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coming into the world,Jje was referred to as: ( 1 ) "The seed of woman," (2 ) "the seed of Abranam, ailcC{J}"the seed of David." The throne of David belongs to Him; and one day He will sit upon that throne as Kfo.g of--Kings and Lord of Lords, ruling over His people Israel, and through them, over the whole world. ~ '1J I believe that this day is rapidly drawing nigh. Have you read in the papers recently that there is to be the greatest exodus of the Jews from Germany since Israel left Egypt? One hundred thousand Jews expect to leave this land of per- secution, fifty thousand of them to go to Palestine. Surely we are living in a day when "the fig tree" is beginning to bud! This One who gave us salvation, this One who is "the seed of David," will reign as Lord of Lords over the house of Jacob forever. (c) "The Son of God," verse 4. The next thing we read about the Lord Jesus Christ is that He was "declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holi- ness, by the resurrection from the dead." This does not mean that He became the Son of Go_d, as deity, aft~ -His resilrr:C- tion from the dead. This error is taught by various cults, such as Russellism. Tney say theLord wasjust a ·rordimrry human being while He was here on earth. They even have the boldness to turn to this fourth verse of the first chapter of Romans to prove their point, perverting its meaning. We have already seen that the words "to be" here are in italics, which means that they were not in the original Greek, but were put in by the translators. What the verse really means is that, always the eternal Son of God, Christ was "declared the· Son of God," proven to be the Son of God, by the Holy Spirit. in His resurrection from the dead. In other words, His bodily resurrection proved beyond the shadow of c,l doubt tha_t is claims to be eternal God were true. Jesus Christ always was the Son of God. He cl{limed tf'I be divine when He was here on earth. Certain people chal- lenged Him on this_daim. But He said, "Destroy this temp e, Page 16)
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