The results are in! It was a successful March Madness for Orange County with the Office on Youth (OOY) and Department of Social Services (DSS) leading the way in the top ten (10). After many busted brackets and numerous top - ranked teams going home early in the opening rounds , it proved it is truly anyone ’ s game. With UConn ’ s championship win, Juanesta Williams with the (OOY) becomes the County Cup ’ s March Madness Champion! Juanesta will go home with a custom ceramic County Cup March Madness Champion Trophy, which also opens for storage for various office supplies. Congratulations are also in order for Susan Turner in the Finance Department. With UConn ’ s two (2) last wins, Susan jumped from 24 th to 2 nd , earning nine (9) points for team Finance. In the overall standings, Finance was able to maintain their lead with 34 points, but DSS is charging hard with 32.33 points in the County Cup overall. In the next issue of the Orange County Insight, you will find the results of The Egg Toss competition where participants will find out just how far they can toss an egg without breaking it. Each department is allowed two (2) pairs to compete and players will receive hots dogs and drinks. Winners will be the pair with the longest successful catch.
Good luck to all of our participants!
And who knows someone special to everybunny might stop by!
Stay tuned for more results coming your way!
Page 36 | April, 2023
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