Algebra 1 Companion Book, Vol 1 – Summer Edition

4.2 Review Worksheet (continued)

Identify the correlation you would expect to see between each pair of data sets. Explain.

8. the speed of a runner and the distance she can cover in 10 minutes

9. the year a car was made and the total mileage

Choose the scatter plot that best represents the described relationship. Explain.

10. the number of college classes taken and the number of roommates

Graph A

Graph B



11. the number of college classes taken and the hours of free time.



12. The scatter plot shows a projection of the

Ocelot Population

average ocelot population living in Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge near Brownsville, Texas. Based on this relationship, predict the number of ocelots living at the wildlife refuge in 2014 if nothing is done to help manage the ocelot population.

32 34 36 28 30 26 0

2006 2010 2014



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