
Healthier hospital food  gŏđŏ

Votre santé | Your health Creating a safe and interesting environment

Kitchen staff at local hospitals in Eastern Ontario will have new guidelines to follow when they prepare menus for patients and staff. The Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) is working with hospital administrations in the region to make sure meals and snacks served in local hospitals is nutritious, delicious and fits a new healthy food strategy for health care facilities. During their March 26 board meeting LHIN directors received a report from Randy Penney and Laurie Dojeiji on the status of the Healthy Food Strategy for Champlain Hospitals project. Penny is the Renfrew Victoria Hospital chief administrator and also chairs the Healthy Foods in Hospitals Leadership Task Force. Dojeiji is manager for the Health Promotion Network and the Champlain Cardiovascular Disease Preven- tion Network. The present focus of the LHIN healthy food strategy is on hospital cafeterias, ven- ding machine outlets, and all food fran- chises and gift shop operations set up on the premises. So far administration reps from various hospitals in the Champlain LHIN have for- med a joint Chief Executive Officers Table

and a Dietetic Working Group. Work on de- veloping a nutrition framework has begun and several food audits done. Feasibility assessments are underway at designated hospitals as part of the framework develop- ment. The goal is to increase the healthy food offerings on hospital patient and general menus and “fast food” outlets and either remove altogether or reduce the number of less healthy items available. The strategy will also supply guidelines for proper ser- ving sizes and how to provide information on calorie and sodium counts. Hospitals involved in this stage of the strategy development include: Winches- ter District Memorial, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa Hospital’s civic cam- pus, Renfrew Victoria, Queensway Carleton, Hawkesbury & District General, the Child- ren’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Carleton Place & District Memorial, and Almonte General.

By Darlene Rose Program Manager, Parenting Program Eastern Ontario Health Unit

Children need a safe and exciting setting that provides them plenty of opportunity to explore, discover, experiment, and develop their skills. You can help with your child’s healthy development by creating an environment where they can discover, learn, and play safely. Creating a hazard free and interesting environment for your child is a core principle of the Triple P: Positive Parenting Program®. Young children need adequate supervision. Together, you can encourage your child to explore their surroundings. Provide lots of interesting things for your child to do. Make sure they have safe things to play with like age appropriate toys or provide activities like crafts and games. By providing your child with age appropriate activities, they will eventually learn how to keep themselves entertained. Designed to meet the needs of every family, Triple P takes the guesswork out of parenting. It promotes good communication and strong relationships between children, parents, and caregivers. With a positive approach to parenting, Triple P helps parents and caregivers promote their children’s development and manage their children’s behaviour in a constructive and caring way. There is no one right way to be a parent, but Triple P can offer information, support and practical answers for your everyday parenting concerns. You can start your Triple P experience today by registering for our upcoming events and information sessions at, or by calling 1 844 362-8593. Créer un milieu sûr et intéressant Les enfants ont besoin d’un milieu sûr et excitant qui leur offre plein d’occasions d’explorer, de découvrir, d’expérimenter et de développer leurs habiletés. Vous pouvez favoriser un développement sain chez votre enfant en créant pour lui un milieu où il peut découvrir, apprendre et jouer en toute sécurité. La création d’un milieu sans danger et intéressant pour votre enfant est un principe fondamental du programme Triple P : les pratiques parentales positives®. Les jeunes enfants ont besoin de supervision adéquate. Ensemble, vous pouvez encourager votre enfant à explorer son environnement. Donnez-lui beaucoup de choses intéressantes à faire. Assurez-vous qu’il dispose d’objets sécuritaires pour jouer, comme par exemple des jouets appropriés à son âge ou offrez-lui des activités comme de l’art ou des jeux de bricolage. En offrant à votre enfant des activités qui conviennent à son âge, il apprendra éventuellement à se tenir occupé par lui-même. Conçu pour répondre aux besoins de toutes les familles, Triple P permet de savoir quoi faire sans deviner. Il favorise une bonne communication et des liens solides entre les enfants, les parents et les pourvoyeurs de soins. Grâce à son approche positive au rôle parental, Triple P aide les parents et les pourvoyeurs de soins à favoriser le développement de leur enfant et à gérer son comportement de façon constructive et bienveillante. Il n’y a pas qu’une seule façon d’être parent, cependant Triple P peut vous offrir des renseignements, du soutien et des réponses pratiques aux préoccupations courantes des parents. Vous pouvez commencer votre expérience Triple P dès aujourd’hui en vous inscrivant à nos prochaines activités et séances d’information à ou en appelant au 1 844 362-8593. par Darlene Rose Gestionnaire de programmes, Compétences parentales Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario

435, rue Lemay Clarence Creek (Ont.) K0A 1N0 AVIS DE CONVOCATION ASSEMBLÉE ANNUELLE DATE : le mercredi 23 avril 2014, 19 h, à la cafétéria

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