Talbot - Addresses on Romans


never forgotten them: and, even though they forsake Him, He will not give them up. "What a wonderful Saviour!" My Christian friend, let us examine our own hearts and lives in this matter. God intends that, through love for Israel, we should provoke them to jealousy. Does the love of Christ in our hearts manifest itself to wayward, blinded, stumbling Israel? God wants the Jews to get an object....lesson from us, so to speak. We owe to them the Bible and Christ "according to the flesh." Are we paying them our debt of love? I am afraid the average Jew would not desire our Lord, judging from our attitude toward him. Look at the history of the so....called Christian nations. See how these have per.... secuted, hated, and despised the children of Israel. Well have they been called "the people of the bleeding, wandering feet." And no wonder their hearts have been hardened against Christ. I remember having preached on this subject in The Scofield Memorial Church in Dallas, Texas, some years ago. A number of Jews were inter·ested, and asked me to return to their city to speak on Israel's future, according to the Word of God. They sponsored a series of meetings, at which time questions were raised and answered in the light of the Jewish Scriptures. And the hardest question to answer was this, "If Christ is our Messiah, how cari His followers persecute us so?" The only answer I could give was that no real Christian would persecute a Jew. We should hang our heads in shame and sorrow, that such an accusation can justly be brought against professing Christendom. God has given the Gentiles the Gospel, in order that they may present the glories of Christ in such a way that Israel will desire the blessings that are to be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. "ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED" 11: 12....32 The primary thought in the mind of the apostle from verses 12....32 is summed up in the words of verse 26, "All Page 212] ·

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