Goldsmiths - Head of Health and Safety


• To provide advice, guidance and assistance to department Heads to enable them to carry out risk assessments and to develop safe systems of work. • To provide advice, guidance and assistance to the Head of Maintenance and Engineering to ensure satisfactory compliance and testing regimes for all life safety systems and other areas of statutory compliance (eg, Fire Safety, Legionella Management, Asbestos management, working at height, Electrical Safety.…etc.). • To liaise with and advise significant contractor partners on policy and procedures as well as changes in the legislation. • To ensure that those responsible for contractors on University premises are aware of their responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other associated legislation and maintain a suitable system for monitoring contractors activities, ensuring appropriate risk assessments and method statements are provided and check against proposed activity. Monitor the provision of essential health and safety and other essential regulatory information before contractors commence work. • To monitor and make recommendations to ensure that the Permit to Work system, including hot work Financial • To exercise budgetary control over the Health & Safety budget, including the contracts for eLearning, lone-working and other software/devices. • To ensure compliance at all times with the University’s Financial Regulations and Procurement procedures. • To retain all receipts and delivery notes and pass them to the correct teams in Estates and Facilities for processing.

Communication • To have excellent verbal, written and interpersonal skills • To have clear report writing and presentation preparation skills • To liaise with the Health & Safety Executive, local environmental health departments and other professional bodies and departments responsible for ensuring the University meets its statutory obligations with regard to health and safety. • To provide advice and information on health and safety issues primarily to managers and staff; also to students and the Students Union and promote good practice into the general management structure. • To deal with enquiries and requests from staff, students and visitors to the University effectively and in manner that promotes the Estates and Facilities Department positively. • To advise Health & Safety Committee, Senior Management Team, and Head of Departments of changing health and safety legislation and potential for implications or adjustments. • To liaise with the University’s insurance broker regarding claims arising from any accidents on University premises and report on areas of concern. To advise the university of issues and provide guidance relating to travel


Appointment of Head of Health & Safety

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