Astra #10 Autumn 2024 Collection


The Area Safe Group CSR Policy

The Area Safe Group

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our mission, “Enhancing public spaces & the lives of Australians”, directly influences our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy. The Area Safe Group CSR commitment is founded on enhancing 4 key sectors of today’s social and corporate society: 1. Enhancing the environment 2. Enhancing society 3. Enhancing the workplace 4. Enhancing Partner performance Enhancing the Environment We are focused on reducing and eliminating the impact that our products, production processes and business practices have on the environment. The key areas we focus on include: • Australian made products • Clean energy production (i.e., solar power) • Carbon content – reducing the carbon content score of every product • Recycled and reusable – using recycled and re-usable materials for product production • Waste management – recycling all production materials including cardboard, timber, and steel Enhancing the Workplace We are committed to a fair, equal and diverse workplace, made up of a great team from all sections of society. As a company, we pay our staff generously and recognise family and personal health as first priorities. Our team is committed to and lives our 6 core values which drive every decision we make.

Enhancing Society We are committed to giving back to society in as many ways as possible. This includes but is not limited to: • Designing and manufacturing inclusive street furniture, designed to safety & DDA standards to create a vibrant and positive atmosphere for improved wellbeing and personal safety. • Regular and generous donations to charity and persons or groups in need. • Providing volunteer labour for charity and emergency response work. • Respect of the traditional owners of the land, especially the Darug people, upon whose land we are based. Enhancing Partner Performance As a company, we recognise the importance of all our partners (suppliers, contractors, and customers) to live the same social responsibility commitments as ourselves. Our supply chain is regularly investigated and monitored to understand environmental commitments (including sourcing materials produced with renewable energy, e.g. aluminium manufactured in hydroelectric powered mills), modern day slavery compliance and fair employment commitment.

See Page 219 for list of Pre-qualified Supplier agreements




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