from the unit and ask students to spell them. If a student spells the word incorrectly ask him or her to sit down. The students standing at the end of the spelling bee are the winners. Evaluation Tool Use the evaluation tool provided on the next page to assess learners’ achievement during this unit. Take into consideration all the evidence collected in the Portfolio during the unit, as well as Product work and class participation.
1 Write a rhyming word. dove sing three glove ring tree cap blue, two
clap shoe 2 Choose the correct word to complete the rhyme.
When I see the doves / moon , I think of my gloves / cars they are blue / beautiful like my shoe. Every time I clap they stand on my cap / book. At night when I sing, the doves dance and form a circle / ring. At three they fly to sleep on a fl ower / tree!
3 Work in pairs and say the rhyme.
Unit 2
M02 Sunburst AB 2 MEX 44503.indd 25
4/24/18 6:22 PM
Expected Outcomes Identify words that rhyme. Identify rhyming words to complete a paragraph.
Materials Activity Book p. 25, CD Track 66, crayons
Warm Up Write on the board, Write Time. Have students identify the words that rhyme with words on the board. Write the first word Ride . Count 10 second for students to raise the hand and say a rhyming word. Write the word on board next to the other and check pronunciation.
Unit 2
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