Algebra 1 Companion Book, Vol 1 – Summer Edition

4.1.1 Graphing Relationships

Key Objectives • Relate graphs to situations. • Sketch graphs for situations. • Write situations for graphs. Key Terms

• A continuous graph is a graph made up of connected lines or curves. • A discrete graph is a graph made up of unconnected data points. Example 1 Relating Graphs to Situations Graphs can be used to illustrate many different situations. To relate a graph to a given situation, use key words in the description of the situation. In Example 1, each given graph shows temperature change over time. Read the graphs from left to right. The horizontal segments indicate that the temperature remained constant during that corresponding time period. The segments slanting upward indicate that the temperature increased during that corresponding time period. The segments slanting downward indicate that the temperature decreased during that corresponding time period.


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