ADDRESSES ON ROMANS on to lead the believer into the secrets of the family of God. Therefore, these words have nothing to do with uncon~ verted people; such people do not have the privilege of hearing God's purpose set forth. However, God does not predestine a11Y!!._ne to be lost. Let us ever remember that. Peter says that our God , lSii(;t willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (II Pet. 3: 9). We know that "whosoever will" may "take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22: 17). That is the message we preach to the godless. But when you become a member of the family of God, my brother, you find that before you chose God, He chose you. You were "chosen ... in him before the foundation of the world" (Eph. 1 :4 ). This should make us get on our knees and thank God, that He is such a wonderful God, and that He thought of us so long ago. Is that not wonderful? Someone has likened predestination to a man in a boat, away out on the ocean. A storm was tossing the boat so furiously that the man looked this way and that for a harbor. Away in the distance he saw one. As he passed into the harbor, through the gate, he saw the words: "Whosoever will may come." But after he had gone inside to safety. he saw yet other words: " Chosen ... in him before the founda~ tion of the world." When we enter heaven's gates, we do so at God's invitation to the world; but when we walk the streets of the New Jerusalem, we shall see also: "Chosen in • him." My friends, do not ask me to harmonize the free will of man with predestination. We shall be able to do that in glory. But God had these great words recorded, in order that His children might enjoy eternal security now, in this life. We had a part in God's eternal purpose before we were ever born. You and I chose Him; but He chose us first. Let us get down on our knees and thank Him for this wonderful fact. - 3. CALLED. "Whom he did foreknow, he also did pre~ destinate ••• Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called" (verses 29, 30 ) . 0 f the links in this chain of Page 158]
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