Rotary Orléans debuts new youth excellence awards
Hammond received a Music Award (vocals), and Victoria Goddard, also of SFX, a Music Award (instrumental). “It’s great,” said Schlapsi, adding that he was surprised by his nomination. “It’s great to be recognized,” said Christina Goddard. “It feels really great,” said Victoria God- dard. “It’s amazing how many good people there are in the world. The majority of this year’s inaugural awards went to students and young adults from the Orléans area. Among them were Sarah Cole for Acade- mic Achievement, Marie-Hélène Casimiro and David Guertin for Community Lea- dership, Alex Mofford and Ivana Brainerd for Community Involvement, Stéphane Morghese and Madison Frost for Compas- sion, Mélany Pelletier-Vaillant and Andrew Charles Buchanan for Visual Arts, Jason Lawton and Sarah Ezekiel for Sports, Cla- rence-Gaudler Jura and Sarah Cole for Dra- ma, Camille Leroux and Newman Charles for Dance, Nika Jalali and Amir Shamsi for Resilience and Adaptation, Darryl Pierre Charles for Music (vocals), Joseph Bofenda for Music (instrumental), and Crystal Asselin for Courage. Rotary Orléans President Len Goddard enjoyed presenting several of the club’s inaugural Youth Awards to young people fromoutsideof theOrléans area.Taking their turns in the spotlight are Christina Goddard (left),VictoriaGoddard,andJosephSchlapsi.
Photo Gregg Chamberlain
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
ORLÉANS | They are some of the best and the brightest of the next generation and they shared the spotlight of recognition as part of the inaugural Orléans Rotary Club Annual Youth Awards. Close to two dozen young people re- ceived renown for their achievements in arts, academics, and community involve- ment during a Sunday afternoon ceremony April 6. Orléans Rotary President Len God- dard noted during a later interview that the club’s new Youth Award program is a pro- ject that has been under consideration for the past two years. “It’s good to recognizewhat youngpeople do,”Goddard said. “The expressions on their faces when they receive their awards are wonderful.” The Orléans Rotary Youth Awards pro- gram is open to nominations of students and young adults living in the Orléans and also in nearby communities which are part of the Cumberland Ward in the City of Ottawa. The awards are also open to nomi- nations from the City of Clarence-Rockland. During the first Youth Awards presenta- tion, Joseph Schlapsi of Rockland District High School received an Academic Achie- vement Award, while Christina Goddard of Saint Francis Xavier Catholic High School in
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