Recommended Milling Conditions
High-speed machining
GR.14 Graphite
Work Material
RPM (min-1)
Feed (mm/min)
AP ( mm )
Code No.
G696DC-0.2R G696DC-0.2R G696DC-0.3R G696DC-0.3R G696DC-0.3R G696DC-0.3R G696DC-0.5R G696DC-0.5R G696DC-0.5R G696DC-0.5R G696DC-0.5R
0.2R×5 0.2R×10 0.3R×5 0.3R×10 0.3R×15 0.3R×20 0.5R×5 0.5R×10 0.5R×15 0.5R×20 0.5R×30
38000~20000 30000~18000 38000~20000 30000~20000 15000~10000
850~480 430~250 960~480 580~385 215~145 115~95 1080~600 840~575 530~410 270~205 145~85 1700~900 1440~865 1300~865 670~625 295~240 190~130 2650~1350 2250~1350 1800~1350 1470~1100
0.03 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.03
38000~20000 30000~20000 23000~18000 16000~12000
0.1 0.1
0.08 0.08 0.04 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
G696DC-0.75R 0.75R×5 G696DC-0.75R 0.75R×10 G696DC-0.75R 0.75R×15 G696DC-0.75R 0.75R×20 G696DC-0.75R 0.75R×30 G696DC-0.75R 0.75R×40
38000~20000 36000~20000 30000~20000 20000~18000 11500~9000 7000~5000 38000~20000 38000~20000 28000~20000 21800~18000 15200~11500
G696DC-1R G696DC-1R G696DC-1R G696DC-1R G696DC-1R G696DC-1R G696DC-1R G696DC-1.5R G696DC-1.5R G696DC-1.5R G696DC-1.5R G696DC-2R G696DC-2R G696DC-2R
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
1R×10 1R×15 1R×20 1R×30 1R×40 1R×60
800~615 315~210 315~210
0.18 0.13 0.08
5700~4000 5700~4000
1.5R×10 1.5R×20 1.5R×40 1.5R×60
36000~20000 19000~15500 11875~9200 6650~4000 19000~14000 11000~9500
2400~1350 1945~1550
0.3 0.3
950~740 465~280
0.22 0.15
2R×20 2R×40 2R×60
2800~2050 1615~1350 1120~770
0.4 0.4 0.3
1. Please work with good rigidity / high precision facilities and collet chuck. 2. Please choose proper cutting fluid.
3. The cutting data is reference value only. Please adjust it according to your real working conditions. 4. If RPM is lower the reference value, the Feed rate (fz) and RPM should be reduced by the same proportion. 5. If vibration occurs during cutting, please reduce cutting parameter.
Made with FlippingBook - Online Brochure Maker