ADDRESSES ON ROMANS dows of the coming Redeemer and Lord. "The giving of the law" was not to be lightly esteemed. 5. "THE SERVICE." "The service" here refers to the ritualistic worship connected with the tabernacle and the temple. Israel was the only nation given an authorized form of worship. And everything connected with the ritualistic ceremony pointed forward to Christ-the sacrifices, the lavar, the shewbread, the altars. the candlestick, the vail, the burning of incense, the ark-all beautifully typified the Person and work of Christ. Some Gentile organizations, unmindful of God's purpose, have taken over these customs and ritualistic ceremonies. We see priests in churches today, boys carrying candles, beautiful tapestries-all copied from the Jewish re- ligious service. But these things are all meaningless, except as they were observed by Israel in Old Testament times. And in Christ they have been done away! (See Heb. 8:1-10:18.) 6. "THE PROMISES." The promises refer to the temporal blessings connected with the reign of Christ on earth. During His millennial rule over the earth, the Hebrew people will be wonderfully blessed in material ways. They will be honored by all nations. No longer the people of the wandering feet, they will be established in their own land; and through them our Lord, with the church, will rule over all the Gentile world. The promise of the Messiah's first coming has been fulfilled; and the promises that have to do with His second coming in power and glory are sure! Israel will one day come into her own. 7. "THE FATHERS." "Whose are the fathers" -what other nation has had fathers like those in Israel? What an ancestry she has! There were men like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. I believe it was Lord Disraeli, one of the foremost prime min- isters England has ever had, who in answer to a taunt concern- ing his being a Jew said: "Yes, my friend, I am a Jew. I belong to the most wonderful nation on the earth. Let me remind you that when,your ancestors were gathering acorns [Page 177
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