RIGHTEOUSNESS REALIZED (Continued) Romans 6:1-8:39 OUR STANDING IN CHRIST-DEAD TO THE LAW OUR STATE IN THE FLESH 7: 1-25 Let us remember that because of the vital importance of the sixth, seventh, and eighth chapters of Paul's letter to the Romans, we are devoting a separate lecture to each chap- ter. Because we do not want to miss a single detail of the message God has for us here, we are not hurrying over this portion of the book. However, let us remember also that these three chapters form a unit-the fourth great division of the epistle-and in reality should not be separated, the one from the other. In the original manuscripts there were no chapter divisions. and these three chapters form one logical. progres- sive development of the theme of the epistle: The Gospel of God. which provides for sinful man His righteousness in Christ Jesus. our Lord. We saw in our last lesson that this righteousness. re- quired by God, revealed in Christ, and received by faith, may be realized in the life of the believer who acknowledges him- self to be dead to sin. We saw that the believer's standing before God is one of death, burial. and resurrection with Christ; and that it is his responsibility to reckon on this fact and yield his members unto God in obedience to his new Master. Today we shall see from the first fourteen verses of chapter seven that our standing before God also involves death to the Mosaic Law. Thep. in the remaining verses of this chapter we shall see the believer's state in the flesh and the way to victory over sin. In our next study. in chapter eight, we shall reach the [Page 107
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